Why does every normie i meet, talk about their love for rick and morty and then proceed to exclaim, "PICKLE RICKKKKK"

why does every normie i meet, talk about their love for rick and morty and then proceed to exclaim, "PICKLE RICKKKKK"

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fuck off you normie trash

Please fuck off

Because the show is amazing and they want you to know they're up to date with it

Because they are basic and don't see the concepts the show is truly based on. Like I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. Nothing matters. You're probably not even real.

Because they're faggots, that's why.

Becuase it's literally a show for normies and redditors to show everyone else how quirky and le random they are.


It's a good show. People are allowed to like things without being grouped into your gay little categories m8

showing my boss this show was a big mistake.
I thought I could share my love for this crazy/funny/depressing show, but all I did was create an annoying meme around the kitchen. >someone orders a burger
>one of the condiments is pickles
>suddenly shouts "PICKLE RIIIIIICK!'
>he does this through out the whole eight hour shift I work for him. it gets old after the fourth time.
>I tell him to watch the whole series.
>he says "sure when I have the time."
>comes back the next day.

fucking kill me.


People don't watch the show for what it is anymore, people watch it to keep up with the latest "maymays"

nobody says pickle rick in public.

sounds like this person needs to be liked and is very impressionable.

want him to cut the shit with pickle rick, convince him to say something else, show him a new meme. that will only change the problem though.

A good person could try to embrace this guys quirks and be his friend, a Mike Scott scenario, nah, that's lame.

What you could do is drop ideas into the normies head, seed an ideology or manipulate him into changing.

tell him about wubbalubbadubdub, or convince him that pickle rick is a proclamation that hes gay. Be like "wow tim, i didn't know that you were like that, so brave. you do you guy." sooner or later he will commit to his newfound homosexuality and 'come out' because of the positive affirmation that would follow.

you could could turn this guy gay just by putting up with his normy shit and then take it all away from him by saying 'i was just fucking with ya mate.'

you must not go out in public often.

Show is good, fanbase is shit.


I only know one other person who watches the show. Everyone in public seems to only talk about school or getting drunk. I'm not underage like 99% of Sup Forums though, so it's possible that this is talked about in schools now.

wow, for somebody saying their not underage, that is the most 'underage' thing ive heard on b.

so i just watched this show for the first time today and tbh i don't understand the hype

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>I'm not underage like all of you fags here.
>am i rite guise?
>I am totally not underage

Am underage, can confirm, one of the cancerous convos at school.

i used to think no one would say the phrase cash me ousside. but my friend dragged me to a really douchey bar/restaurant cos hes been seeing the bartender. as soon as we walked in, see this group of douchey fratboy types .. except there are no universities nearby so even more douchier. they're laughing at each other, "cash me ousside..'

so. yes. douchebags say these stupid fucking things. and OP is surrounded by douchebags.

There are always people that jump on the hype train and want to let you know they did. Deal with it. You dont have to give a fuck you know.


Because only one person is willing to talk to your weird ass in person.

Ty kids

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ

because the world sucks.
Existential nihilism shows are on the rise.
Rick and morty
Black Mirror

Life just sucks... people aren't trying to cover it up with faggoty laugh track sitcoms anymore.

>admitting you're a normie
>being proud of it even

Show is mediocre. Its hit or miss but mostly miss.

that plan is fucked up!
idk if it could work, my boss is married and he's hella christian. I open with him almost every morning and he has gospel rock on full blast on his radio,

It's two jokes over and over.
The kid is super anxious
The uncle is drunk and burps a lot.
Shit stops being funny after 5 mins.

because they are faggots


>watched the first episode for 10 minutes
That's called personality of the characters faggot, not the actual punchline.

just watched this to try and see what the fuss is about and it was pretty fucking retarded not that funny or original but i can see why this autistic fanbase would love it so much

nigga there's no punchline

they are just trying to not be normal and be different from the rest of the normies but the sad truth is that we all are the same pieces of shit in a giant rock floating through space