I just started uni last week and was wondering if its easy to score some ass as easy as they say or is it just a myth.
I just started uni last week and was wondering if its easy to score some ass as easy as they say or is it just a myth
Myth. Your chances increase because there are more girls and you typically get out to parties /bars etc. more, but you still have to work for it. Nothing is given
if you're chad, yea it's easy
if not, it's not so easy
just like the other real life situations
>wondering if it's easy to score some ass?
are you a virgin OP?
Like the other user said, it's considered easier just because you're around way more females and in a lot more social situations.
Fucking them requires the same thing it usually does outside of college: Confidence. Or at least the ability to fake it.
This doesn't necessarily mean arrogance, but a good amount of "not-giving-a-shit" is essential.
There are other normal ways to get pussy, namely having money or being shockingly good looking, but those are exceptions and not the rule. The main thing is and always will be confidence. Everything else is secondary.
Act like you don't give a shit, have other cool shit you could be doing, and don't be rude but don't kiss their ass either. Express interest and don't be phased if it doens't pan out - they are far more into the dude who hits on them and gets shut down then moves on than the guy who calls them pretty on facebook.
No it won't be easy for you
i went to uni and i was an antisocial fuck who did not even attend any of the meetups etc
its all up to you, don't screw up like me
tfw in a group of 120 females and me, the only one male, they will assume I'm gay. feelsbadman
are you sure you even male?