How bizarre are political cartoons in your country?

How bizarre are political cartoons in your country?

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wow that strawman

>craft beer

Kek, subtle



Horsey is the best reason to put a fence around California and let the liberals there drown in their own bullshit instead of fleeing to other states to start the process anew.

I love how unsettling these are.

If you recognise pic related, you get a gold star.

Be sure to helicopter lift me the fuck out of here before you do that.

I miss when ours called out shit like Tammany Hall instead of supporting it.


I don't even know if this counts, but i like it.

Delete this



>Joan Cornella
Mein Negger



Does Sup Forums not post these anymore or something?

Been gone for a few years but these were in almost every thread then.


This website has a comments section, if that gives you an impression of how sound people are about it over here.

honest question:

how do I not be brainwashed?

johnny knoxville riding ben garrison?

Top marks if anyone can tell me why George Osborne is depicted wearing that outfit

fuck that shit


The Irish were treated like niggers because they act like niggers.

Welcome to Horsey cartoons


You do realise that cartoon is anti-american right?



This is just flat out lies


Doesn't matter it's position, just that it's made in THE U.S.A.


Gotta love anti-gunners man.
Also pic related is funny considering they claim we have too many guns and gun owners while (falsely) stating that gun ownership has fallen. They're never consistent.

Dat Sphinx tho...




Would race mix with Modern Japan.


Being able to see the bars of your cage is the first step to freeing yourself. Read a lot, and when you are told something in the media as yourself:

1. Who is telling me this?
2. Why are they telling me this?
3. What do they have to gain from telling me this?

Almost nothing reported in the media is truth. You will eventually be able to make reasonable conclusions based upon the patterns of their lies.

If I had to guess, it's because they don't know about any more hardcore groups like JPFO and GOA.

If they do, it's because they don't want more people knowing about it. Or because the NRA is the famous one and will get more of a reaction from their readers.

sorry for the shortener, I triggered the spam detection.

Gun purchases have EXPLODED with the Obama administration.

He did.

MORE or link to more

B-But it's only a small group of bigoted white redneck republicans buying them, Horsey told me so!

Gotta learn one day

Some things don't change.

Horsey is a dumb cuck.
that'll only further alienate Bernouts and make them them choose Trump.

Here's a Cartoon of Ben Shapiro having a Sexy Jew Tantrum over being labeled a Conservative

He leans left but he makes great art and commentary.

Not really. NRA always claims threats to 2nd Amendment, Libs always claim to tighten controls, NRA fundraises and lobbies like a mother fucker, Major restrictions never make it into law. Kind of exactly how it works, at least with national legislation.

good advice man. i hate the feeling that nothing i can believe is true.

Things I learned in this topic.

>Horsey is a faggot.
>Puck was Amazing.
>Cornella is........i don't know but I want to see more.


>elite liberals hate Berniefags because MUH SOGGY KNEES

lol. Live by the SJW, die by the SJW.

dont forget 4: What are they not telling me? sometimes its just as important, if not more


what the fuck is that art style called

Lol what the fuck is this??

''retard who cant draw''

that one made me legit lol

"Beardbabies are unoffedable" It's a comment on fake-kids rapefugees...

It's Dan Park who made it, have some more!

"Swedish Swedes in Sweden" See pic

sweden yes

we call the arab "children" that come here for beard-children.

the text says "beard-children are inviolable"
the pic gives me a headache so you'll have to try and figure that one out by yourself

The best part is Hillary had rather conservative stances on all of these issues right up until it was inconvenient.

Lol that's pretty funny. Why are they sucking each other off?

> china outside the door


>beardbaby is not offend
Sound like a Jojo parody


I dunno, probably beacause it's innocent childrens play...

The beard babies are just kids... right?

>uncle sam can walk on water

MOAR Dan Park!


>Indian holding book upside down

Could you post translations alongside them?


Oh, and this one. That's what they call satire.


they're all Horsey tier shit, not at all clever. with Harper it was ten years of sore ass on paper







Who's got this with Trump and Putin shopped in?




Still relevant.

Thanks for the (You)

Ireland confirmed for not cucks.

the faces on this one, so gold

oh that place she wants to bomb for Israel? how fucking dumb is horsey? Trump is liberal on almost all of that.

It says "Poland without duck".

they have meant Kaczynski, kaczka=duck

one of the PiS members were killed by gun, google Marek Rosiak, Cyba

this is march of leftist, peace-loving, pro-democracy KOD