What does it mean to be human

How would you describe the human condition?
The absolutely absurdity of our existence and our experiences

What defines our humanity
How will the universe come to know what represents us

being white

The white race and it's eternal propagation.

To be man is to hate niggers.

It means to acquire Sup Forums's

the world be sucking my metaphysical cock , the rest is talk

The universe is man.

To me it's all a test. Life is a test. That's all life is.

Read the Bible. Faith, hope and love define our humanity.

To fedoras and nihilists who are blinkered to God's reality, we live in a dualistic prison empty of all objective meaning (or lack of meaning).

>How will the universe come to know what represents us

Not sure what you mean

Implying the entire universe was designed around humans, sounds reminiscent of heliocentrism

in century do you truly think your belief will hold true?

An understanding of one's suffering and the courage to strive in spite of it.

To out think our competition

>Faith hope and love
>hope and love

Now I know why britstan is fucked. Christianity is literally the original leftist Jew ideology

>Read the Bible


>E-eating pork is evil
>Freedom of sexuality is e-evil
>I-if someone beats the f-fuck o-out of y-you, turn the o-other cheek and d-don't even defend yourself on c-court
>S-saturday is a d-day where you c-can't use fire to k-keep yourself w-warm
>M-money is a b-bad thing
>I-I'm not the d-devil, I-I'm God actually

It is amsuing how the moment I decided that the bible was actually the sad attempt of the devil to change the commandments of God, was the moment where my prayers started working, the moment I decided it was simply better to ask God to send me His people and teach me His actual ways.

It was also the moment I got recovered from lots of shit, anhedonia being an example, and it was an instant thing.

I have been saying this for years

>Literally worshiping a kike on a stick
>Not cucked

>Love your neighbor goy! Turn the other cheek!

Absolutely nothing at all, you're free to do as you please, but you will make enemies when you don't stay in line. So the most logical thing to do is PLAY IT SMART and DON'T GET CAUGHT.

then who was it designed for? ayylmaos? the universe seems pretty quiet to me.

i understand your point. the universe popped into existence out of nothing for some "reason" our minds cannot conceive. the universe is not about humans. our existence is absurd and inconsequential. i thought this too once.

>What defines our humanity
>How will the universe come to know what represents us
God the Father made Jesus Christ, who is the image in which humanity was created. Hope that clears up your question, OP.

Being able to reflect upon the reflection of your being, and an infinite times more, like a fractal that's grown a consciousness.

>Implying the entire universe was designed around humans

Show me these aliens you found

>w-we have to keep looking and w-we will fin them o-one day

Uhuh, and meanwhile we are better off going to hell and disbelieving, amirite?

According to bible thumpers this was once the incarnation of evil for God.

Today they say anal sex is the incarnation of evil aswell.

Pic related, the incarnation of evil, I misplaced the pic.

>the bible says the world is mostly populated by demons
>the bible then goes ahead and tells you to love demons
>then it says to give to them your money if they are poor

Sounds holy, m8

Once you try to explain what it means to be a man, you lose.

Are you non religious like me or something else?

without love, there is only darkness. whatever problem you have with love is a projection of some twisted idea or experience you have of it. leftists are not about all-embracing love, but self-hatred

nothing is more unjewish than christianity. jewishness is essentially a mix of self-hatred, fear of persecution, and misanthropy.

"turning the other cheek" has to be understood in its original historical context. did the crusaders turn the other cheek? did Jesus turn the other cheek when he overturned the tables of the money-changers? was He occupied with the acquisition of shekels?

blow away leaf

Can you cite these verses please ?

We are the universe becoming self aware.