>Rights aren't given to us, or able to be taken away, since every living person has these rights automatically
>Fetus is a living person inside of a womb, hence has these same rights
>Lol, nah. Abortion cool tho.
Explain yourselves, pro choice fags
>Rights aren't given to us, or able to be taken away, since every living person has these rights automatically
>Fetus is a living person inside of a womb, hence has these same rights
>Lol, nah. Abortion cool tho.
Explain yourselves, pro choice fags
I just see abortion as a survival of the fittest sort of situation
I'm conflicted.
I'm for killing babies, but I'm against women having a choice.
>that thing
It resembles an ayylmao more than any human
Jesus Christ that's terrible.
As a matter of personal survival Im glad future degenerates are aborted tho
Rights are based on sentience. A fetus is not sentient therefore it has no rights. If you think otherwise you are a fucking retarded hick because it is literally an objective fact.
If you want an abortion, pay for it your fucking self. Idon't want my tax dollars helping to fund this shit.
The fetus doesn't have the same rights though, as it is considered, legally, as not yet human. Your stance against or for abortion is irrelevant, as judicial systems across the West have decided, for practical reasons, to value the mother's rights more than the fetus. This is why they both have a different status and why your statement is wrong.
Abortion is the #1 killer of niggers in America.
Abortion kills more niggers in one year than the KKK did in all of American history.
Anti-Abortion is code for Pro-Nigger.
>since every living person has these rights automatically
no objective source of morality = no automatic rights
Rights are based on the natural limits of government.
Only 363,000? I'm suspicious.
A person in a coma is also not sentient, is it moral to abort them?
A fetus is just a human in a 15 year coma
>90% of abortions are nigs
>women who would abort their kid are just going to raise a fuckup
abortion may be murder but don't die on that hill you gigantic faggot
we have bigger things to worry about
I support eugenics, anyone with genes worth saving would act in the best interest of there offspring. Abortion is degenerate as fuck but I support the degenerates right to remove themselves from the gene pool.
Define sentience. A fetus can theoretically feel pain at 7 weeks. Wanting to escape from pain. Isn't that sentient?
pretty grim
Abortion is disproportionately performed by blacks and poors. Keep it legal. Incentivize it.
>living person
That's the problem, it's alive but it can't exist outside its mother. It's not a separate person, it's a part of her body.
People should have kids when they choose to, it makes for a stronger family and a better nation.
>Fetus is sentient and feels pain therefore human-like enough to protect.
>Lol vegan liberals are so fucking stupid with their animal shit.
Whites have nearly as many abortions. Something like 330k to 360k.
>I don't want to pay for Shaniqua's abortion!
>Shaniqua goes on to have 6 beautiful baby boys who grow up to be the Tyrone and Jamal's of the world
>Cause considerable violence and crime
>End up in jail for most of their lives
>Costs you a fuckton more in the end
Pick your fucking poison faggot.
>he doesn't support eugenics
I don't like anything about abortion but it's necessary in certain situations
whites outnumber blacks at least five to one
I define the level of sentience at which rights occur to be a level above that of an Ape. Humans don't reach that until about 1 to 2 years of age. Until then they should ideally be treated as property. Unfortunately the sentimental value to their parents dictates that we must lower that to birth. Anything before that is open season. I'm not even kidding
Some preemies survive at 23 weeks. Mine were born at 30.
>but it's necessary in certain situations
terminal blackness
>A person in a coma is also not sentient, is it moral to abort them?
Yes, there family can refuse medical care on there behalf, ever heard the phrase "pulling the plug"?
>A fetus is just a human in a 15 year coma
I support post birth abortion but 15 years is a bit too far. I think once society has started to educate them then the parents should no longer be able to abort them. Well maybe if they are little shits in school too than the family and school can decide together to abort them even part way through the education process.
I'm too lazy to search for the 2010 cdc charts. So meh.
Yes. It is a necessary disgusting thing.
Listen fag. A parent owns a child as long as it pays for it. When the kid can get a job and pay his own taxes than it becomes free. As long as it lives under my hood, I own it. Don't like it? Leave.
You'd be okay with the murder of a 1 to 2 year old child? Get yourself checked out by a shrink. Dead serious.
>letting women choose anything
Girls who have abortion should also be sterilized because they were too stupid to use birth control.
Unwanted children must be taken by the gov and treated properly. Orthants now are ridiculously bad supported and raised poorly. Until some steps from the gov are made abortion is ok.
Based roach. Do you guys sterilize Kurds
Fucking sociopaths on this board. A child is a person. They think and feel the same as you or I (minus your mental disability). You don't own them. You're responsible for them. They're your fuck up. They shouldn't get punished for that.
Fuckin mint /thread
Hey Roach. You may be too young to understand that, but we need subhumans to work and pay taxes to keep this whole socialism thing going on.
Would you be more upset with the death of a dolphin or a 1 year old child? I know for a fact the dolphins death would concern me more because it is more sentient. If you seriously think there is some "human magic" that makes us more important than you should get yourself checked out by a shrink because you're probably a stupid hick.
And no, I wouldn't be "OKAY" with it, just like I wouldn't be OKAY with the death of a dog or cat.
>not prefering your own species
The way I see it, humans are already overpopulated as it is. One abortion = one less human to overpopulate the earth
Not an argument. If I pay to keep something alive, I own it.
I absolutely agree with this. The argument that rights even exist objectively is ridiculous. Being that rights are generally dictated by some sort of informal consensus of society as a whole, can society as a whole, for whatever reason, not also dictate who and what rights are applicable to? If it is dictated, at large, that rights are not valid until a certain stage of development, then they would not be applicable to those who have yet to reach said developmental milestone. If it is generally agreed upon, then, that the right to live is not valid until the second trimester, then the termination, or murder if you want to be unnecessarily macabre for the sake of evoking pathos, of a first trimester fetus would not be the violation of any individuals rights. Also, seeing as rights don't exist objectively, they're nothing but privileges glorified by a collective sentimentality.
Neither you tard. If I had to pick, I'd pick the kid. Because I have EMPATHY,something you sorely lack.
The majority of people that get abortions are niggers. Therefore, abortions indirectly make the world a better place.
second post best post
Sure thing meme man
So you think empathy is limited to your own species? Even if the other animal is objectively more intelligent and capable of thought?
This is redundant,because I'm sure someone like you could ever be in a position to reproduce, but please don't have kids. You'd create literal monsters.
High school-tier joke.
>On average, it costs $10,615 to send a kid to public school for a year. (That's federal, state and local government spending combined.) As the map above shows, that one number masks a huge variation. Utah spends just over $6,000 per student; New York and the District of Columbia over $18,000.Jun 21, 2012
Fine, but if you kill your kid you gotta pay back the state all the money they have put into your kid.
Nice deflection
Do you go to Sea World to watch dolphins hump your gf?
Same, who even gives a fuck about fetuses? It's a great way to control the ever growing population.
I guess I have a empathy hierarchy.
>my species
>my race=ideology
So yeah, ultimately fuck other animals.
I'm ok with murdering babies as long as we set clear rules regulating this in the law. If we have a good law, we should focus on enforcing it. That's it. Poeple will keep murdering babies regardless of the law so it's really irrelevant whether or not the law will be pro-life or pro-abortion. I only care about being able to punish fags that don't agree with me using the police force thanks to the clear rules given.
Not an argument
>Explain yourselves, pro choice fags
I hate niggers
The fetus is feeding off of the mother and forcing her to carry away its waste. Pregnancy harms females.
While yes, the fetus is alive and a human, it is harming the mother. If the mother does not want that harm, it can be removed, as it is an unwanted invader. Just like a nigger that broke into your house and is stealing your shit, kill it.
Morally, abortion is an insolvable problem.
However, within the West, we need to outlaw it. All Western nations need to outlaw it, because we are losing in the race of procreation. We face a net decline in population growth. The mongrel savages beat us outright. We cannot let this happen.
Why would I need to deflect a straw man. Are you seriously retarded enough to make a logical connection between my support for sentience based rights and a hypothetical fetish for watching a black man fuck my gf? Sounds pretty autistic to me.
>vegans dislike eggs because they are deliberately terminated potential children
>are pro abortion
Loving every laugh
That is only (almost) true in america. Its totally blown out of the water if you count Europe where white people have abortions more often than they get a dental checkup or in China where they abort kids for the fun of it.
>>However, within the West, we need to outlaw it.
you realize >70% of abortions in USA are done by minorities, right?
Not your fucking business, mate.
That's your problem. Focus on your imaginary children and stop thinking about what I do with my cock, mmmkay?
>pregnancy is harm
Its very selfish and kinda fucked up tbph but it's the best way to eradicate welfare babies before they're even born. A couple hundred for an abortion or tens of thousands for schooling and gibs? So I am all for it.
>Rights aren't given to us, or able to be taken away, since every living person has these rights automatically
Are you high? Your right to bear firearms can be taken away, just like the right to vote, if you are convicted felon.
>Fine, but if you kill your kid you gotta pay back the state all the money they have put into your kid.
If I pay taxes, I've already paid for the pleasure of letting the government brainwash my kid.
I'll take an American minority over a turd world minority any day of the week. If you look at the actual slated population growths worldwide you would be on the same page as me.
>unwanted invader. Just like a nigger that broke into your house
Analogy only works if she was raped. Women who don't want kids know not to fuck in the front whole without taking precautions.
Never did I mention a black, but interesting that thats where your mind went..
I deduced that you are a cuckold for dolphins
Then i own you, because I pay taxes to keep you alive you fucking commie shit stain
The fuck is wrong with you? It is a kid.
So you'll be willing to pay the taxes to raise the children after I opt out of it, right?
Vote Trump.
You own something if you pay for it exclusively. If you rent a condo with 3 other people, you don't own it. You share it with them.
>if I pay taxes I get to shoot our shoulder fired rockets at our tanks just for the fun of it, I payed for them after all
Nope, the state has interest in the kid once it has invested in it. You destroy that investment you gotta pay.
Condoms can fail. Birth control can fail. Spermicide can fail.
Banning abortions will result in a huge spike in homebrew abortions using coat hangars.
We have 10% of population that do nothing and live on welfare. They are good to go. Its better for economy
Shamefully no. Islamists are against all abortion and sterilization. They care about increasing muslim numbers, including Kurds.
if the mother didnt want that invader she should use her fucking head and have one of the many glorious forms of birth control, or abstain.
The "state" is you and me. If the establishment thinks it can dedice on what is best for me and this country it can go fuck itself. It seems like you filthy Americans forgot about what Democracy is all about.
me and him vote that you should have to pay the taxes back
welcome to democracy, faggot
>>Rights aren't given to us, or able to be taken away, since every living person has these rights automatically
There's your problem. Who thinks that really?
Can you imagine how much worse crime would be if those 363k had lived?
Abortion: It's cheaper than building more prisons.
>We have 10% of population that do nothing and live on welfare.
I live in Poland. We have no real welfare and most of young people left Poland to mooch on UK and Germany. We need more babies to stay white and avoid crashing our economy.
I don't think you quite get who your talking to. Most of us would gleefully gas (well there are cheaper ways to kill) billions (with a b) of people whom we consider undesirable. Your talking to people who preformed blood sacrifices to ebola in hopes of giving it more power to kill third worlders. Get on our level normie.
>If the mother didn't want to die in a horrible fiery car crash, she should have worn her seat belt, or not driven at all!
fuck you you dishonest tearjerking fucks
fetuses are none of those things, they don't feel pain and even if they did saving someone from all the terrible things in life, especially at such an early stage, is immensely positive
think of abortion as a vaccination against homicide
>The fetus doesn't have the same rights though, as it is considered, legally, as not yet human
It is in Ireland.
I hate to admit you're right on that. Morning after pill is pretty much my last stop before the train leaves the station.
No one has "rights". They are indeed given and taken away.
Yes, and do the same for sterilization.
>your taxes pay for state education
>your kid dies after receiving some state education
>you pay for all the education that you already paid for
A mobius strip of taxation. I wonder who could be behind such an idea.
They develope a nervous system capable of feeling pain at 7 weeks.
so do chickens