Hi Sup Forumsros, was just wondering if there's any danger in jerking off too much...

Hi Sup Forumsros, was just wondering if there's any danger in jerking off too much. You see I've recently gone cold turkey off antidepressants and while I was on them, I had super low libido and probably at best jerked off once every week maybe 2 weeks. Past couple of days I'm going ham on my dick, even the littlest things are making me horny and cum. So is there a chemical danger in all of this?


Good question fellow fap bro wondering as well

yes, actually you gonna die. I mean, we all do. one day.

Try doing stuff that doesn't involve your dick. Lift or something, it should boost your testosterone

Yeah that's what I was thinking, but it's so hard (no pun intended) to ignore. I literally just rub my dick through my pants before and exploded. It was like a 15 sec rub, then I was ready to go again in 10 mins :/

That's porn addiction my friend. Your brain has been craving orgasms and now you've opened the flood gate.

I wouldnt call that addiction, youre really hypersexual atm and you should probably just try not to masturbate too much, buy a fleshlight or anal toys, whatever youre into and try to keep it to once a day.

And dont delve into weird fetishes, you will ruin your life if you go too deep.

Fuck, you're definitely right. I've been downloading old Milfhunter vids all day, like 20 so far. It's never been this intense before. I'm going to have to wait for this to subside and hope I don't mess my head up too much.

moar of this girl too?

I think this goes without saying that I am not a neuroscientist/doctor, but as to the mental/physical harm this can do:

Your brain is filling with DELTA-FOS-B right now, and it will make you need harder porn to get off. You'll feel less virile now that you're jerking regularly too. This is why no-fap is a thing, there's speculation that your androgen receptors don't function properly when you're jerking off too often.

For the physicality, you can damage soft tissues and veins in your dick irreversibly if it's too frequent for too long.

Once a day is not good advice to someone who is truly addicted. That's just enough heroin to get them hooked again.

It's the same girl, Amournath I think. I don't have that much else. Here's some Kayla Erin
Interesting, thanks for the info


I would invite you to research DELTA-FOS-B and the effects it has on your brain. Don't ever take medical advice from Sup Forums without independent verifying it first. There's an excellent TED talk on the subject if that's your kind of thing.

independently research**

Listen to this man I've fapping for god knows how many years to porn and got addicted to it just never knew I was. I got a girlfriend recently and it was really fucking hard to get an erection going when we got to that stage, it was the worst feeling ever. We managed to make it work but making me climax is super hard and it hurt her self-steem a bit. Don't go down the slippery slope user.


thanks based OP

Chemical? No. Your dick falling of by jacking it all the time yes.

>any danger in jerking off too much

here they say you'll get blind, and it seems they have a point

Will do, thanks boys. It's all new to me, this feeling and mental state. Antidepressants are a fuckery for sure

It won't be easy but abstaining from porn for 4-6 months is the estimated time it takes to reverse the DELTA-FOS-B saturation for someone in their 20's. That time actually shortens the older you get (apparently because you didn't have access to, specifically, DSL internet porn your whole life)

No probs


If jerking off would be dangerous we'd all be dead by now.

My left ball hurts when i jack it too much. I've cum at least 8 times.

Masturbation causes Depression , it fucks with ur energy and makes ur Body tired.

most importantly and as a man u might give a shit about this, it causes hairloss, the increased dopamine release also increases the Testosterone ur Body produces which leads to increased DHT = hair thinns/falls out.

studies and self Experiments have shown that People who went on NoFap for 2-3months have grown hair back faster than any product could .

advicefag here

My balls were hurting when I wasn't jacking off that much. Pain even went up into my abdomen.

I've been back and forth with it for years actually, that's why I researched the science behind it. I've let it go to the point that it's undeniably shown in my outward appearance (wandering eyes, glossy eyes, inappropriate smiles) and it's all involuntary. Caused me quite a lot of anxiety before I knew what it was.

I probably shouldn't tell you this (don't do as I do, do as I say lol) but I personally use it as a tool now. I spend a great deal of time alone and I basically allow myself to let loose as long as I don't have to interact. It certainly makes me depressed/anxious if I do it too long but as long as I balance it right it's overall beneficial to me.

Shit, did not know this. Fuck our dicks man, they cause so much chaos.

rarely any1 does NoFap thats why most Basement virgins who just masturbate to porn , living in the Imagination of actually fucking a Girl . Will never get laid and end up being bald and depressed

advisefag here

i'm addicted to porn and masturbation, but that's only cuz it's the only shit I even care about anymore.
fuck going out and trying to make friends or get pussy because everyone's a worthless faggot who needs to be slowly burned to death in grease.
and video games are boring.


Are you advisefag? Here's some advice, tie your next tie out of rope and jump off of a footstool while it's properly secured around a support beam.
Fuck off homoshit.

victim to the porn industry

The problem is when you jerk off to internet porn you can't perform when you actually get a real girl because your brain and your penis are only wired into one way of getting off, whih is usually from using the death grip. And that causes you to be more depressed and jerk off even more to internet porn using the death grip. Nix the porn asap. And learn to masturbate using lighter techniques and only your imagination. Otherwise you'll be a basement dwelling virgin forever. And I really doubt that is good for your self esteem.

O btw I've been jerking off everyday for 20 years and never lost any hair so stop listening to these loser redditfags who want you to join their little online support group.

no it's not lol.

the fact that u react like that just Shows that im right and i've probably hit some insecurities of urs.
just trying to present some Facts that might help you user

advisefag out

When i was smoking weed regulary i rapper every other day, now 9 months later fapping 2-3 times a day Its my only "high" i get nowdays

>regulary i rapper every other day

Replace rapper with fapped

No but I'm definitely making fun of you. I really hit a nerve didn't I neckbeard loser?

O every Human being doesn't work the exact same Way??

Our genes and Hormonal System isnt the exact same ?

Do you have any more mindblowing Facts for us user? i really wanna hear it

No not really. These are the same boring tactics I've seen ad infinitim on this shitty ass website.
Nothing wrong with fapping. Probably right about the porn though. Eventually just become a fucking pedo and pariah amongst your family and friends.
Still fuck nofap and fuck Sup Forums you fags are no better than fucking kikes.

lol you're a fucking beta
I bet your short too, little dick
end yourself

thats exactly what i wanted to hear

thanks for not wasting any more of my time .


Funny how you still react so defensively then, you'd think one would learn how to cope. I mean fuck Sup Forums but nofap has science behind it - you're an embarrassingly narrow minded neckbeard

shut up nerd
you can have all of the science in the world, you're still gonna be an angry beta with no pussy
>inb4 bullshit story about your "life"
I don't give a shit fuck off!

shit b8

Wellp he just earned 2/10. Nice going faggot. kek

If you need to fap keep to once or twice a week.

Your time is better spent improving yourself and exploring productive hobbies and eventually sharing your sexuality with a willing woman.

Fapping is fine and healthy, but keep that shit moderated and don't rely on porn or fucked up fantasies to get off.

thanks, didnt know that till now

THeres got to be something out there for ye. Music? Astronomy? Backpacking is pretty fucking awesome

>this thread
KeK have you nofap guys ever gotten laid?
Am I going to lose all my hair and fuck up my dick from getting my dick sucked 4-5 times a week? Oh from hittin some ass?
Or is that somehow vastly different then stimulating my own orgasm?
>inb4 you will live longer if you never have sex, don't care if that's true (and you shouldn't either, rethink your life) lol

>no responses

simple minded and dellusional

not even bro, what you guys are saying makes no sense at all.

Poor meggy doesn't look so good after the weight loss vein city

The only dangers I know of when you masturbate too much is over sensitivity on or around the head, lack of semen, and occasionally your pecker will leak semen

spent 6k on porn recently so had to hide my cred card up neighbor tree.

Why not torrent it

>Or is that somehow vastly different then stimulating my own orgasm?

I don't know about "vastly" but I know I've experienced a different physical/psychological reaction after busting a nut from fapping to pro porn vs fapping to homemade porn vs no porn vs actual fucking.