>if a man thinks he should've been born with 1 arm and decides to chop it off, he has a mental illness
>if a man thinks he should've been born without a dick and decides to chop it off, xe's a normal functioning trans-man you asshole bigot how dare you not accept xim for what xe is
If a man thinks he should've been born with 1 arm and decides to chop it off, he has a mental illness
We're women, get over it.
Nice dubs
> picture of a drag Queen aka a dude who enjoys dressing like a lady and has no intention of chopping his dick off and only gets called 'she' while on stage.
Gr8 example m8
>doctors have to clarify that "no you should not shove this up your ass user"
Anybody else feel like Trannies are people with severe mental problems being taken advantage of by Drug Companies and Plastic Surgeons?
These people need serious help, not to be drugged up and mutilated.
Well shit I am getting a 900 dollar fine apparently
Nice dubs
To be considered an ailment, the thing has to do damage in life. The only damage done to trannies is by tranny haters.
Oh my goodness no. You don't get to chose what reality is. You area man with a neurological defect that probably occurred during fetal development that messed up your brain. The reason it is a a defect and not just an abnormality or irregularity is because you have severe anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts unless you do something about it.
So by all means take your pills, chop your penis if you really want to. Just don't try to force others to play along with your make believe that you are a woman.
>trans people can't reproduce
>they will all die off as a result
Does Tranny haters include themselves when they hate themselves because their body is wrong and they try to kill themselves?
Gender isn't a choice, you're just a broken human being
I think suicidal tendencies in trannies are more of a function of how society looks at them than how they feel about themselves. I doubt they'd want to off themselves if it were nbd in soiciety to be a tranny.
>we should take business away from doctors that developed the surgeries
Obesity is a major problem in the US, and the cause for that is usually psychological, and yet people give more attention this shit.
who is this, jesus?
They're spiritually sick people, transgenderism is the symptom of deeper issues
I doubt thai trans people kill themselves as much as in the US, proportional to their respective populations.
imaginary damage, just like their imaginary vajay
if you need meds to be normal... you aint normal
but would corrupt the mind of the young impressionable kids watching them being praised on the massive kike media
Is this how all Iranians think?
No, trannies in cuck countries have the same mental issues.