Sup Forums did you get the girl?
Sup Forums did you get the girl?
I became the girl OP.
Now stop.
No, I'm waiting for the perfect one.
Stop this boardsliding bullshit.
The cheerleaders became fat by college. They also weren't particularly interesting to talk to. I used a hot nerd girl for sex for 3 years instead, then broke it off when she started getting chubby and ran through a succession of cute Asian and half-Asian girlfriends from OKC and DMS and various other venues for a few years. Then an LTR with a girl from my college class who was probably the closest I've ever met to being able to keep up with me. That ended over stress and insecurities on her part, though we still talk sometimes. Currently just fishing through dating apps and mutual friends again. We'll see. Probably going to end up as a wealthy perma-bachelor someday. Marriage is for female leeches and male fools.
Fuck yes. Swooped her right up after her dad died so I can exploit the void in her heart.
No, I had her for about 3 years but then she left me. She now is in a relationship with another girl and she takes pictures for Instagram flashing her bare ass with her other feminist girlfriends in public in the name of "body POSITIVITYYYY" or some fucking shit like that.
It hurts everyday.
I took the homecoming queen to prom and dated my county fair's beauty contest winner.
They even both gave me a hand job in a tent together.
I'm alone now, does that still count "getting the girl"
He took away, its not the same user, its not the same anymore
I got here. . . for a while
Yes I did. I've been married for 8 years now and I've spent the last 5 redpilling her. Shes knows about the jews, hates feminists and sjw's and has been pro trump since he announced he was running.
She also cooks, cleans, does laundry, works hard, and pleasures me with her mouth. I count my blessings every day that I got her when I did because from what I hear these days, a good woman is hard to find.
But I hold hope for you guys that one day you will have the same. Keep your head up.
I got the girl and became the girl
step up
You fat goblin
making same thread every day.
atleast get a new picture
>confessed to the girl
>she rejected me
>we talked for a bit anyway as I walked her home
>she was boring as shit
>got disappointed and gave up on her
>haven't seen her in a year
>found out she got married
>it hurt
Just why?
No, this is not Brian. Sad that this is a scenario that is happening to other guys though.
Fuck off you stupid burger cunt. Stop making the exact same threads over and over again. You are part of the cancer.
Sup m8
when i felt like it
>tfw all the cheerleaders are fat single mothers and have mixed raced kids
>tfw i got the quiet artsy girl who grew up to be even more attractive
I got the boy
I went to an all male school for most of Highschool, there was no girl.
>mfw this is literally a pic of me in high school
Still no idea how it got so widely circulated
satan confirms
you whore
you had one job
I thought I did, once. I wasn't popular in high school or for the little bit of college that I attended.
shut the fuck up everybody knows football jocks don't step foot here
Becouse a Russian cucked you to it.
Yes my wife and me have been together since we were both 14 we are 34 now and have 5 kids
reported & saged
I'll have you know that the majority of us "football jocks" burn out in college and end up here
Sorry to ruin your fantasy
hopefully white...
I had her but then she revealed her true self and cheated on me. Now i'll never fall in 'love' again
But the quiet artsy girl is a feminist SJW, Satan.
kek this
Also I never got a girl like that but i do have a friend with benefit that loves me its weird how can a girl like an autsit.
Yep both white middle class and college educated
nah. not anymore. i redpilled her with my dick
im 19 and I played varsity football and lacrosse for 3 and 2 years respectively. not all Sup Forumslacks are faggots user.
Nah. You see OP, the cheerleaders date the popular black athletes. Sup Forums posters were the losers who had crushes on cheerleaders but the girls wouldn't even look at them, so Sup Forums in turn blamed their failures on the blacks that got the cheerleaders
Posting le red faced tadpole on Sup Forums isnt going to help matters bro
Nope. Went on one date, then she somehow pretended like i didn't exist for the next 2 years of high school
Grow some balls you sissy poofter
There's nothing wrong with white women being slaves to BBC. It is only natural.
Yup. And I regret chasing women based on looks. Ive had kids with a couple of very attraxtive girls, 1 from high school. And now they are soulles husks, and mentally ill. Theyve always been I just couldnt see past tna
you had one job... and you succeeded. good job.
i got got, but before i got got i got mine
well to be fair, it's all they're good for. respectfully so.
Grill in a leftist liberal shithole in NE. Where can I meet a Sup Forums bf?
How do you get a girl if you're 25 and work at a boring a soulless corporation surrounded by middle aged men?
Is Tinder my only hope?
9th grade:
>Black chick liked me
>She was actually a qt, I am not into black chicks and I am saying this
>No idea why a girl as good looking as her liked me but I went along with it
>Figured out her dad absolutely hated white boys, her mom was cool with me though
>Wound up not going out with her because her dad eventually banned me from coming over to her house once he figured out she liked me
12th grade:
>Talked to a qt all the time in class
>She had jet black hair and was petite, which is my fetish
>After going over to her house I figured out she was in 9th grade
>I was 18 and she had just turned 15, decided I didn't fancy getting thrown in prison so I cut contact like she had the black plague
fuck you
i'm panromantic and that shit really triggers me
Go to Alabama's trailer park center. You will have your pick of the lot.
Same here I was looking for a st Aryan girl to take back to the states with me (welfare queen here) but I met a traveling American Ann we have been living together for the past eight months
No, honestly I think I loved her, it was definitely beyond a crush
>mfw she posts any picture of her and her boyfriend on Normiebook
Im stuck with the 2nd damaged one for my kids sake. Im not going to let them down, I work on turning her into an actual persob every day. Her problem is severe narcissism and her mom imbued her with sociopathic leanings. I have to protect these kids from that shit.
The best feel in the world
>city of over 60% asian
>high school maybe 70%
>asian girls loved me because decent-looking and give off big brother vibe, but i was way too naive to notice then
fuck me. looking back, i had so many chances to do unspeakable things with them because our band would often take trips
No, I ddin't. I was not attracted enough and I was too late to even ask her out. Is there a way to remove this feeling of falling in love? I keep fantasizing about getting but it's just fantasy. I don't want to fap to cartoon characters.
If you want a 30 year old 350 pound 5'8 "man" go ahead. Get enriched, my wife did, was the best experience of her life.
No I have never kissed, hugged, etc a woman
I can't remember the last time I even talked to one
This, but I grew out of it after about a year or so.
How old are you
I got a girl.
Then she cheated on me
Now she is back in the psych ward where she belongs
>she gets out of rehab and immediately goes back
>her parents think she's too good for me
>they just raised a stupid white trash whore
Fuck you assholes
This is why white women are forced to take partners who are leftists and or black
this picture speaks to me
I haven't, I graduated High School with her 4 years ago this June, it's dissipated, but I still think of her damn near once a week
>talked to her the February after graduation (8 months later)
>confess my feelings (mostly just to get it off my chest and not live with the whole 'what if' thing)
>gently rejects me
>we talked on and off for the next 3 years
>haven't talked to her in 6 months
>dumb slut is crying about finding a Sup Forums bf on Sup Forums
how stupid are you?
>wasting time on women
Why user, i dont get your point.
pretty sure you mean degenerate
tfw im too scummy (never graduated) to use DMS, never hrd of it before your comment user
>wasting time pooing in a loo
Yeah, was happy for 3 years, miserable for 4. Divorced her now even more miserable now.
Not yet. I still haven't even figured out which girl is the girl.
I think she is the younger sister to one of my best friends which makes things...complicated.
your funeral
I just want a Sup Forums bf. I hate the liberal shithole I live in. There is NO uncensored place to meet someone who shares my beliefs. I would move if I didn't have to support my parents. (In an emotional child way, my only sibling moved far away so I have to do shit for my parents all the time)
just be glad there's no women in the workplace and go outside once in awhile. try hiking or something i don't know.
i will never understand fgts, how in the hell can you look at the crack of another mans ass and say "O I got to get me some of that!"
you sound like a leech what do you bring to the table
bitch i'll be your bf. except you aren't a girl.
Knowing you didnt smash makes me sad
Same senpai, eventually...
no and I hate myself for being so attracted to an ass I'd lower myself to the point I did. Never again.
Please tell me you're a real female and not a fag
It's not something that normal people could understand. Doesn't make it any less right or wrong, however.
That's actually kind of touching
Shit user, the same thing happened in my 12th grade, except it was my first girlfriend so I felt really autistic and couldn't break it off. At least I'm not kiss less.
this makes me sad
yes, a few times I got the very girl I wanted
but life moves on and these victories fade
I mean, Im here after all
no such thing, just shades of "i hate you, but goddamn that ass be fine"