On the Day of the Rope, should all nonwhite women be killed or are some too attractive/intelligent to do away with?
Should nonwhite women be killed?
brehs . . .
can you even satisfy that without an 8x6?
If you think white women are acting badly now, wait till they become the only ones.
Is my gf white
No you stupid fucking autist.
There will be no "day of the rope" , get your head checked you fucking idiot.
I think so.
Well I sure hope there is.
That's messed up dude, seriously what's wrong with some of you people?
*whispers* shhhhut up.. it's because of stuff like this that they'll hang Canadians too.
I can't tell if you are just memeing or what.
Even our supposedly feminist PM BATTERED AND ASSAULTED A DEFENSELESS WOMAN today.
>leddit detected
>being not edgey as fuck is reddit
You got it the other way
>Brown hair
Thats exactly what this is
unless I misplaced my sarcasm detector
I am pretty sure if there is any day of rope, useless autists like you will be the first to go.
Bullets and nooses don't discriminate
>Implying she isn't considered white in America
Only beta and omega male losers like "nonwhite women".
But I will leave you all to your own devices. At least this thread is going well. I expected all the faggots on this board to start oogling over nonwhite women, but you didn't. So that's a start.
If there ever is a "day of the rope", all degenerates must be punished.
Every woman should be killed
I think NEETs and Sup Forums will be the first to die on "the day of the rope"
I propose keeping all _northern_ women, not merely white ones.