Meet Gillian. Please feel free to let her know what you think about her treatment of the dog in pic

Meet Gillian. Please feel free to let her know what you think about her treatment of the dog in pic.
nemethg [at] mail [dot] gvsu [dot] edu

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WTF this bitch is in my state... Just gonna forward this to GVSU...

GVSU student here. Where was this pic taken?

Omegle is coming her way with a shit ton of dicks

bumping to keep alive

animals shouldnt be treated like this, they dont know any better

Dropped a tip with Ottawa County Sheriff.

Might be able to pull GPS data from photo? Does snapchat prevent this?

Yay army!


Pretty much the only logical thing to do


How do we know that "Gillian" is in this photo?

personal army reporting for duty

fuck this bitch and anyone who treats animals like that.

Take not, newfags. This is one of the few times a personal army request is actual justified and not a faggot thing to do.


You nippe-dicks knew what I meant.

Got this bitch

off campus apartments, people tried to say it was on campus because of the geotag but that geotag stretches over like all of allendale lol

needs more ass

i cant tell whats happening in the picture, please descibe

so you're Austin Schmidt and you're pissed at this chick?

She's gonna like being doxxed by you faggot.

Woman is holding a dog up by its tail

What a dumb fuck. Austin is laughing with emojis, this dude isn't so it obviously isn't him.

You're Debra Messing, and Austin doesn't like being doxxed by the worst actress TV has ever seen?

there is a famous pic of LBJ picking up his hounddog by the ear.

seems twitter started going after her a few hours ago


Don't mind me I'm just here to observe moralfags


Getting fucked through both ends. One is Twitter in the pussy. Sup Forums in the ass


Yea, having morals is like, so lame! Fucking normies reee!

>be 2016+1
>be not as edgy as me
>be up on Sup Forums past 9pm bedtime before middle school tomorrow.



Just go read through the twitter posts on it. Her school even replied. Lots of people threatening to hunt her down, etc.

Is this REALLY the best we can do?

Ji-lee-en? Fuck that pronunciation.

Damn straight, muthafuckas. Animal abusers need a good, hard dose of their own medicine.

bumping to keep alive

Fucking abusive bitch.

People who can do things like this and not give a damn sicken me.

>be you
>be on Sup Forums
>complain about offensive images when thousands are posted here every day
>pretend that being outraged is going to change it
>pretend that there is more outcome from your whining than your own emotional turmoil

Well we can always hope an user lives near by her, figures out where she lives, and personally guts her in an alley. But obviously that would not be advertised on a thread on Sup Forums, if some hero decided to do such a thing.

Its not like she severely tortured or killed the doggo

Who cares?

If she did, she would be psychotic or perhaps mentally depraved.

But she didn't. And she's still an animal abusing asshole.

hey retards, dachshunds were literally bred to be grabbed by their tail.

"The curved tail is dual-purposed: to be seen more easily in long grass and, in the case of burrowing dachshunds, to help haul the dog out if it becomes stuck in a burrow."

hey retard, just because theyre bred for it doesnt mean its okay to exploit it

and she most definitely didnt know that anyway. shes a fuckin bitch


That could have severely injured the dog, or worse, the tail could have detached and the dog's spine would have come out with it.

Dangling the dog in mid air is different from pulling them out of a fucking hole, you dumb-ass.

Oh. So it is your first week on Sup Forums. Well, welcome, but quit being a faggot. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. I'd suggest lurking more, though.

fun fact about small dogs, you can actually tear their tail off their body if you hold them like that user

I know you both want to seem like tough but you seem incredibly retarded