Is there anything that is still sacred left?

Is there anything that is still sacred left?

My private time in the bathroom.

is this satire?

no, st nick can't get enough of the BBC!

Is this an Onion headline?

hate to break it to you but it's a fictional character
and anyone can make whatever fictional story about them they want, nobody gives a shit

i can just imagine the Doritos all over your keyboard


That's true. But at this point it seems like the diversity parade is just taking the piss.

Isn't the best thing for minority groups to provide a strong narrative they can believe in? Not just distort an existing one to hopefully fit someones sense of entitlement?

Just making a bunch of super heroes black suddenly, James Bond black, and Santa gay just seems to be aiming to disrupt society. If Santa was somehow a symbol of oppression and bigotry, then the answer would just be to phase him out. Like how we say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Don't just stuff a black cock in his ass and call it good.

I'm, not a snowflake, but I am a minority, and I'm not going to feel satisfied if they just suddenly warped something to please me. I look for things I identify with, I don't expect things to change for me. So why aren't we providing alternatives that appeals to a broader audience?

There is a Pakistani cartoon called the Burka Avenger about some Muslim girl ninja who goes around serving justice. The idea was to be inspiring to young Muslim girls. They didn't just say "Oh just kidding, Mohammed was actually a little girl trans-binary non gender queer-sexual whatever the fuck. See, isn't that better?"

Underrated. I keked.

after burning down the last abortion clinic, you must face this.... the Whitest Knight

awww does special snowflake baby need a safe space? is the world triggering you?

I think we found the gay santa on this thread

You're missing the point: This is about selling something to SJWs/Millennials. The author or publisher doesn't give a fuck abut minorities or inspiring little darkies.

They wanna exploit them and drain them of every penny

You should've stopped caring about Santa Clause after age 10
This shit's stupid though

From a marketing perspective though, it seems a little risky to pervert something to hopefully capture a few from the SJW market.

Couldn't they risk destroying the market by alienating the majority of customers?

Why? Just Why? Mrs.Clause has been a character as along as the Modern Coca Cola Santa has been around.

Really people

Hahahaha satire, hahahaha. No user, god has abandoned us

can you elaborate on that?

He's on God's naughty list now

Nothing is sacred to them. They would shit on their mother's grave if it meant not being racist. They are literally a parasite

What's really happening is that the whole leftist progressive movement is trying to undercut the whole of western civilization. So as to cause it to implode on itself. For as much as people bleet on about how this country was founded by freemasons, the creation of this country tossed a monkey wrench in the powers that be plans for the world. If you fin it hard to chew on, think about our bill of rights, and what half the founders wanted. Then take the other half and cross check where they're from and who their families were friends with. And a few select one's tried to straddle the fence. Case in point is that it's well known the Rothschilde family financed both Napolean and the British to fight each other. The Rothchildes also financed Britain in their war against us during revolutionary times. Only one of the few times they bet on a losing war. I understand how hard it is to believe something like that. But it was the Rothchilde family that was instrumental in forming national banks, and the IMF. Bet many of you didn't realise what the Fed Reserve actually does. It was created and given the sole responsibility of printing our money, and then loaning it to us. With interest to be paid back to them.

You can't pull a society apart very easy if they have shared values and traditions.