wtf I hate india now
Wtf I hate india now
I know right, he wasn't even raped :'(
>not even a rat
>multiple rats
>in a government hospital
super power by 20k30
No one cares
RIP baby, never had a chance to shit in the designated street
First post best post.
"...rats had eaten away the fingers of his right hand and also the eye."
India, come on.
This is a good example of why India should kill small rodents like rats.
They really need to get with the 1st world.
There are too many of you. Knock it the fuck off.
India should send all of their pregnant women here.
>This is a good example of why Rats should kill small rodents like Indians.
>They really need to get with the 1st world.
I agree. We should take turns rather than going all bukkake.
>rats had eaten away the fingers of his right hand and also the eye
fucking hell, India
I'm surprise these savages aren't rewarding the hungry rats with milk for eating that baby.
Rats are holy animals in India along with the cow.
Rats are bro-tier. They are helping us control the population. :)
>this morning the hospital superintendent told me I need not worry as I have another son
Why do we still associate with this part of the world? They view human lives like their spare parts.
>can't handle the bantz
Why the fuck does he have a chunk of ground meat on his head?
>Don't kill rats! They could be someone related to you reincarnated!
>Rats literally eat baby
>Killing rats is bad, but letting old perverted ancestors eat children is okay
That's how we bait the Muslims.
I agree with everything you've quoted :^)
thx senpai