> conservashits
Is this the third or fourth time you've made this thread today?
That does it
I am now #cruzmissile
I see nothing wrong with this. Immigrants always do nigger shit like that.
Trump baked his own cookies moron its the jews that steal the worker's cookies
Someday I'm going to be the one who takes the 19 cookies
This food analogy is so terrible it belongs in a Sup Forums thread.
>tfw trump owns the room, the table and all the cookies and was kind enough to give the worker one for free
An immigrant sneaks into the room and starts stealing cookies and cries racism when someone asks him to leave.
>americans using food for analogy
how surprising
If Trump owns the cookies, then no one else at the table is entitled to even a crumb.
>he fell for the zero sum economy meme
that's it you've convinced me now I'm a #shitmissle
im now a #JEBHEAD
>Donald trump provides the kitchen.
>Worker bakes the cookies.
>Immigrant tries to eat the cookies without putting in any effort.
Fixed that for ya op.
I wonder why they said immigrant instead of illegal alien?
Also, can't help but feel that the faggot who made this has no grasp on economics or owning a business. Cause if he did he wouldnt be a liberal.
I get PTSD thinking of the terrible analogies I read
Proof positive that leftshits cannot into economics. That's why you're always fucking poor and demanding gibs--you're human garbage that don't have fiscal discipline and/or intellect to grow your money.
You deserve being poor and to die in some gutter.
I was biggest Trump fan.
I now #shill4hill
> he fell for the Illegals are taking American jobs and driving wages down meme
>finite number of cookies
Who are these occupy people? All their "dank maymays" are fucking stupid.
>forgetting that loan capital is the problem.
You can profit off those cookies for $100 in total at best. Banks will profit $1200 in comparison and will increase in wealth every year. Why bother making cookies when banks can lend you $300 and give you good ole american debt, You can't physically pay it back. Forever a debt slave.
i now support mr cruz as the correct republican nominee
seems they're trying to get through to the feminist crowd
Ty based nip
>share if you agree!
Conservative borrows money from bank, opens bakery, creates jobs, sells cookies, pays bank back with interest and starts making money for himself.....meanwhile libtards sit and whine for someone to "gib me uh cookie".
I can see Ben Shapiro retweeting this since he's become such a fan of shit tweets lately.
more like
>trump, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies that all cost a dollar
>trump buys 19 cookies with his 19 dollars
>trump warns the worker that if the worker doesnt buy the cookie the immigrant gets it for free
>the worker asks why he has to pay a dollar when the immigrant gets if for free
>the worker asks why doesnt the government just provide enough cookies so everyone can get one for free
>worker protests the room so that the worker and immigrant can take trumps money to buy the cookies
>trump leaves the room before it happens
>still only 1 dollar can be used to buy a cookie since there is no other money to take to buy the other 19 cookies
>the immigrant explodes
you forgot the drugs, criminals and rapists who also come with the illegals
Low energy shilling desu
see how easy it is to make up bullshit, everyone?
Fuck, this really happened?
Wow, they sure convinced me!
I'm voting Killary now.
Donald Trump, a woman and an immigrant are sitting at a table full of food.
Donald Trump then transforms in to satan. He then rapes the woman and kills the immigrant. Then he summons the rest of his demon army from hell to take over all of the free world killing all innocent men woman and children.
>implying that trump is a conservative
> Wow
> Great!
> Wow
> Great
> Wow
> Great!
> Wow
> Great
> Wow
> Great!
> Wow
> Great!
Jill Stein it is!
>illegal alien
That is racist. They are supposed to be called oppressed future Americans.
>bake a plate of cookies
>bernie sanders says if you give him some, other people will get to have cookies and in the end everyone will be better off
>he takes all your cookies
>somehow everyone except him seems to have less cookies
Trump also own the ovens that baked them, purchased the ingredients used to make them, and set you up to bake them. He then gives you a cookie for performing work for him. That's how pay checks work. The Mexican would take a quarter of the cookie for the same work and put you out of a job. Then you'd have no cookies at all.
Wow, a strawman.
>Trump also own the ovens
>jobs are magically made when a button is pressed in the oval office
>food metaphor
yes that is right,
even if that is true it's still better me then the immigrant getting the cookie desu. We know the game is rigged, but we don't need more competitors in the game either.
Hillary Clinton , a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies. At first the worker is set to get all 20 cookies for doing a good job. Then Hillary brings in the immigrant and gets him to do the same job for 2 cookies. When the worker complains she calls him a racist bigot.
Trump owns all of those, and sells those cookies. You get a bit of the proceeds to keep making the cookies.
If you owned the oven, the kitchen, bought the ingredients, and paid all the fees and taxes then you'd get most of the fucking cookies.
God damn. Liberals are like kindergartners.
>implying it is a zero-sum game
wew lad
Life is always a zero sum game. Someone gets more, you get less comparatively. That's all that matters. Kings in the medieval times had shit compared to a poor person today. That doesn't change the fact that had more than anyone else and therefore felt rich and powerful.
I am now a cruz missile; and #iStandWithHer make donald drumpf again fuck trump!!!