Guitarfags, post/rate gear?

guitarfags, post/rate gear?

What model is one on the left? And what is the middle one?

Says it right on the head retard

post your jam sesh , anyone can take a picture of their gear , lets hear if you can play lol

>middle and right
bretty good m8

The MODEL dude, I mean which mustang, which telecaster?

like standard, special, etc...

Rate my gear

this nigger gets it.

also, where were they built?


Also no Stratocaster kys

what color should i spray my stratocaster today- olympic white or fiesta red?


do want

what kind of bass should i buy as a beginner (first bass)

I'd go white, what colour is the pick guard?

Buy a squier or a used fender

I know a guy who buys guitars, guitar parts, and puts them together.
He can't play a single chord, but he loves guitars.

any advice on choosing effects pedals? had my electric for about 2 years and was thinking of getting a distortion pedal to go with my amp (marshall valvestate 8080)

white but i'll replace that too, while it's apart i'm going to install new pickups and electronics

hmm, thats a good question bro. If you wanna save money go for a cheap squire or fender, if you wanna have a really goos bass that last you a life time, go for Kiesel(carvin)

or a nice sire marcus miller v7


That's pretty much how Leo Fender was. I mean he knew chords but he was primarily a tech guy, as opposed to Les Paul who was a famous archtop player before he invented his electric guitar

8/10 OP, id give it a 10 but im not into Fenders myself

You can still buy the pedals and the FGN.

Buy a new amp first.
>But I can't afford a new amp
Then save money.

Too drunk to take a picture, I have a Kerry King warlock it's disgustingly awful, it was my first guitar I've been playing for 14 years and am still too broke to afford a new one, lastly why no strat?

Damn, I wanted a really goose bass and I came here for advice on where to find one. Guess the search continues.

Michael Fox, is that you?

Fuck you metal fag, I do like your choice of pedals though, that DBD is quite tasty.

kek, i was running a high fever that day when i took the photo, had just gotten the guitar home, didnt even get the chance to play it because of the flu


Fuck you too. I play a lot of things, not just metal. That's why my rig is a bit unorthodox.

Nice mustang m8, mines a beat up one from 1970


I'm digging them. The Tele is my favorite though. However, if you're looking for anything other than clean tones, you might want to invest in some new pick-ups. Strats can sound especially nice when they've got humbuckers.

Just buy a strat in ssh lol

Is there even such a thing?

Yeah it might be just newer models

Definitely custom shop sells them

Never seen one and can't really figure out, why anyone would put a humbucker in the neck position instead of the bridge position.

A couple of mine

Tanglewoods are nice for beginners, I like mine so much, I still use it

What's going on with that Agile's bridge pickup?

Metalfag reporting

The Agile's bridge pickup is an old horseshoe lap steel design that gives a lot of output and sustain. Between that and the gold foil neck p/u it plays like one of the Waterslide Coodercasters. Also that Bigsby has a b-blender on it for pedal steel sounds.

That's one weird guitar.


>TFW poor fag so can only afford Peavey trash

You shouldn't

what color then? it's got nothing on it right now

>tfw even poorer than this user and can only afford to play air guitar

Thoughts on ovations?

yo, playing the guitar is seriously one of the most pathetic, gay things you could do.

t. bassist

Says the tambourine player.

youre never going to be a rock star. grow up, faggot.

playing music is for douchebags.

That's not why I play guitar.

My '97 MIM

yes it is, even if you cant admit it.



What do you do for a hobby? Play video games? Watch anime? What's your creative outlet?

I like barbecuing, skiing, baseball, masturbating, hiking.

wich model is the hofner?

ugliest guitar ever

prettiest guitar ever

Some people just want to write songs. I use guitar as a light background noise for bass and drum dominant songs and it works for having a layer of sound in the dynamics as opposed to it leaving silence behind drum and bass jams. Not everyone uses guitar as a lead instrument.
>steps on your Nike's and smears dirt into them
>inhalers from vape
>lemon-strawberry glucose corn syrup exhale
>pulls CD player with 90's headphones out of fannypack
>walks away listening to radiohead at ear damaging volume

>that low e being that far forward

fucking DROPPED

i don't fuck with unintonated street SHIT

that's really fucking gay dude..

you'd turn down a travis bean?

>eating cheap, smoked with toxins meat
>living in a cold area like a cuck
>gayest sport next to tennis
>reason you're on Sup Forums (get back to your trap threads)
>take this hobby and use it metaphorically to leave this thread

if he can't even intonate a guitar, what makes you think he can make a quality product otherwise

1/10 bait made me reply.

If you implied it is gay then I have some news for you son, I got 68 bitches but you're ino men and you're one.

Get rid of the scratchboard on the left mate.

Noel Redding sig jazz, 618


Fucking lold

>>living in a cold area like a cuck
Cold areas are the best though.

'94 40th anniv. strat, Gibson studio DLX2, 618

nice breakdown there, music faggot.

'83 Gibson Les Paul custom, 618

Wronghanded poorfag here.

Vintage LV6
tfw no one makes fucking wronghanded offsets


Don't have any pics of my whole squad but here's part one

Fellow lefty here.


Playing guitar
>fun hobby
>increases sex appeal(a little bit)
>becomes a part of your personality
>Knowing how to play an instrument looks good on a resume
>Get acquainted with other guitarists/musicians in your community
Its not that bad, user

Does the neck drop on you when you use a strap?

everyone I have ever met that plays the guitar is obnoxious and annoying.

not at all

This post is the definition of irony.

>Old fag here,

I haven't figured out how to reduce the size of the photos I take with my iphone to post them on Sup Forums.
>If I could I'd smoke all you cockfags.


Only a real shit bag would use a top-tier (Fender) head with a shit-tier (Crate) cabinet.

You have to take the photo faster so that the camera doesn't have as much time to capture the photo, because the longer it takes the photo the larger the file will be.

An Epiphone SG into a (most likely) Crate combo amp. Rhetorically asking; could you be any more of a faggot?

I got the crate 4x like 15 years ago, dont have hundreds of dollars for a new cab tp go with the head (which i got for an incredible deal)

>top-tier fender head
fucking super champ x2
top kek

Jackson Masterbuilt SL2H