New leaked email says Hillary called killing Assad's family the right thing to do...
and get this. Said it's what is best for Israel. Did she just stump herself against Trump's kill their family rhetoric?
New leaked email says Hillary called killing Assad's family the right thing to do...
and get this. Said it's what is best for Israel. Did she just stump herself against Trump's kill their family rhetoric?
so hwat? nothings gonna happen to her. still gonna run for pres and probably win
Trump is winning in polls and the DNC is collapsing hard senpai.
noice try
If this is true, clinton is done for. If liberals are treating syrians like poor lost puppies, just wait until they find out who's responsible for their troubles
Im definitely voting for her now. Obama was too much of a pussy.
pls god pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
is this legit tho op?
We must support Bernie, the only thing worse than a Zionist Witch is a 74 year old crusty jew commie.
Fuck off reddit, if Bernie is the Dem candidate that means Trump won't win and the nation will collapse under his administration.
Trump needs to win, its best if Hillary wins the Dem nomination, not him.
Yeah. Check the email on wikileaks famiry
I feel like Trump would win regardless of who he's up against. He'd smash the commie bastard.
No she isn't. She'll just say muh chemical weapons and all the liberal retards will beleive her.
start pointing out that bill clinton was on the lolita express
source please
Liberals are splitting hard due to Bernie Sanders man. They no longer see her as an untouchable idol. Sanders removed her shield, and she's about to get bombarded with arrows.
If anything was going to happen to her for what she's done it would have already happened.
Fuck Hillary. Even the left votes Berny over her!
>Trump engage Putin and Kim in discussion, talk to them
>Hillary Clinton talks shit about this, tries to make him somehow seem like a weak leader, and someone who doesn't value our European allies
>She's a sociopathic war monger
>And nobody will care
Bush killed 100,000 people including the whole family of Sadam Hussain.
And no one cares................
This is just geopolitical soft punches, where is the real meat!?!
>OMG, sHillary is warmonger
Nod really. She did exactly what USA normally do.
And the civil war in Syria was inevitable.
Are these false flag screenshots ever real?
Note how the creators can never resist the sophomoric technique of throwing every single element of the narrative into your face. EVERY DETAIL necessary for this story is present in this one message. How convenient!
It's like exposition in a really bad B-movie.
"What would mom and dad think?"
"Mom and dad aren't here, they died in a car accident when I was three, remember?"
> the epic fail of this prognosis
This woman is un-fucking qualified to direct a retard where to pee (or an indian where to Poo)
Bernie Sanders would be more competent than this cunt.
bump jews trying to slide this
>She did exactly what USA normally do.
just because we're all warmongers doesn't mean hil isn't
warmongering is america's long standing hobby
one that's never going to end under the establishment tyranny of a false democracy
a well guarded tryanny at that; largest military in the world. makes external change impossible
so what's the answer Sup Forums?
occupy showed everyone just how many fucks a corporatocracy gives about you.
violent revolution will cause immense collateral damage, tighten the police state and scrub it as 'terrorism'
tax starvation will cause important social infrastructure to collapse first.
>best way to help Israel
Every fucking time I can't wait till someone wipes that Jewish rat hole off of the face of the earth
goddamnit Titus you had one fucking job
>tfw playing Civ5
>just attack some pleb barbarians, take over their encampment and build a city there
>get denounced by every other civ and being branded as war-mongering
Gee I hoped the same would happen IRL to the US
Based Hillary, always strong in the face of evil. Trump is all words, Hillary has the actions to back it up.
>Obama was too much of a pussy.
For gods sake get that freeloader away from the whitehouse