JUST fuck my campaign up

JUST fuck my campaign up.

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Link? Also why?

please let this be true

I am #cruzmissile now


I am no longer convinced Hillary is evil, I think she might be legit autistic.

I lick for clit missile now

>Says she's for women's rights yet:
>Takes millions from Saudi Arabia, a country that abuses and treats women like second class citizens
>Went violently after and intimidated the women that Bill sexually abused/raped when running for president and told them to shut up or suffer
>Paid her female employees in the clinton foundation less than men in the same positions
>and much more

This woman is a fucking joke.



There's no way that this can backfire.

A lot of liberals were pissed about this movie too because the black woman was the only non-scientist

Hillary is nosediving as hard as she can.

trump rally:
>american patriots
>alpha males
>alpha females

hillary ""rally"":
>salty unloved post-menstrual feminists
>black people
>obese people
>beta males w/ cuck glasses

yfw the Dexodus is going to happen

Holy shit the memes just write themselves. Someone needs to shop her into that photo with the dying niglet

Hillary is fundamentally dumb. She is the female jeb. There is going to be a lot more of this.

Hillary no, who told you this was a good idea? Vince Foster them immediately, jesus christ.

>Female Yeb!

Please lord Kek make this happen.

I want to see "rallies" of like 12 people paid to sit in chairs as she says "pls clap".

Holy shit! I can't believe she is this fucking stupid. Well, I can actually.

Is this the women's card I keep hearing about?


Wait a minutes

Normies still haven't caught on to our 'autistic as an insult' meme

If we make Hillary is autistic a meme it really will be the next 'cuck'

The brilliance of her campaign alone makes me wanna become a #Clintoris

I can't

Bitch has stayed out of prison for 30 years while constantly doing downright evil shit, even a stupid person with good connections couldnt do that. Maybe she's just retarded in cases that dont involve criminal activity.

obvous shoop

>They photoshopped her head into the fat one's body


The article seems pretty anti-SJW. Hillary hasn't said anywhere that it's to boost her "feminist cred", it's only been announced that they're all going to be on Ellen

The reason that Trump has succeeded so far is largely because people are sick of this shit, and she believes that the best thing for her campaign is to embrace it?
This is the same woman who has Trump plastered all over her website.
At this rate, she is going to be selling liquidated guac bowls too, since those worked so well for other people.

she's definitely a flavor of autist, but that just means that she's not fully aware of all the evil that she does.

This is great. She never talks about herself, only ever attacks Trump (like every other retard that failed to take him down), and now she's attaching herself to the most disliked movie trailer of all time?

Fucking great.

So taking money from Saudia Arabia and supporting Islam is some how helping her with Women?

Tell me when did Islam become so great to Feminist?

Wow. Normies attempting memes is so fucking cringetastic. Like, you don't just photoshop someone's head onto something without context.

Its like there really are no conspiracies, everyone is just this fucking retarded


Kek vince foster them

Where in the Koran does it allow this bitch to think she can speak or even have rights.

she is the figurehead of a hundreds of million dollars campaign. she doesn't make any decisions, she doesn't direct the aesthetic of the advertising campaigns, she doesn't write speeches or have input on policy.

she is very similar to yeb in this regard she only a piece of a leviathan campaign organization

This bitch honestly believes that Islam is going go through a reformation of human rights even though it hasn't fucken changed in over 1500 years.

Hey Feminist we are fighting for your rights to live like we did 1500 years ago enslaved, and regressed.

Scott Adams must be gleaming right now.

This is the worst combination of things that could ever happen to her

Doubling down on the "IF YOU DON"T LIKE ME YOU'RE SEXIST!!!" strategy

They need to split the country.
Call the useless fucks Dindu-us

It certainly would explain much.

>unable to connect with normal people
>awkward outbursts of forced emotion
>seems surprised that behaviors have consequences


Please all ameriburgers don't go see the movie.
If your girlfriend wants to see it tell her to fuck off.
If your friends want to see it laugh at them
Please, don't boost there box office just because "it will be so bad its funny"

She's probably getting off on the certainty that her in-crowd is going to be all aboard no matter what she does.



You don't have to ask. The trailer looks like ass.

>that report

Holy fuck i have never such an extreme left, liberal shit news report in my life. This has to be satire, right guys¿


There's going to be a big cultural schism going on in the left. The SJWs will tear each other apart.

Hillary's attacking fucking berniefags. Fucking BERNIEFAGS, the retarded progressive sjw fucks, calling them evil misogynist MRA gamergaters etc.

I cna't wrap my head around how stupid they are.

And now THIS shit


>Trump is well on his way to owning the identities of American, Alpha Males, and Women Who Like Alpha Males. Clinton is well on her way to owning the identities of angry women, beta males, immigrants, and disenfranchised minorities.

This campaign season is a train ride that I don't want to end.

>that bad photoshopping
I guess the budget on her woman's card ran out

She was also hilariously a walking stereotype.

Clinton is a Trump plan tothrow the election confirmed.

There's no way she's this retarded.

Ironically, reading that post led me to believe that the only people who will vote for Clinton are the ones who hate without reason. The Patriarchy or White Privilege group.

They just all get baited
Trump is playing 4 dimensional hyper chess politics

Trump is so deep even the people who said he was a Clinton plant didn't see the truth.

You don't Stump the Trump, the Trump Stumps you

Well she does hate colored people.
After all, Ghostbusters has a racist view of powerful black wymyn.

Oh Ted. Your pen is leaking.

excuse me she is FIGHTING FOR US, her signs say so. Just like JEB CAN FIX IT and how Kasich was STRONG FOR AMERICA.

Kek approved.

>someone thought this was a good idea


This helps the movie more than it helps her campaign.

>most disliked trailer EVER
>this is something you want to attach your name to

Can we please meme magic Bernie into an autistic old socialist and BTFO his reddit shills?

>Hillary false-flagging Bernie's campaign with muh soggy knee this hard
>false-flagging it with "nationalists" who want people to speak English earlier

None of her tricks will actually work against anyone not running Democrat. In the general all of her money will be fucking wasted on this stuff while her attacks on Trump, which will be the same as the ones now and the ones from months ago (he's a racist bigot sexist LITERAL HITLER fascist nazi rich FUCKING WHITE MALE etc.), will slide right off because everyone has been hearing them for so long without any actual shit supporting it.

>which will be the same as the ones now and the ones from months ago (he's a racist bigot sexist LITERAL HITLER fascist nazi rich FUCKING WHITE MALE etc.),

This is what shocks me the most

She has fucking nothing

her campaign last month said 'oh yes we have lots of plans we won't make the same mistakes the republicans did" and they're just doing the EXACT SAME SHIT.

hundreds of millions of dollars are going into her campaign, and this is the best they can fucking do?

AVGN refuses to even watch that shitfest of a movie.
>I wonder if he'll vote for Trump?

Fuck off Clinton shill. We aren't doing your dirty work.

I'm happy Bernie is fucking up your corrupt party. Get fucked.

it really makes ya think, that people like shillary who are complete jew puppets, spend so much fucking money campaigning that they forget to actually send a message to the individual person and forgets to include them in their campaign as someone who could make a difference.

Shillbot has clearly forgotten how to campaign, and doesn't even perceive that it's hopeless.

Where were you when politics began to be judged by the message rather than the money, Sup Forums?


Please be real

Well im laughing at her
so seems about right

>is a woman
>feels the need to pander to women

Hillary has autism, or she's a robot whose sole purpose is to become president of the United States

His hair has also grown back. He must be supporting Trump because his shit is getting unfucked.

It's like they're trying to supercompress normalfaggotry into....something.
What are they even trying to do?

The term "colored people" is racist
The correct term is "person of color" or POC
>liberal logic

I really wish Trump would grow a beard. He'd look great with one.

Reminder that Trump has spent virtually nothing and is TIED with Hillary.

Also reminder that Trump has been branded as "the most evil man ever to exist and needs to be killed", is TIED with Hillary.

Really think about that shit. It's astounding. It's astonishing.

She does have two "messages" though - #I'mWithHer and #WomanCard. Divisive. Selfish. Woman-only. No vision.

Meanwhile, Trump has "Make America Great Again", which has become a pop culture iconic meme now.

It's really shocking how bad she is at this. My mouth is agape sometimes watching her recent ads etc. The whole year has been incredible in revealing that these seemingly all-powerful invincible leaders in politics and media are largely just incompetent retard hacks.

He used Trump's magic hairspray.

>they gave Hillary the fat ones body


She can't pander to men, so she has to pander to women.

Politicians don't know how to pander to men, it's not in their playbooks, advisors don't teach it. I imagine if they do, they get branded as fascists, since fascism has been defined as "masculine politics (which is evil)" nowadays. Pandering to female shit is toootally fine though!

Trump can work on his woman problem. Hillary can't work on her very real male problem. There's never even been a thing as a "male vote problem" before this cycle even with other female politicians, before Hillary fucked things up for everyone.

>Thought we were talking about Brendan Fraser
Got my hopes up.

Her entire career is one disaster after another. She's just not capable of doing anything right.

Men don't need to be pandered to in the first place.

her husband can do that for her. oh by the way trump knows epstein too




And the media always defends her.every failure.

That image gets more tragic every time I see it.

It's going to be great watching the DNC struggle with having to either go down in flames dumping her or go down in flames not dumping her.

They've been cornered rather well.

Worked so well last time, didn't it. I pray that she gets the nom. She needs less than 10% of the remaining delegates, and she'll have it cinched, thank fuck.

Then she'll need to keep fighting to ensure that she keeps the popular vote lead that she currently has, which means she won't be able to turn and fight Trump until California is done. Meanwhile, Trump gets to continue attacking her unfettered.

Corrupt Criminal Clinton will be easy to destroy

I just want to see Reddit absolutely BTFO

I agree with wanting to see Redshit destroyed. But the chaos Bernie bots are causing is still good for our cause. The enemy of our enemy.

Holy shit is that /r9k/ reviews Ghostbusters: Femen Edition?

Only if it looked like on your pic.
But looking at his hair it would be more like mine.

Think of how glorious it will be making accounts just to go Trump post in their faces like pic related until we are promptly banned while laughing and leaving to never return

They aren't our friend. Believe me, I have several old "friends" who support Bernie, and they shit on literally every other candidate there is, including Trump. You even correct their incorrect assumptions with irrefutable proof, and they don't give a fuck.

I've stopped talking to them, because they are willfully lying about literally everyone else, while worshiping Bernie. They are useful idiots, and we might have the ability to manipulate said idiots in our favor. That doesn't make them our friends.

Yup. Trump won early so he gets to have that early momentum surge, while Hillary is still battling against the stalinist zombie.

And if these polls get to dominate the headlines fast enough, letting it into the public consciousness that "Wow trump is actually tied/almost beating her", Hillary won't ever be able to recover even with a surge later down the road. Because at least a good portion of the bernie people will be berned out badly (especially after being called sexist scum), and normies won't be able to stand another 5 months of SJW politicking aimed solely at women.

I mean, she literally can't say anything for men, it's impossible for her, she isn't even trying. Not. Even. Trying.

fucking love it


yeah reddit honestly deserves our thanks for rallying half of these berniefucks around trump just to spite hilary, while at the same time pissing enough normal people off with their protests to also vote for trump

they've been working for us all along and dont even know it

They're fucked if they do, fucked if they don't. If they drop Hillary there will be constant reporting of how their ex-frontrunner is going to jail from the FBI investigation AND they lose all their corporate support. The nigs would be in shell-shock seeing Bubba counseling Hillary's ass as she gets hauled off to jail all the while Trump is just laughing at them. THEN they would have to run this retarded, economically illiterate male cuck against Trump the economic alpha male billionaire who has successfully united his party and defeated the media. I am telling you, it is 100% certain that Trump will win.