Thoughts on the infamous 2000 election?
Bush vs. Gore
The only thing Jeb has done that actually worked.
Jeb rigged it for his brother, though he almost made up for it by fueling the Trump fire
Both candidates are shit. The better candidate won though
>The better candidate won
You mean George W "Lets invade the Middle East and destroy the US economy even more!" Bush?
Generally the 'nickname' in quotations should be catchy or have some sort of rhythm to it. Apply yourself, you can do better!
Kill yourself
yeah I'm sure he was behind everything
Long time ago.
completely proves that voting doesn't matter and everything is preplanned in accordance with the protocols
watch it happen again this year
>Gore wouldn't have gone to war regardless
Naive. W increased NASA funding and Gore would've destroyed our economy and likely would have cut NASA spending
Gore would have done the exact same thing.
It was a crazy night on Sup Forums
They first called it for Gore
then uncalled it
then called it for Bush
then uncalled it
Never in history have you seen something like that
Gore would have invaded Iraq too.
I don't know about Iraq
He would invaded Afghanistan, but Iraq? Iraq was totally a Cheney/Neo-Con faction thing.
Dude what are you talking about? I've been here since the 1993 WTC bombing threads. Those were legendary
bush destroyed our economy
all of the official and unofficial recounts after the election showed Bush won.
Gore ended up becoming a billionaire through global warming scaremongering. that's probably an easier route than having to worry about terrorists 24/7 for 8 years.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
9/11 wouldn't have happened under gore because he'd take the cia report of bin laden's attack seriously.
Jon Stewart? Is that you?
proof that democracy is a meme
>bin laden's attack
good goy
Ironically, if Gore had capitulated to Bush's demand for a statewide recount, he would have won.
Lol, Nader. Now Bernie's going to make it happen again.
>Lets invade the Middle East and destroy the US economy
>thinking the war tanked our economy and not the artificially altered interest rates heralded by Greenspan along with NAFTA disasters Clinton enabled
do you even think before being retarded?
Never has there been more asshurt. I remember my liberal as fuck 5th grade teachers being super mad and talking shit to our class saying "IT WONT MATTER CAUSE MUH RECOUNT!"
if Ol' Yeb didnt rig Florida for G Dub Yah gore would've been president.
>Theres burgers who unironically think that Bush was a good president
Voting doesn't matter.
Misses it by 6000.
Al Gore said we should invade Iraq before Bush did
Gore lost. Get over it.
Who was Al Gore's VP pick? Anyone remember?
He was, because you could believe what he said
joe lieberman
surprised I remembered that
Those interest rates certainly fucked things up good and proper but the Iraq war added billions in debt. We're still paying for the Iraq war.
In the 2000 presidential election in Florida, George W. Bush defeated Al Gore by 537 votes. Nader received 97,421 votes, which led to claims that he was responsible for Gore's defeat.
Nader, both in his book Crashing the Party and on his website, states: "In the year 2000, exit polls reported that 25% of my voters would have voted for Bush, 38% would have voted for Gore and the rest would not have voted at all." (which would net a 13%, 12,665 votes, advantage for Gore over Bush.)
Later switched from Dem to Rep party. Was for the Iraq War.
The American people wanted to invade. We're shitheads. It's kind of surprising, but presidents in in the US are pretty good at doing what the people want. Even if what they want is retarded.
Bush won fair and square, after tons of recounts it's never come out with gore getting more than bush.
>they weren't even here for the LA Riot threads in 92
First presidential election I followed, I was about 12 at the time. I was disappointed when Gore lost... I thought he was a great man.
Probably the last good Democrat ever to run for the presidency.
This was one of the funniest parts of Postal 2
If gore had campaigned in his own state he would have one. Bush won fair and square
if it kills mudslimes its working
The hanging chad and disenfranchised shit pulled by the democrats while suppressing military overseers and mailed in votes was outrageous.
Also if you didn't support Bush Jr's Economic and Mideast policies then you don't support Obabo or Hilary as both did and continue to do so now.
remember when gore said the world would end in the next 10 years if he wasnt elected
>You mean George W "Lets invade the Middle East
his platform was that he would stop the bombings that clinton was doing in the middle east.
then 9/11 happened and everyone went ape shit, no president would have been able to stop any invasion except maybe washington himself.
>ITT: newfags who weren't even around during the crusades
Top notch banter, that was. The night they captured Jerusalem was glorious