I hate it when fucking niggers steal shit

I hate it when fucking niggers steal shit.

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like your girlfriend?

I'm a girl there moron.

Talk when your balls have dropped kid.

I hate it when people hate people for their skin color.

Do you hate it less when white people steal your shit

I'm actually Asian.

I'm not even white.

I hate it when niggers drag they're knuckles down the sidewalk and leave chalk marks then beat they're chest at other niggers trying to assert dominance over territory

Did I say anything about what race you were?

I hate it when a woman thinks her opinion matters

Can we just make this a nigger hate thread

But why?

why not?

I fucking hate it when anyone steals shit

Because overgeneralizing a whole group is not good for the mind.

As a black man who is covering an overnight shift at a gas station I can honestly say that I fucking hate niggers

Spicks have sticky fingers and white ppl


I hate it when people hate it when people hate people for their skin color

go back to /pol dumb shits

If you think that's what BLM is protesting, you are sadly mistaken. It is about police on blacks, and transparency for police departments. Just look at Baltimore and see what happened.

Liberals dont understand that there is a difference between black man or a white man and a nigger. A nigger can be black or white or any color actually. It's about their character.

Niggers are niggers if they didn't want to be niggers then they would act like fucking chimpanzees. There's no generalization here

No, that's not actually what's being protested dumbass. Why don't you actually go to their website and read what it's actually about, jesus christ you fuckers are stupid

Wait this isn't Sup Forums? Fuck, I've been using my wrong persona again.

then why not just call them an asshole instead of the Spanish word for black?

No, you're full of shit. There are so many more interesting and specific ways to describe character flaws. The English language is ripe with so many more fantastic and indefensible ways to attack a person's character.

You do realize that there are more cops killed by blacks blacks killed by cops? also FYI there are more unarmed whites killed by cops then there are blacks killed cops. Where is the media outrage for that? Idiots like you are being played by the media and BLM and your too stupid to realize it.

I'm not him but I'm talking about stereotypical niggers. The manner of speaking the manner of dress the smoking Newports, etc.

Why do blacks call each other niggers?

because owning a name makes it less powerful, it cant be used against you that sort of stereotypical cheesy shit

Your just a retarded liberal. Like I said liberals don't understand. Go back to your safe space and play with your coloring books.

But you seem to forget that while using the term you endear the people that do think all black people are niggers

I'm white and I steal shit all the time.
Not into nigger culture.
Where is you're argument now OP?

Not really. Not allowing it to affect you removes its power. I wouldn't expect a liberal to grasp that.

Only because whites are a larger group of the population.

wow, a conservative so stuck in his ideological echo chamber, that he can't even cope with the fact that people think differently, and have different perceptions of the world.

ps "you're"

Like the terms; Whitie, pinky, cracker, Ect. It's OK for them to openly call whites these names but whites cannot even be talking to their friends and family and say nigger ( like niggers do) without a nigger or a liberal getting their shit crusted panties all bunched up when it wasn't even said to them. They just like sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

well its sort of the same idea lets say someone calls you poopy mcbuttface or something retarded like that, you use it as a nickname since it doesn't hurt you (or you use it until you cant feel insulted anymore)

>Like the terms; Whitie, pinky, cracker, Ect. It's OK for them to openly call whites these names but whites cannot even be talking to their friends and family and say nigger
Because it is a derogatory term that people use as a racial epithet. Let me put it to you this way. Girls that are friends call eachother sluts and bitches, yet they do not like it when men call them that. That is especially true if you are in a place that cunt is a strong insult.

I call my black friends nigger all the time, they're chill as fuck with it

and to further add on, BLM isn't just for black lives, they are for police transparency for all races.

they'll probably claim that Jews used blacks to corrupt white society

see figure

You do realize that Blacks make up only 12% of the population. When you put the percentages into the correct amount and look at it by actual numbers. There are more whited killed by cops then blacks. Example: You have 100 whites, 10 are killed by cops = 10% of whites are killed by cops. You have 10 blacks and 5 are killed by cops = 50% of blacks are killed by cops. the static would show that more blacks are killed by cops when in actuality there are more whites killed.

So it's OK to cal a white man anything you want because if a white man calls you anything he's racist? you all are such racist bigots and the sad thing is you don't even realize it..

did you even read the text with it?
>Only because whites are a larger group of the population.
The problem is do you not see anything wrong with unarmed blacks being 5x more likely to be killed?

That is why they like targeting them and shooting them.


however per every 10 interactions their are 5x more blacks killed than whites

while their may be more white bodies whites are less likely to get shot by a law enforcement officer per interaction

Where did I say it was okay to do that?
>I hate it when people hate people for their skin color.
was my first post. Quit being a racebaiting faggot.

When you are part of a population and your segment of the population is more often to resist, shoot at and kill a cop. I wonder why cops would be concerned when having to deal with them. Not all pitbulls are bad dogs. If you had to work with them and deal with many of them knowing that they are more than likely to turn on you and kill you. You still handle them like you would a rabbit?

I hat wite peepl.

no hes saying that you can't call someone a shithead if you're not friends with them (ex white guy calling or referencing a black guy who you don't know well a nigger)

if you get into a argument say whatever the fuck you want

>shoot at and kill a cop.
>You still handle them like you would a rabbit?
You should treat every situation as if both the suspect and your lives depend on it. Never let your guard down for anyone, but don't choose to kill someone when you have plenty of non lethal options.

Ask yourself why that is? Remember it is also black cops killing blacks as well. So try and understand why that would happen. Try putting yourself in the shoes of the police for a while and dealing with what they deal with and who they deal with. Also when someone is killed by a cop ask yourself what lead up to it. They just don't see a black man and go out and shoot them. There is always a reason they are stopped in the first place.

theirs a real catch 22 that they could claim here

you're an haberdasher?

Just pointing out what you were trying to say. I just didn't beat around the bush about it.

>niggers stealing
It's common knowledge
>for a long, long time.

niggers: everything is always about them, and they're always the victim

I know I know but i'm not a criminal investigator and contemplating that has lead me to a real catch 22

When two white people call each other nigger a liberal or some other black jumps in and starts pitching shit.


this whole thread is nauseating as fuck jesus

Try getting bit several times and tell me that.

prey tell, what was I trying to say?

Unprotected VNC server:

yeah I guess i'm more n the liberal side but those are fucking SUPER LIBERALS

I don't hang around people with opinions that are similar to mine since that causes group polarization (where people sink deeper and deeper into an extreme exaggerated version of their own beliefs) it helps to get out of the echo chamber that my local media feeds me

the whole "blacks kill blacks too" thing is asinine

its not that it isn't true its that the statistic is pulled from the reality that 90% of crime happens in the vicinity where one lives and the majority of black people live around other black people meaning crimes (including murder) is likely to involve a black perpetrator and a black victim

just admit you're racist, hate black people and move on

dude calm down logical conclusions are reached through discussion not throwing your hands up and walking away



FBI crime statistics. Learn to use the internet for reasearching something other than fat bottom bitches and weed. Useless nigger...

>Civil War was about slavery

So you are aware of the rules?

>when fucking niggers steal shit

It's so ingrained into their nature,it's like breathing to them.

Nigga's gonna nig...


well bring me to the page
no need to get mad

oh and the viking never stole anything now did they

following that logic you could say the same for whites

Why does he have the Triforce emblem?


Niggers are 18% ~ 20% of the population, yet have rates near or higher than whites.

first of all Norway and Finland have heavy gun regulations

you are also saying you can accurately predict the actions of every citizen from those regions

Finland and Norway are pretty affluent countries Finland has the second largest gdp per capita in the world

perhaps less well off people wont have to use violence or commit crimes

perhaps black people fall into a poorer rung of society

(not here to argue nature or nurture with either of these just presenting these for consideration)

because unlike you, he's not a newfag


but theirs still the catch 22
(maybe they would act better if they were treated better but to be treated better they need to act better)

I want you to definitively clear it up for me since I cant find anything myself

Floppy tits then fuck off miss piggy

Oh snaps

Someone's being a lazy pinkie (seriously, this is considered an offensive turn?).