How many redpill will THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN drops to the public?
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He is genius, Hillary won't be able to respond
Donald Trump - Making old news new again.
After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.
“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.
What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
I mean, he's right, but how does this help sway voters to him? I know it's his shtick to not really focus on the details of policies, but this seems like another distraction.
good thing she already said this was a lie
trump has to annihilate the "war on women" narrative. it's hilarys only ace in the hole. or at least it was. they could have never imagined that they would be running against someone willing to dig up as much dirt as trump is going to
Trump didn't accuse him of rape, 20 women have.
for some reason I feel some shilling is afoot but are people really losing the bern?
>Trump didn't accuse him of rape, 20 women have.
I can't wait until those Trump ads playing Clinton laughing about getting a rapist acquitted.
>I mean, he's right, but how does this help sway voters to him?
Because rape is considered worse than murder by the public nowadays. Just wait until the teary-eyed interviews start rolling out of the victims.
the hashtag is paid for by Clinton but Bernbot are hijacking it with anti-hillary stuff
pretty insane that Shillary is running Trump and women ads when her husband is a rapist
But it's not really *new* news. Not sure if these kind of things will have any effect when so many Trump anti-women narratives are already swirling, and Hillary and the MSM have a lot of sound bites to work off of.
He is painting Hillary as the crooked monster she is, showing Republicans scared he'll lose the general election his strategy in propelling attacks of 'not being for women' what he can use to counter easily.
Hillary can try to ignore it, say it's a lie, but the 'listen and believe' narrative blows her apart and the fact her husband is a known sex addict shows this isn't such a far stretch of an idea.
you mean laughing about how the evidence was destroyed and she was told not to listen to details of the case because it was unfit for a woman?
can we get something other than a shit teir tabloid
The general debates will be a battle ground, like a lion to a twisted injured deformed gazelle Trump will be prowling out and eating well every time. He has hard facts names incidents and she has to respond,
Not once did Trump lose a debate and not once did Hillary win one, this will be the nails in coffins for her.
The crazy thing is there are some people, even women, who won't care.
yuri, not now. let the echo's continue on forver
if trump didnt present himself as a dumbshit half the time clinton wouldve dropped already
well, its old news that the general public kind of just brushed off and all but forgot about or ignored it.
>Trump is desperate. Grasping at straws.
Notice there's no denial there
is this supposed to seem strong? who buys this shit? I can't even imagine the cucks hillary has advising her for millions of dollars.
Trying to stay above the fray is idiotic.
Trump will just keep kneecapping Hillary until she collapses.
she regretted the sex?
shit like this will absolutely rek trump for the avergae voter. any normie will see this and be like oh yeah that makes sesne! donald is a racist and he is not fit for prez. gg no re trump you're done. race was over b4 it started
I just look forward to what ever the killing blow finally is. I mean, I feel like there is definitely something the Trump campaign is sitting on, waiting for a very specific time. Maybe it's hopeful.. I want to believe it though.
Yeah, because team hillary has so many ground-breaking plans to improve life quality for Americans I'm sure.
Problem is the exact opposite will always happen. The media will cover the severe nature of Trump's claims and assaults on Clinton, not their content (whether they are true or not).
It won't sway voters. Everyone already thinks Hillary is untrustworthy and crooked.
Can't they just bring up his rape case as a rebuttal?
Did he actually compare Niggerson and Oakland to Iraq? I thought that was Chicago's claim to fame?
>still refusing to release tax returns
>won't release wallstreet transcripts
wow that's the most passive aggressive bitch comment ever
like Trump is the pathetic one, not the one married to a rapist who got impeached and lost his law license
Did she really respond to rape accusations
with "release your taxes" ?
And the comments on that tweet "Trump is sexist"
What the fuck
>avoids allegations entirely
fucking siiiiiiiick
lets spread this shit as much as we can
someone come up with a catchy hashtag about bill being a rapist
Yeah, you're totally right about the media. The only hope is something that is both provable and terrible enough that even the people that are moderate supporters of hers have to consider not voting for her. The Hillary diehards can go suck a dick for all I care, because we all know they either are clueless, paid and/or might as well be brainwashed .
>tfw Trump brings Bill's rape victims to his rallies to speak in front of tens of thousands
The well revered Clinton machine hard at work lads
or something like that. something serious that can catch on to the public hive
But is it okay if it helps Trump?
nice try merchant
we cant be shilled that easily
DT is an honorable man, he doesn't accuse others of rape, he merely invites scrutiny of the accusations of others
thats a fucking strong one, I like it
not bad. Get Trumps attention with it, and it would blow up.
>no denial
>muh tax return
>muh racism
This is the best they can do?
> cutting a deal with the feminist devils
Its a dangerous game I hope he doesnt go down this road
based krisp
How about #WhichBill
Dammit that's exactly what I thought of as well.
How much are you willing to sacrfice for ultimate victory?
I can't wait for Bill Clinton's rape victims to start opening for Trump rallies.
The first thing they start off with is the rape accusations. To me, that seems like something you would use to deal the final blow. But it's just the start for Trumps attacks. You KNOW he has something more up his sleeves. I think he will unleash once she is guaranteed the nomination.
I think it would be harder for him to knock out Bernie. There's not much dirt on him. Many people think he's an idiot and that his ideology is trash, but most would agree he's honest.
Loose Willy strikes again
The way Trump presents himself is the reason why he's the Republican nominee
You can't rape your wife, Clinton was definitely not using his sexual predator toolset on his wife.
can't wait for the debates
shit like this doesn't work against trump because he won't let it
>dragging the American people through mud for his own gain
So what we should elect the mud president instead of being dragged through it?
Well, now we know why Bill was known as The First Black President.
>implying Cosby did anything wrong
blast from the past
It won't sway voters.
That tactic has been swaying voters, though, because it forces them to look deeper for the answers the media isn't giving them which makes them distrustful of the system and less likely to vote with the establishment candidate.
I don't understand how Hillary Clinton wins. She literately has emails where George Soros is dictating policy to her. She has emails were she states she wants to destabilize Syria and topple the Assad regime for the good of Israel. She armed al-Qaeda in Lybia to topple Gaddafi. She takes bribes from people all over the world, some of the worst people. She is one of the most corrupt politicians in American history and is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.
Yet she is good and no one would ever be afraid to openly support her. But if you support Trump you are constantly flung shit at and accused of being a terrible person. Doesn't make sense.
She relies on the ignorance of the people really
# WhichBill is Underrated as fuck.
Make a game of it. Quote an accusation, then you have to guess #WhichBill.
Do you have the wikileak link to those particular emails?
She is a woman. That's enough for her to be votable.
The Clintons are worse than the Bushes.
Hitchens is so based
It's such a shame he had to smoke and drink himself to death, otherwise he'd be a valuable weapon against Hillary and all this Islam appeasing SJW shit
Yeah, for the cash. Doesn't mean dirty donald didn't do nuffin