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bully thread

this isn't a yooa thread..


this thread sucks

what if we killed all the bullies instead?

daebak isn't it?

Yoona will save us from the gaypoppers.

cant literally only be better than the last two

please dont kill t-ara

thank you based yoona

We love the bullies

maknae and her leader


Yoona couldn't even save her best friend from being removed from her group

slut and slut in training

hope its 0muses soon

drop the n imo

her name is c*mjo

she left, nothing she could do

Now that's best bully

beautiful yoona has my sincere gratitude


who dat on the left?

I'm asking for myself.

we love Pyo and T-ara here

a backup dancer


they gotta go

i am not intimidated by bullies. I am a bully bullier. I'll bully a jennie.

bp posters ruin another thread

It's not a muse

And Jennie

T-ara would bully the shit out of you

I think SNSD music sucks


not fucking likely


the only bp member I like is Jisoo but she's a bully too because she bullies that stupid thai ladyboy

t. nugushitter

i think your english suck


say what you want about weki meki kpg, but I'd encourage you to at least give them props for dressing a group with teens in it like actual teens

aside from dream, what other comebacks are left from sm

no one dresses like that irl

where do you live where teens dress like that

Alright but don't bully Lisa

their styling is a mess, they get no props



yeah man i see teens dress like this all the time

no 15 year olds dress like Somi used to either

teen, as in not adult
geez you guys are dense

exo's the war repackage
also suju iirc

I will support them because Lime asked me to do that

this pic makes me feel claustrophobic


exo the war repackage, please anticipate

you didnt answer the question

taemin solo and an exo repack, maybe an snsd repack too. tvxq and suju were both hinted at the beginning of the year but that was the same rumor that hinted f(x) so we'll see.

Lisa is ugly and annoying and don't tell me what to do

people do dress like somi

what did you mean by that?



i hate soyul so much

they do this for every full album of theirs don't they? why

I meant that Keumjo thread is much better than Yooa thread

money obviously

exo is sm's main breadwinner

You got it


blackpink are the group of narrow hips and broad shoulders

why not

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world

[HANTEO] @ 170808
WekiMeki — #WeMe 4,693 [1st day of sales]

Weki Meki beat the current IOI groups in 1st day sales, beating the top selling 1st day IOI group by one single sale

[HANTEO] @ 170227
gugudan — #Narcissus 4,692 [1st day of sales]

it's not just sm, most kpop groups repack full albums for easy cash.

because money nigga what do you mean why


but that's clearly wrong though

i always kind of wished they did this to eps sometimes but i liked the war album and wouldn't mind getting more songs from it

thats before everyone heard how bad the song was

suju and tvxq have been pretty much confirmed, fx was never anything more than a rumor

any kpops with dirty clothes? no law of the jungle

post her forehead please

Don't bully the bully

[HANTEO] 170808
CLC — #FREESM 69 (772 total)

oink but in a good way

shut up tard

you're betting off comparing with pristin posters, gugudan poster never saleshit

I don't see that many 15 year olds run around in booty shorts, crop tops and borderline s and m leather straps with a choker on top

anyway my point wasn't to be prude, just that they did something right at least

clc deserves so much more, they should be wjsn or lovelyz tier at least

go dab off a cliff you stupid salesshitter

cbx comeback?

i think he mean in korea, more specifically seoul

i see more of what you just described than whatever the fuck weme is wearing

hopefully never

It's pretty common.

in my country that is nothing out of the ordinary, seriously

highs never saleshit either

chankaisoo is going to debut next

next year