Other urls found in this thread:,_January–June_2016

A Muslim probably blew it up or something.



Probably another terrorist attack from the amish

>66 passengers


You know what happened. Now we just have to wait for the details of who did it?
It was Muslims.

Why were french people going to Egypt? Were they tired of all the muslims in their country so they wanted to go to a more secular nation for vacation?


It doesn't matter what happened. What matters is the plan.

They were going to visit their relatives.

They expect Muslims in the wreckage brother

We tolerated Islam.

I wonder how they're going to blame this on Russia this time.

>French people
>In France

Muslim. they can't keep getting away with it

If your accusation is wrong, you have to cut your dick off.

Think about it. What kind of white people from france and belgium would go to egypt ? Pretty sure it was all brown people inside. This can't be done by muslims, must be the opposite.

It was shot down 10 miles after entering Egyptian airspace. I bet their sandnigger military mistook it for an enemy plane and shot it down. Kek.

>religion of peace

What's the opposite of a Muslim?

>According to the name of the pilot is: Mohammed Saed Ali Ali Shakier, and the co-pilot is: Mohamed Ahmad Mamdooh Ahmad Asem.

A civilized man

or a cuck

it depends on which continent you're on



Civilized man won't do that. Civilized men are scared of blood and scared of punching people so they use guns and make propaganda about how guns are manly.

Gee, nobody goyim

Americans. Well, they're like the opposite of everything, so..

That's how Judaism was founded

A Serb.

no, accuser has to be responsible of his own accusation. It has to be taken seriously.

If you land your plane, it wins

egypt can't into flying.

Idk why people instantly assume its a "terror" attack by "radical islamists"

Whats wrong with you retards?

Planes have crashed before and in fact most plane crashes were simply accidents.

What happened to common sense?

Why would muslims even do this? There werent even french people on the plane.

Because we all know Muslims never kill other Muslims, right?

>2 Iraqis on board

According to the name of the pilot is: Mohammed Saed Ali Ali Shakier, and the co-pilot is: Mohamed Ahmad Mamdooh Ahmad Asem.
>Nothing to see here

shut up, malaysia

I don't get it.

>Why would muslims even do this?
It's what they do.
Also, an affiliate of IS had been fighting the Egyptian government in Sinai.


>Egypt AIr
>Pilots have arabic names

What a surprise!

But you can ?

>Nice dubs of 4.

I mean for what reason ? They kill other muslims only if there were white people too around, as their main target. But blewing a plane that has 100% brown people in it, isn't very rational to radical islam terrorists i think.

There was only Muslims on that plane. Did it not reach its target or something?

>creepy capcha

I'm also not malaysian

It was done by people who are strongly against muslim. Guess.

You're a retard. The vast majority of people killed by Muslims are other, slightly different, Muslims.

France is a Muslim country.

A BBC journalist asked a Muslim street protester once "If you don't like living in my country, why do you stay here?", to which the Muslim angrily fired back "What makes you think this is *your* country?"

The Muslims like living in Europe - polls reveal that. But that is because they believe that Europe belongs to them. They are not guests in someone else's house. It's THEIR house. They're entitled to it. They will out-reproduce the whites and claim Europe as their own. They have no problem leaving the Middle East to come "home" to Europe.

The whole is Muslim; it just don't know it yet.

You think Muslims don't attack other Muslims?


This was spotted last night


>they kill other muslims
no shit retard most radical/wahabbi/orthodox muslims believe most muslims are kuffars

Some aussie prick on CNN just said it blew up.

fucking wankers, aussies that is.

>vast majority
Try again

Muslims did it.

Why do jet engines have those little swirly designs in them on the part that spins? The engines on the wings, does anybody know?

what the fuck is going on guys

NOW NOW NZ user!

>Self hating Muslims
I wish this was a thing

The Airbus A320 proving once again why it should be retired. Seriously man how many more crashes do these need to have before they're retired? The concord had one major disaster and that was it.

u retard

Possibly a missile.

not a rebuttal

so retarded ramp workers know when engine is on

It's been weeks since a happening. I'm so happy we're back!

So you can tell the direction of the airflow at a glance. It's a safety measure.


>15 french

that moment when you realize 15 french patriots boarded this plane to reverse-role terrorized muslims



Do some reading.

That looks more like a Space shuttle re-entry you fucking moron.

Poor maintenance resulting in a critical failure of a crucial component. This coupled with a less than stellar crew training regime meant that the flight crew were not able to regain control of the aircraft.

God bless their souls.

Actually if you try harder to solve my sentence, it is.

>66 Passangers
This can't be a coincidence.

>Why do jet engines have those little swirly designs in them on the part that spins?

So that people on the ground near an active engine know it's running and don't get sucked through it.

Muslim backwards. This was your fault for expecting anything more from Australia

>hat kind of white people from france and belgium would go to egypt?
when there are shekels to be made and resources to be exploited of any kind, the sand-nits aren't exactly able to do things themselves are they?

Literally hundreds of thousands of reasons a White person would be going there. Eep with the brainwashing "#notalmuslims."

I'm retarded for not knowing why airplanes have shit on them?

I work in business, not airlines.

Anybody who works airline jobs and isn't a pilot is a pleb anyways.

Thanks for answering guys. Learn something from Sup Forums everyday

Now give me a proof that everyone on flight was from one particular sect. If you can, then your accusation is validated.

Most likely two reasons:

1. Optical monitoring of turbine speed, for diagnostic purposes, using a laser o-scope

2. Visual reminder if it is spinning or not, retard proof if you can't see the coalburn swirl...

It was a bomb, the Egyptians will do everything they can for the next months to deny it was a bomb because they're lying Gypo's, but it was a bomb.

we shot it down guys

>It's been weeks since a happening.

I've posted it before, but Sup Forums disregarded it because it's the Middle East and bombings are daily, but 300+ have been killed in Iraq in less than two weeks. I expect more bombings on Friday since it's their holy day.

Saw an article that Islamic State killed 25 people by dropping the in nitric acid. If true, there better be video.

I'm sorry ay?
You might be a racist ay?
Go to gullagay?

>Space shuttle re-entry
>Over the Mediterranean
>When the space shuttle has been long since decommissioned...

why are the slave pepes the same race as the owner pepe. The monster

that would be insane if true

All you need is one infidel target.

>greentexting literally nothing explaining nothing is considered a rebuttal

heres my rebuttal,_January–June_2016

Devotion to religion is big among them. They kill those who aren't studying every day.

> It's your fault if I can't express my thoughts clearly

Animals have souls? Since when?

I am now a #CruzMissile

>your accusation is validated
When did I say anything about this plane? I said that the vast majority of Muslims are killed by other Muslims with different opinions on what color the Koran should be.

But seeing as this was an Air Egypt flight going from Paris to Cairo you can be assured that it was Muslims who brought this plane down, if it didn't just crash.

Say it with me

>Egyptian aviation

theres been some kind of distress "ping" in the Mediterranean, probably about 3-500km north of egypt

>Plane was going to Cairo International Airport

How come?