Hey lads give me some Sup Forums approved reading besides Mein Kampf. I have a new Kindle on the way.
Ive added Disinformation by Pacepa and pic related to my wish list so far.
Hey lads give me some Sup Forums approved reading besides Mein Kampf. I have a new Kindle on the way.
Ive added Disinformation by Pacepa and pic related to my wish list so far.
Anything by Nietzsche is good.
The Bible
Animal Farm should get you started.
Pretty sure he wants non-fiction Cletus
>buying a Kindle
We don't allow cucks here on Sup Forums. You'll have to go find another board
la dottrina del fascismo os great
Non-fiction is preferred yes but Orwell and works of fiction of that nature are all right.
Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
My Awakening by David Duke is like eating a bucket will of red pills washed down with a gallon of red pill juice.
In addition to my "Breaking the Spell" by Nick Kollerstrom, read "The Plot Against the Church" by Maurice Pinay (a pseudonym for 12 red-pilled badasses), "Usury, A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View" by Calvin Elliott, "Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest" by Gottfried Feder, "Human Accomplishment" by Charles Murray, and "The Biological Jew" by Eustance Mullins. If you want old school classic redpill you should also read "Isabella of Spain" by William Thomas Walsh, she's the one that booted all the kikes out.
I could list so many more but I don't want to overwhelm you. I just listed the creme de la creme and I know my shit.
I have to add to that list "Joan of Arc" by Mark Twain. He said it was better than all his other books combined, and he was probably right.
Enjoy, user.
Might is right by Ragnar Redbeard
I don't really follow the bible as much as I used to. But the new testament is the story of the one man who outjewed the jews. That's at least worth a skim-through bud.
Balance it out with some commie bullshit so you don't inadvertently reveal your powerlevel among normies.
Something like, Prison Notebooks of Gramsci.
You want to learn what the enemy is thinking, as well as be able to segue into "progressivism" if the redpill you try to deliver ends up blowing your cover.
Vargsmål, I don't have an opiniok about it at the moment, but I liked it when I was 14.
1984, just skip the love part.
Any real history books so you know more about other countries.
Adios America by Ann Coulter
All Quiet on the Western Front
>went to the thrift store
>seen this book
>didn't know who she was but put down the book and picked up others
>the books were only 10 cents a piece
>tfw I have this stigma against modern books written by women
>I could have gotten that book for a dime
Adding these recommendations to my list as fast as I can on my phone thanks lads. Though not all of them are in eBook format so I'll have to get the physical copy. My job is boring and I have a 2 hour lunch so I'm looking forward to some quality reading.
Haha. I like it how right-wingers of all sorts like to co-opt 1984 to their cause, to present it as "a great critique on the left".
Sadly for you cunts, Orwell was a life long socialist and 1984 was in fact an attack on bolshevism for one, and on fascism masquerading as the left.
Too bad you have the reading comprehension of fruit flies.
America Alone (Critique on Islam and the modern left, reading now. Written in mid-2000s, predictions were all very accurate except for one about Russia's declining birth rate)
Death of the West (If you don't understand from the title you're actually retarded)
The Bible (Read it, don't buy into the atheist meme. Even if you're having problems spiritually, at least be a cultural Christian so you're not a disappointment to our ancestors and the foundation of our civilizations. I would recommend a Catholic or Orthodox Bible, if not KJV can work. Treat yourself to a nice ornate version, the Russians have some terrific binding. A study Bible is good but make sure it's an academic type, not a woman's study Bible or something like that. Always read for a guide and search online if you have any questions.)
Starship Troopers (Sci-Fi fiction with extremely conservative message and ethics.)
Stealing America (Written by Dinesh D'Souza, after he was released from imprisonment after writing a record-breaking documentary on Obama's corruption. His documentary was spot-on on every point)
Crime and Punishment (Coming-of-age story when it comes to sin, guilt, and eventual repentance and red-pilling of a lost soul)
The Divine Comedy (Landmark piece of poetry on spirituality and outlook, must add to one's collection. The ending is incredibly deep, read it and contemplate the meaning of life and existence. Read the entire thing user and do yourself a favor. online-literature.com
I can add more from my collection if anyone wants, I have ~50 or so good books for red-pilling whether it's political, social, or spiritual.
Did I say I am fascist?
Ride the Tiger by Evola
Nicholas Wade's Before the Dawn.
Did I say that? I said right wingers in general. Reading comprehension's a bitch.
This is a good.
Also anything by Thomas Sowell. Pay attention to "Black Redneck, White Liberal".
Umm for fun, look at Robert Heinlein stuff. Starship troopers is ok, but look at "Time Enough For Love" "Stranger in a Strange Land" "Cat who walks through walls", and some his collected short stories.
Kill yourself statist scum.
He should only read John Locke.
Start with the Greeks
Is this like however lefty shit goes to shit. Whether in the real world or a fictional depiction in 1984, the left stridently yells, "That wasn't real Socialism!"
Incoming essential reading chart bombardment
I was really let down when I discovered a spelling mistake.
>Whether in the real world or a fictional depiction in 1984
Er... 1984 was a critique of authoritarianism, not "Socialism".
George Orwell was a Socialist, he fought for the Communists in the Spanish Civil War.
You silly cunt.
You really didn't get the concept of doublespeak/doublethink, didn't you?
> war is peace
> freedom is slavery
> ignorance is strength
And (English) Socialism is fascism. Simple as that. The first part of your post I could not understand. You should be shot for mangling the english language.
Also, does anyone think that books are that valuable these days?
I used to be an avid reader, but I don't have the time anymore.
Surely in this age of gifs the sparknotes version is enough, I mean we don't have that much time tbqh
This. And only this.
This is a good book only in that it shows the weakness and self-loathing of post-nationalist post-WW2 Japan.
A spoiled rich son of a diplomat wants to be an artist but is no good and is constantly in fear of being exposed as a fraud. So he turns to degenerate behavior and makes friends with communists in order to avoid responsibility. It ultimately ends with him becoming a cuck and tyring to kill himself.
Perfect for Sup Forums.
Socialism is inherently authoritarian, despite Orwell's and Chompsky's wishful thinking.
>Sadly for you cunts
yeah, you were talking to him shit for brains.
Nice lists so far but to any gullible Sup Forumsacks this is satire
How is kindle cucked? Less cucked than a smartphone DESU
I imagine he's referring to Jeff Bezos
But there is a lot to be learned from this book. Also
>not reading all the great writings modern philosophy and politics are based on
>except shit tier fantasy a.k.a. Communism/socialism
Read some marx too, otherwise you'll go full "gas the kikes" and reveal your pwoer level against the normies
>Socialism is inherently authoritarian
Oh, really?
Pic related...
>John Kek(e)s
Deus Vult indeed.
turner diaries
Holy kek. How to not trust anyone 101
>Muh anarchism
You can't actually be anarchist and socialist. If someone decides to not be a part of the collective and you allow it, then you're simply anarchist rather than anarchist socialist. The reality of the situation, however, is that you won't allow that. You will force them to be part of the collective which is authoritarian. Besides that, you can't be anarchist and have a governing body that is a syndicate. It doesn't work that way. Socialism and any kind of libertarianism are mutually exclusive contrary to your fantasy.
Last purely political chart I have
>You can't actually be anarchist and socialist
Anarchism is Socialism: "All property is theft."
Anarchism 101.
> If someone decides to not be a part of the collective
They are free to do as they please. There is no hierarchy in Anarcho Syndicalism.
yes really.
This book red pilled me
>Road to Serfdom
Slippery Slope Fallacy, the book.
Top kek
>Anarchism is Socialism: "All property is theft."
If all property is theft, then why should the property be shared among the proles?
>They are free to do as they please
If they are free to do as they please, then you aren't socialist. How can you disperse their property (yeah, doesn't exist, whatever) among the proles fairly? If they are free to do as they please, then what is preventing them from executing capitalism?
>There is no hierarchy in Anarcho Syndicalism
>Group of people who decide how the collective is run
>Not a hierarchy
Lol. I bet you think the CNT was actually anarcho-syndicalist.
doublespeak/doublethink is just the redefinition of words to try to substite the emotional weight of a word or a phrase for an old one, to change people's emotional reaction to words. That is all.
I know Orwell was a socialist, but an inadvertent depiction of a dystopian socialist future is still a depiction of a dystopian socialist future.
It is like the left doesn't understand humanity or their motivations.
For a more recent depiction of a dystopian socialist future look at Venezuela.
Oh man how did a country wind up poor and their elites wind up wealthy under socialist rule?
Hmm.. must have been just another anomaly, like all other previous failure of "alleged" socialist regimes.
>rights protection agencies
>private currency exchangable for a variety of commodities
also, there's a chapter where he comes up with a low tech version of Uber. it was written in 1968
>, then why should the property be shared among the proles?
It's not "shared". You already own it, and so does everyone else. If you attempt to monopolize a resourse, and deny others access, you have "stolen" it, effectively.
Anarchism 101.
>If they are free to do as they please, then you aren't socialist.
You have a strange idea of what "Socialism" is...
>Group of people who decide how the collective is run
"Membership" of a "group" is voluntary, you don't have to combine with anyone.
>Slippery Slope Fallacy, the book.
You never read it. Did you.l
>You already own it, and so does everyone else.
>and so does everyone else
Then you don't own it. Even then, I thought property was theft? If property is theft, then how can anyone one it, let alone everyone?
>You have a strange idea of what "Socialism" is...
It's the forcible redistribution of wealth from top to bottom in order to preserve "fairness." It's not voluntary, by any means.
>Membership" of a "group" is voluntary, you don't have to combine with anyone
So... I don't have to be a part of the collective? So you're not actually socialist, you're just libertarian.
>, but an inadvertent depiction of a dystopian socialist future is still a depiction of a dystopian socialist future.
You've totally missed the point of 1984.
1984 is based on double speak: "war is peace", "ignorance is strength", etc... Orwell was saying: people who call themselves Socialists are in fact "FASCIST"
Do you really not understand this? You silly cunt.
This does not mean Socialists are fascists, it means the rhetoric of socialism is being used by fascist to fool idiots - like you.
Do you realize you linked to the Daily Mail website? The Daily Mail supported Hitler in the 1930s...
>Then you don't own it.
Yes you do. You have an equal right to a resource, same as everyone else.
> I thought property was theft?
If you attempt to monopolize a resource you have stolen it from everyone. Understand?
Anarchism 101.
>It's the forcible redistribution of wealth from top to bottom
You have no idea what "Socialism" is.
>So... I don't have to be a part of the collective?
Under Socialism you are free to do what ever you like, as long as you don't break the Non Aggression Principle.
The Analects of Confucius (Confucius)
The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Luo Guanzhong)
Water Margins (Shi Nai'an)
Really the best my civ has to offer mate.
Why do you not understand how socialism works? The only way it works is through force. And after that force is applied for a long enough time it fails. Because socialism doesn't work with large scale human civilization.
If no force is eve applied you will naturally see some humans with more and some with less, because while they may have equal rights are not equal as people. Some are more productive than others. And the more productive ones will make more for themselves.
If you use force to take away from the productive they stop being productive or leave. So the burden then falls on the those next less productive to make up the difference. Which causes them to stop being productive or leave.
Eventually it collapses because eventually socialism runs out of other people's money.
Even in a fictional universe this is true.
If you doubt me, name the current succesful socialist country that doesn't have wealth disparities and can continue without worry into the future.
You can't because it doesn't exist.
>Yes you do. You have an equal right to a resource, same as everyone else
Even if I actively worked for it and they did not? Is my labor not valued in the worker's paradise?
>If you attempt to monopolize a resource you have stolen it from everyone. Understand?
Surely private property is not the monopolization of a resource as you do not own all of that resource, only a part of it. In fact, not allowing private property is effectively giving the collective a monopoly over all resources above the individual. Paradoxical desu.
>You have no idea what "Socialism" is.
Then explain your cherry picked definition of socialism.
>Under Socialism you are free to do what ever you like, as long as you don't break the Non Aggression Principle.
You mean under libertarianism. I'm beginning to think it's actually you that doesn't understand Socialism.
Han blz :DDDDD
If I invent a method for extracting, processing and utilizing a new resource why does everyone have equal right to the resource that wouldn't be accessible in the first place if not for me?
> Placing nationality above ethnicity
Chinese people don't do that. It'd explain why there are so many Chinese spies infiltrating the West, and the fact that Chinese aren't restricted from taking up military positions in America baffles us ťbh.
If you mix your tin of soup with a lake, it doesn't mean the lake is yours.
Come on man, Singaporeans don't think of themselves as Chinese completely. Othewise why would they even have their own army and sovereignty. You are more akin to how Americans see themselves as offshoots of Britain.
Argument by analogy is the weakest of all.
I've led you to water, but I can't make you drink.
We live in an information age where ignorance is a choice; it appears you've made your choice...
My advice to you is: Question your assumptions. And, read.
I have to work... bye.
>I have to work... bye.
By work I assume he means do something taxpayer funded that wouldn't exist if it had to actually find people spending their own money for his good or service.
So you don't actually have an argument and now you're leaving on airs of superiority like all leftists do when ideologically challenged. Bravo.
To get private property, surely.
>To get private property, surely.
To live.
I have no other choice.
He returns! Only to cherry pick his obviously objective world view. Again, bravo.
If it weren't way past my bedtime I'd be debating alongside you. It was a good read so far, later Aussiebro
Yeah, I wish we in the West had a similar idea. In college my roommate was Indian, and we had an Arab, Brazilian, Nigerian, and more on the floor. The Indian hung out with Indians (and me), Arab hung out with Arabs, Brazilian hung out with Brazilians, and Nigerian hung out with Nigerians.
Only Whites and American Hispanics were hanging out with people outside their ethnicity extremely often. Not that associating with other colors is bad in itself, but it really is revealing. I can't explain how many times I would be sitting with a mixture of different American ethnics, and 10 feet away was a group of Arabs all plotting to bomb the nearest mall or something, who would never associate with us.
A part of me wishes that other Whites would be wary, or skeptical, of other ethnics. Not because they're bad, but because they're probably not from your heritage or ideology's tradition.
At the very least I would like to see Whites be more loyal to their "kind," and not walk around shamefully with guilt for a slave-owning ancestor of theirs who didn't exist.
My girlfriend is a first-generation American, and her parents are Catholic immigrants from Vietnam. Dad is an engineer, mom is a lab assistant. Their masses, weddings, parties, friends, etc., are all Catholic Vietnamese. It amazes me, and a part of me wishes I grew up in a largely homogenous society, or at least within a tightly-knit community.
Sorry but I often envy people in your situation, Singabro.
avoid reading only books on the same subject such as jews and redpill like most of the retards here do.
One book will not be enough to have an opinion on one subject, you'll have to read fascists as well as gommie cucks so don't fall for the "redpilled book" meme
what about the memoirs of lee kuan jew?
But he fought for the POUM which was a trotskyist anti Stalin party and he wrote about how the PCE(Spanish communist party) would boycott the POUM and the CNT