What happened?
What happened?
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the southern strategy (appeal to bigots) happen
Carter was a weak puss and was only elected by the south and Missouri because of his promised farm subsidizes. No shit, my dad voted for this guy based solely on that, first election of his. Farming was way bigger back then.
Fuckin farm subsidies were like welfare for rural white men, aka over 51% of the pop in the states there.
Though Carter was lackluster in everything else and was fucked in PR because the energy crisis, America became ready to be made great again by the end of his first term, and the south never voted Democrat again. Then we got the patron saint of Republicans, Reagan. In. Lot of ways Obama is like Carter. A herald of the Democrats before or a new era of America.
The 2 parties had small differences back then, literally they were about the same except a little bit different on social issues.
Now the right is too cowardly to confront the mental retardation of the socialistic left in this country. And now they're more dramatically different socially than ever before.
What caused this dramatic shift to happen and the 2 parties to become literal polar opposites? Well, that my friend, was the success of the KGB and the Cold War.
They had infiltrated leftwing politics and basically rooted for it to influence America in order to make it just like the USSR.
Fortunately for them, it had an effect.. As you can see the learning institutions have become biased for this socialistic trend.
This is why so many of our colleagues have been brainwashed and have turned to the dark side. The left is literally a bunch of Sithlords trying to destroy the country, triggered, as I said, by the KGB.
Texas is gonna flip to blue this year
>South haters
>in charge of their own timeline
Nixon wasn't running in '76.
Bump for more interesting replies
mass immigration of Hispanics and 3rd worlders
Texan here, you're fucking retarded.
Texas's hat here, you're fucking retarded.
>red is republican
>blue democrats
It's like Amerifats failed history class yet again.
What seems to be the problem you are having here?
Republicans were the more progressive party prior to WWI in what is known in American history as the "Progressive Era." They created the park system and shit while democrats were advocating state's rights and traditionalism. Even in 1932 all of the states FDR lost were Pennsylvania and a couple states in New England.
The dichotomy of Red = Progressive and Blue = Traditionalism in regards to western political parties started up around that time, and in America it just stayed the way that Republican states = Red states and Democrat states = Blue states.
People don't believe me when I say people like you exist. At some point, every conspiracy inevitably reverts back to the now defunct Soviet Union. Because good honest businessmen would never screw over our own nation. Therefore the KGB is secretly influencing them from BEYOND THE GRAVE (Spooky.)
people who use bigot unironically should be shot on sight without trial
Texas of Australia here, you're fucking retarded
Peanuts Carter was a Southerner
Gerald Ford pretty much sucked all around (not that Carter didn't too)
Also 1976 predates the Republicans throwing everything behind trying to get the evangelical vote so they weren't focusing on religious wedge issues and thusly the South remained up for grabs
Can the 17 year olds please leave?
When did the Republicans flip to traditionalism and the democrats flip to progressivism?
You voted for a fucking Canadian
I've heard this prediction so many fucking times. They are always wrong.
Businessmen don't give a flying fuck about social issues, they just want larger profits
The useful idiots on the left provide the moral justification for mass immigration while the business world flourishes as a result and everyone else gets shat on
If big business came out and said "we want open borders to kill the earnings ability of the American worker so that we can buy even bigger boats next quarter" any candidate who hopped on board would never win a single election
However if you have students and academics and liberals pushing for mass immigration because "it's the right thing to do" then people will get on board with that
Carter was a rural evangelical Southerner outsider while Gerald Ford was a midwestern political insider. Also the Democrats did well in the South up until 1994.
>the Democrats did well in the South up until 1994
It's a bit arbitrary but FDR would probably be the moment where that happened. There was and arguably still is a dichotomy between Southern Democrats and Northern Democrats as well, with the Southern Democrats starting a new party called the Dixiecrats that ran Strom Thurmond for president, before either becoming Republicans or becoming Blue Dog Democrats.
It's also important to note that contemporary notions of American conservatism did not enter the mainstream until the 1960s.
you dumbass reagan literally swept the country
I agree 100%. I just get tired of conspiracy theories clouding the reality of the situation.
Nevertheless, the third world labor will be a drain on the state up until the state itself cannot support the population. Look at Muslims in Europe as an example.
The world as we know it will be unrecognizable when the dust settles from the massive blowback coming up.
Not shit the Republicans did well in 1980 presidential , they did well everywhere.
But look at state elections like senate and gubernatorial. Also look at 1992 and 1996.
Nigga Wikipedia says you are wrong. Jump to the origins section
You better believe in political realignments... you're in one
Actually, based on that image, this was political realignments twice over.
There are plently of declassified KGB files proving they infiltrated media and academia. Fact is McCarthy was largely right.
>mobile link
gas yourself faggot
Businessmen have nothing to do with it, retard. It's the people spreading this shit that were corrupted by the KGB. I think businessmen are using this as a tool, though, to further their own ends.
Also, I have high suspicions that you're a leftist.
>Before the 2000 presidential election, the traditional color-coding scheme was "Blue for Republican, Red for Democrat,"[3] in line with European associations (red is used for left-leaning parties).
I was half wrong.
Southern democrats like Johnson, Carter and Clinton get most of the south, northern democrats like Obama, do not.
Virginia, ironically, is culturally similar to Maryland and Delaware now.
It's ruined.
The Democrats probably became progressive during the progressive era of politics--ie around 1900. Woodrow Wilson used to be considered the iconic progressive president. fdr, though, was probably the one who jammed progressivism into the political/bureaucratic superstructure.
And in the year 2149, are we still going to be pointing fingers at the Soviet Union because the KGB is responsible for PC Principal?
No offense. But the only reason why I speak up is because people like you are a dead weight for everyone.
>Pic Related.
>Soviet sleeper Agent.
Quebec of Canada here, you're fucking retarded
The divide with Republicans has always historically been about class.
The Republicans normally represented the upper-class interests, while the Democrats normally represented the working man.
At first, the Democrats base was historically family farmers from the south back to the Andrew Jackson age. The Democrats tried to incorporate Northern industrial workers to their mix but the inclusion of Northerners gained them social progressives who sided with blacks when it came to segregation, feminists when it came to abortion, so on and so forth. In short the Northern wing of the Democratic party took over the Southern elements.
You could not debunk any of the claims user made, except hurr durr muh soviet conspiracy. Soviets did infiltrate the left in America, there was Democratic politicians who were later found to be members of the Communist party which was funded by the Soviet Union. Just like the US funded and supported right wing movements across the world, the Soviets did for leftist movements. No one is saying they are still doing it now, but simply what user is saying is that we are still feeling the effects of the cold war.
Texas of Arizona here, you're fucking retarded
Is that yellow for Bernie?
>Virginia, ironically, is culturally similar to Maryland and Delaware now.
It's really not at all
I lived in Arlington for 5 years and in that 5 years spent a lot of time traveling throughout the rest of the state
It's nothing like Maryland and sure as hell is nothing like Delaware
Texas of California here
You're fucking retarded
Frankly, the colors need to switch back.
Everyone knows the lefts are red through and through.
Virginia is a fucking shithole They have huge 40 foot Confederate flags off the highways. I was driving from NY to Florida, and saw like 10 different 50 foot tall confederate flags right off the highway.Thousands of people must see them everyday. That makes the state look racist.Pick related. This one was taken in Northern Virginia, near the Maryland border. I saw many of these throughout the state.
ur mums pussy's gonna flip blue tonight
Kirov reporting
You are dumb, comrade
Two of the top three most populous states in the USA are for sure going to be red this year. Florida is a Trump state through and through. Texas will go Trump as well.
Yep he was a Congressman in 92.
it's not a racist flag
people need to chill the fuck out
Stop voting for the democrats.
Wtf happened?
I love how Democrats spent 100 years appealing to white racists, and then when they decide to stop doing it and white racists stop voting for them, it must be because other parties were bigoted
Yeah dude, FDR was totally conservative
The KGB did successfully infiltrate academia, Hollywood, and print journalism
They also got to the military as well although on not nearly as large a scale and for different reasons
The vast majority of the KGB's activities were directed towards subversion and demoralization; attacking the foundational philosophy (Enlightenment, and going back further, Aristotle's Metaphysics) of the Western World because unless the West fell there could be no worldwide communism
The Marxist thinkers at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow realized that capitalism was simply too tantalizing for people to turn away from it; people in the West went to grocery stores and had shelves stocked with hundreds of loaves of bread, the Soviets got a small weekly ration and in hard times they had nothing. Starvation was a common occurrence in the USSR, meanwhile people in the West were literally eating themselves to death because capitalism was able to provide so much for them
So the Marxist thinkers had to do something about this and they realized that if they could get Western people to reject Western values then society would collapse and communism, led by the Marxist vanguard in the United States would lead the world to a new era of worldwide communism
yeah its the flag of treason
The democrats were all about personal rights, the right to vote, the right to free trade etc etc
Republicans were always about laws of protection.
Wilson changed everything.
Rights of trade became civil rights and protection from law became protection from tax. Weird, I know.
>What caused this dramatic shift to happen and the 2 parties to become literal polar opposites? Well, that my friend, was the success of the KGB and the Cold War.
>They had infiltrated leftwing politics and basically rooted for it to influence America in order to make it just like the USSR.
This kind of shit is nonsense. The Jew hate brigades have more a leg to stand on than this bullshit USSR theory. Jews started the Bolshevik revolutions and propped up socialism/communism. That was the beginning. Now it's a fucking religion almost puritanical or protestant in nature.
Most of Virginia is filled with rednecks. It's just as bad as Mississippi or Alabama. Most of the state is like that. The reason they vote Dem, is because of the three counties that surround Washington DC. Allot of rich liberals and illegals live there. The rural counties can't compete with those three.
> It's also important to note that contemporary notions of American conservatism did not enter the mainstream until the 1960s.
First sentence you've written that's correct. The two big parties did not do some grand ideological flip. The differences between left and right in 1940 was simply different to where they are today. The idea that DEM = conservative, GOP = progressive up mid 20th Century is a reddit tier understanding of political history
>the damage control denial in this thread
look at the pols,
Trump has 1% lead, you dumb niggers
>> It's also important to note that contemporary notions of American conservatism did not enter the mainstream until the 1960s.
>First sentence you've written that's correct. The two big parties did not do some grand ideological flip. The differences between left and right in 1940 was simply different to where they are today. The idea that DEM = conservative, GOP = progressive up mid 20th Century is a reddit tier understanding of political history
Modern conservatives are last century’s progressives. Many ideas held by “conservatives” today were progressive sometimes radically so in the past.
Lol. Seth McFarland ruined Virginia!
At some point, someone is going to trick you with red-baiting. And when they do, you'll fuck your allies.
>the Soviets got a small weekly ration and in hard times they had nothing. Starvation was a common occurrence in the USSR
What time are you talking about?.
>look at the pols,
> Trump has 1% lead, you dumb niggers
Trump is up across the board nationally. He's also up in about every state. This will continue until the general and these numbers are posted by controlled media. There is an even bigger gap.
Texas of England here, you're fucking retarded.
>bullshit USSR theory
Look up KGB defector Bezmenov on Youtube and tell me straight in my own eyes with your own words on my monitor, that it's a theory, son.
It isn't. It has happened, I agree that the Jews did start it all but the KGB finished it and now we're beginning to see the growth of this destructive political cancer that will cut the West in half like a knife to butter.
The Virginia governor giving 200,000 criminals voting rights shows desperation on his part. There are more Republicans than Dems in Virginia. If the Republicans united around Trump, he would win the state easily. But of course, this is the GOP we're talking about so of course they won't.
Texas is a Hispanic state, and Trump is a candidate.
It's going blue, along with Arizona.
>Trump'd thugs actually believe this
Texan here, you're fucking retarded
Virginia wanted independence from England and independence from tariffs but don't want to make America great again?
Fuck you DC suburb. You've ruined your history forever.
Illegals cannot vote in Texas and Arizona. They aren't California.
>USSR so gud n sheit
I've seen the video. I even have it bookmarked. The virulent forms of Marxism/Socialism/Secular Progressivism are due to them becoming a religion.
Three counties (Arlington, Fairfax, and Loudon) hold all of the wealth in the state and a large portion of the population for their size, Arlington is so physically small, less than 26 square miles and a lot of that area is taken up by National Airport, the Pentagon, and Arlington National Cemetery, places where nobody lives but despite this the county is home to 250 thousand people
Fairfax County has over 1 million people
The rest of the state is sparsely populated outside of Richmond which has become a hipster haven and the Tidewater (nig central)
Most of the state is farmland
I wish Rubio was Trumps running mate. In the Primaries, he won the DC suburbs, and would likely give Trump the boost he needs,and unite everyone. He is polling 9 points behind right now, but expect that to change if Rubio, or a man with military experience is his running mate.
Not an argument
Even in the best of times in the USSR almost no one had a car, people made very little money and there wasn't much they could buy because consumerism was considered by the Politburo to be a Western vice and antithetical to Marxist values
if jews are so smart then why do they want to destroy the ship they're sailing on?
>I'm thinking of trying the trans-man diet...
It could go blue but that's very unlikely. Voter turnouts despite the restrictive primaries and rules show otherwise. Democrats are pulling low numbers and many are switching in droves.
Be sure to get everyone you know to vote Trump./ Virginia can't be the state that causes Trump to lose the election. Unless he can flip PA,MI,or Wisconsin, then he is fucked. He isn't likely to win any of those. Time to take Virginia back.
Oil or security work?
Someone post the obama san and Romney kun memes of 2012
Virginia is a great state that got ruined by the fucks in NOVA.
And illegals. Why the fuck would illegals be all the way in Virginia?
I don't live there anymore
I'm in NC now which is really just as bad as Virginia these days
Thankfully I live in a based county
Visiting parents.
You're spot on though. Every Saffa who's here (or similar regions) are in those industries.
Trump's gonna flip NY
Even been to NOVA m8?
It's essentially little El Salvador these days, plus lots of Muslims, Indians, and Ethiopians
Travis county will be the only thing going blue like it always does.
Just remember "keep austin weird" is a liberal agenda.
I wish
It's more likely that he'll flip Ohio
Or agriculture
I'm hoping for Joni Ernst, but I wouldn't mind kasich or Rubio.
Out of the question. NY is too diverse and one of the strongest Dem states He is fucked unless can can flip PA,Michigan, or PA
PA will be close, but don't count on him winning as it hasn't gone red since 1988 and the black vote in Philly, and right next to liberal NY
Michigan has allot of blacks,Muslims, and white union workers. Unless he can get some of those white union votes he can't win.
Wisconsin is just as bad as Minnesota these days.
The electoral college has prevented him from winning, even though he is the better candidate.
Rubio is an open borders shill bought and paid for by Microsoft and LifeInvader
I think he stands a strong chance of flipping Michigan
All those Union lads are pretty upset with the unions saying they'll fight for their jobs and then watching them do nothing
They're all shills.
Not a single candidate has the success of america as the first priority or reasoning to run as a candidate.
Hillarys money and power
Cruzs religion
Trumps ego
Sanders delusions to fuck over white people and get cuckolded by blacks
All blue states are in play for the most part.