Describe yourself with one image

Describe yourself with one image

I'll start

Why do you put corn on your pizza?




Anyone know what episode of space dandy is from?










Does he need the sign?


This pretty much sums me up in totality.



Just take out the Weeaboo shit from your image and replace the pizza with homemade Mexican food or sausages and replace the juice with purified water and it's me.



same tho

it hurts to live in-perfect



I am desperate for any pretty woman

So you're a fag?


I fucking hate the confused looks on those bitches faces. They can't comprehend that someone less fortunate than them can achieve more than them. Instead of jumping up and down of such prowess they just look on in disgust.


You like niggers, eh?

>purified water

i am a nigger
























pretty much this 24/7




like this except smug in both wojaks, i don't have the exact image but yougetwhatimsayin







Filthy Singed main here to ruin your game whether you are on the enemy team or not.











Hahahaha I use memes to hide the fact i want to fucking die.

This image pretty much sums up most of Sup Forums

eww gg allen is a pussy


He's not a pussy, he's dead. Fucker got the aids he deserved.


So how's it like being Barney's third testicle?






