Bona nit

Bona nit.

My name is Joan Genís i Montferrer. I'm a 27 year old American Cataboo (Catalan culture fan for you caracollons). I grow wine on my vineyard and spend my days perfecting my craft and enjoy superior Catalan passtimes (castells, sardana, watching Barça games). I train with my wine press every day, this superior tool can squeeze all of the wine out of grapes because it is "molt fort," and is vastly superior to any other method of wine production. I earned my grower's license two years ago, and have been getting better every day.

I speak Catalan fluently, in both the Girona and Andorra dialects, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Catalan culture and the code of the Crown of Aragon, which I follow 100%. When I get my visa, I am planning on moving to Garrotxa to work as a hand on a goat farm to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a vineyard owner in Alt Urgell or a Catalan language professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

I own several barretines, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Catalunya, so I can fit in. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak Catalan as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Catalunya!


Estic fins als collons de tots vosaltres.


la mara del tanu noiet osties

please tell me Cataboos aren't a thing...

Into oven u go jordi

Aren't you that same guy who wants Spain to anschluss Portugal?

Guess what, I'm also a Portuboo. Vai-te foder caralho.

They are. Most are anarchists who read Homage to Catalonia and go around shouting things like "VISCA POUM!"

That looks way too elaborate to be bait. Good luck with your new life lad

I hope that the OP is a Catalan on vacations there

Bon merdapost, amic.

I fucking hate that flag, it's just an horrible way of destroying a good one


It seems it is true after all. Anyway, I'd love a series of a Cataboo's adventures in rural Catalonia

I made the pasta as a joke, but I am fond of Catalonia. Estic aprenent català i visitaré Catalunya en l'etiu.

Got family ties there?

>Portable PC
>Amd GPU
Just end yourself

Not at all, muh heritage is German, French (Alsatian), and Irish. I have a friend in Barcelona, but she's more Spanish than Catalan, I'd say. Has a Spanish surname, speaks Spanish at home (though is a Catalan native speaker, of course), isn't in favor of independence, etc.

I'm probably more of a Portuboo than Cataboo, at the end of the day.



Emigrantes metem-me nojo


Não sou português...

"Barcelona needs to be bombed once every 50 years"

No truer words were ever spoken.

As portuguesas são as mulheres mais lindas do mundo.

Mentira a não ser que gostes de gordas, anãs e peludas e essa ai é feia


Fuckin americans

Flemish separatists generally have good ties with Catalan (and Basque) separatists. I'm not such a navel-gazing separatist myself but as a self-respecting Fleming I do support full cultural autonomy within a Swiss-modeled (con)federal system, especially when the dominating national culture threatens to crush the regional one to death, genre Langue d'Oc. A stabilized regional identity equals a stabilised national one.

as an american who visited barcelona, you're gonna think it's the greatest place on earth, til you realize that everyone hates you because you're an american

Should I speak with an accent so people think I'm French or German?

In Portugal nobody minded me for being American, but for some reason everybody thought I was French.

Sabeis que es peor que un chicano? Un Chicatalano

no, because americans are extremely easy to spot, unless you have a olive complexion and dark hair

I've already learned to say "no vaig pas votar a Trump. Estic fins als collons d'ell." Hopefully that will help.

I'm not swarthy by any standards (not really nordic either) but I passed for native in Portugal, and they're a fair bit darker than Catalans.

idk you'll probably be alright, tho if you visit Barcelona look out for pickpockets. the guides online aren't fucking joking, they are fucking everywhere

Yeah I have a friend who lives there and she said in the center of the city she always ALWAYS ALWAYS carries her purse in front of her. I usually keep my wallet and phone in my front pocket.

and if someone offers to sell you something and tries to thrust it into your hands, do not accept it, they'll try and scam you

Well Spain is filled with leftards, but you will find such people here too. In the Bush-era it was edgy to shit on Americans, in the Obama-era he was a saint and Americans became "republicans" or "Texans" (according to these people all Texans are fat, gun-slinging cowboys and by extension card-carrying KKK members). But now with Trump edgy retards are shooting off their mouth again.

Please don't ever apologise in any way when you meet such assholes. They do the same with Russian tourists over Putin. Travellers shouldn't be harassed and held personally responsible for political shit as if they were fucking diplomats.

I'm about as anti-Trump as they come, but usually my response is "I didn't vote for him and neither did most Americans. I'm not my country, I'm my own person. So as much as I hate him, I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't do."

Most people realize what they've been saying is dumb after they hear that, but a few are so stupid that they get really butthurt.

sounds like gypsies

Not having holographic Don Jao painting with monarchic blue flag with count of Portugal flag on a real life ship, PLEB.
T. Just a Iber

Stand up to be counted

I love Portugal region and admin I just believe in unity of Spain

The Bush era made me tired of such bozos. I live in Bruges, we have tourists 24/7. I got really tired of snotty shithead going on a better-than-thou rant against literally every American they met, didn't matter if they said they were against Bush. It was often a shameful sight, most American tourists remained calm and polite but I could sense their discomfort. I can tell you quite a few cringeful rants I've witnessed, for example one leftard raving about the power of "the catholics in the south" (meaning the southern baptists).

Americans who come here are generally very nice people and don't deserve such treatment, who they voted for is a personal issue.

House of aziz should be the house to rule Spain

>not the user you've been replying to
You're alright, bud.


I think by and large, Americans and Europeans are pretty cool with each other. You have a vocal minority of both who accuse each other of being arrogant socialist pansies or snake handling gun carriers, but having traveled in Europe people on both sides of the Atlantic are pretty similar.

I just hope that when I travel and interact with such crazy people, they end up having a better view of my country than they would have otherwise.