Can anyone here hook me up with a mega link to this album...

Can anyone here hook me up with a mega link to this album? Ive literally looked everywhere and have found 0 downloads what so ever.

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yeah I have it in flac, I'll upload real quick

It's free on bandcamp.

you're a godsend user.

it is not

its on soulseek

yeah that's where I got it from lol

>Ive literally looked everywhere and have found 0 downloads what so ever.
Must be hard being this incapable

If you Google "WLFGRL mega" or zippy there's literally a sharethread archived with it

Not that hard user

nevermind it's uploading really slowly just use slsk

>the file you are trying to download is no longer available

not him but yes it is. search dred collective instead of machine girl

I can upload it for you if you can wait a few minutes OP

bit rate?

Ummm I don't remember. Are you really gonna be picky? Probably 320 or flac.

Alright fair point. I was just curious.

Uploading. Probably gonna take another 15-20 minutes. It's m4a, bitrate around 800.

Nice. Much appreciated!

>a pound sterling

How fucking cheap are you?

>implying I have the money to pay that for every single album I want
>Implying this is the only album I'll ever want to listen to