If Trump became president and built the wall, you all realize that spics could literally just sail around it, right?
Why The Wall is retarded
>what is coast guard
also it's a lot harder to cross by boat than by land
why didn't you bring up the tunnel meme too?
Radar surveillance. And that's pretty much the easiest place to patrol. It already is.
the mexican space program could also send rockets across
>mexican space program
ayy lmao
It might deter Mexicans, but I really feel a 35 foot wall will just call for 35 foot ladders. If it were significantly cheaper I'd say go for it but I'm not sure if it can reduce the debt caused by illegal immigration to the point where we at least break even.
The idea is to make it hard enough that people don't try or few enough do that it's not an issue anymore. You're childish if you think the idea is to make it impossible.
They can extend the wall over the water, all they need to do is use some boyant material, like poo
Not much harder. The spics already use makeshift rafts to cross the Rio Grande. Also a tunnel would be a hell of a lot harder to build compared to sailing across.
I heard they're already working on teleportation.
There's literally no way to keep those geniuses out.
America is completely helpless.
Powered by weed energy, clean and sustainable.
> Also checked
That's why we sink there boats with the Coast Guard, ya' silly nigger!
>worlds greatest ocean going navy
>worlds greatest coastal defense navy
>hundreds of thousands of mexican hating civil sailors
Yea I think the only issue were gonna have is mattress rafts washing ashore with blood stains.
this is actually a thing
Under Trump I can easily foresee that wall sticking at least a mile out into the ocean.
if it is possible for a constant stream of african rapefugees to cross the Mediterranean, I doubt it would be harder for Pacos to get into the US by boat
>If Trump became president and built the wall, you all realize that spics could literally just sail around it, right?
So you don't lock your doors because you have windows?
Spics can't build boats, besides the national guard actually isn't hindered by the Obama adminstration, Paco would be forced to route his dingy back to Tijuana
Once physicists figure out how to teleport people, illegals can just teleport into the States.
time for a volunteer naval militia
Why do you make fun of Mexican intellectuals?
Ah, right, I'll get back to my 50 billion dollar doors.
Dude the wall is useless once they build it all you need is a ladder and then you can get over im so smart lmao
Sailing across a 70 foot river on inner tubes vs having to build a boat then get around the coast guard. You're retarded.
Even if it did, they could still sail around it.
>Ah, right, I'll get back to my 50 billion dollar doors.
>8 billion
>mexico is paying for it
>liberal pretending to worry about expenses
How many fucking times do I have to say this.
It's a fucking metaphor. You really think Donald Drumpf is gonna build a literal fucking wall that will cost millions to build and maintain?
pokey sticks at the top
It also won't work because a wall would have to be built across natural landmarks like pic related.
this is what cracks me up. as soon as trump announced the wall they all screamed "HOW IS HE GOING TO PAY FOR IT?"
Now they really all care about economics all of sudden
>What is a coastguard
Besides you will never be able to stop everyone the point is to make it allot harder
Use a grapnel hook
There's probably going to be a bunch of bladed bars and/or barbed wire on top of it. And Trump might want to not mention that yet because it's a bit inhuman. They are a few people that WILL try to get through it anyway and get horribly mutilated.
Woops! My bad, silly me! Only EIGHT BILLION! Well, now that it's only the price of a third world country golly gee whillikers I think we got ourselves a deal!
And...what's this? Make MEXICO pay for it? Absolutely genius! Nothing like just SAYING that someone else will pay for it. "Hey thief, will you pay for my door installation!" Golly gee oh my I think we just found the magic bullet!
Damn, I am truly enlightened. Thank you for bestowing your eternal wisdom o' wise one.
Yes, sailing and landing literally directly into where Navy SEALs train and Camp Pendleton will do a lot for them...
>high seas
>waves rolling meters high
yeah no.
Also active patrolling with the army.
>the wall is just satire
almost got me. straya really are top shitposters. here's your (you)
>what is sentry towers
>what is camera surveillance
>what is movement detection
>mocking reality makes it go away
What if they build a second wall right next to the first one and then walljump to the top like mario?
America isn't capable of doing stuff like that anymore.
"The wall (maintenance fees) just got 10x higher." -Donald Trump ;)
This is ironic coming from a Sup Forums user who probably just recites liberal propaganda using MS paint memes and acts like it constitutes some argument.
>Hey thief, will you pay for my door installation
You don't have trade deficits with a thief.
You don't give massive monetary aid to a thief.
Look, you're just not a smart person. You don't seem to have a grasp on how geopolitics works.
>wall maintenance doesn't open up jobs for American citizens
>Sup Forums user
Jesus, you're exposing yourself as a shill already? The bosses aren't going to be impressed, son.
Constant height increase by n, MULTIPLY maintenance cost by n.
>American education
If sailing is so easy why don't they do it now?
oh yeah, because crossing by land is way easier.
There's probably no way to 100% illegal immigration. But the wall would greatly reduce it.
If anything, the higher cost of boat travel would probably mean illegal immigrants coming across would be smarter and have higher wages in Mexico and thus probably be better for America than the average illegal spic.
damn you got us ese, I guess we lose.
Illegals cost hthe the US 84 billion annually. It pays off in 2 months. Anything else you want to add, nigger?
I apologize in advance for not sending you our best.
>you can't totally eliminate your chances of getting cancer, so you might as well smoke 5 packs a day!
Or concertina wire.
a hoy hoy matey!
Gibralterinos are the best BROS
implying the wall won't be an even more impressive landmark than whatever irrelevant landscape it paves over
I'm not the one who brought up the locking door scenario.
Golly gee! Maintenance makes more jobs and stimulates the economy! I'm sure that's why Obama's stimulus package worked! All he had to do was simply SPEND more money. Truly unparalleled thinking. Let's start by replacing all utility infrastructure.
Maybe you should read his post a bit better.
Nice try Nigel, but that would only work if there were no maintenance fees and it brought illegal immigration to effectively zero. Breaking even is a stretch in itself, letting alone turning a profit. But hey, A+ for effort, your execution was a little bit shoddy.
Just build around it.
Fuck you, traitor. You aren't worried about the wall, you're scared that the mean Mexicans will call you racist.
damn that sucks nigga
American poo sinks unfortunately. Maybe a good Indian business venture?
Yep it's not like the world's biggest navy and coast guard is there. Oh wait...
Guys what if after the wall those damn spics apply for legal citizenship to the US?
How can we stop that? protip: we can't.
So really there is no point in even building the wall!
>35 foot ladder
And what are they going to do when then they reach the top, jump down 35ft?
>I'm not the one who brought up the locking door scenario
>not understanding that a metaphor to describe one aspect of a situation doesn't necessarily translate to all aspects of a situation.
The metaphor was to describe how if a method is not 100% preventative, it is still useful to incorporate it. If I said, "Going to die one day so might as well eat mcdonalds every meal", this does not mean I'm talking about obesity in regards to illegal immigration either. This is evidence of your low IQ.
Fuck radars.
It's summer of 2017. The wall is already underway, so Jose, Pedro, Juan, and Achtocoatzltitchico are on a boat headed for Texas. They aren't stopped by a boat, but instead by a constant patrol of surfing Coast Guard baras with MAGA hats.
While on the cannon ride back home, the hombres think about how fucking cool the surfers were. Back in Mexican territory, they fall right into the Chapel of the Blessed Assumption in the small town of Los Boyega, which happens to be an cocaine outpost visited by ruthless drug lord Zolo.
Zolo's spare eight-hundred-and-ten men immediately drag the boys out to be executed. While Zolo twirls his moustache and asks them to say their last words. While the others just bless their mammis, Juan regrets never learning to surf, which interest the guard hands.
While they just keep it as an in-joke for the first few days after the executions, the guards eventually find themselves genuinely interested in surfing, and take it up as a hobby, riding out further and further into the gulf to show off their strength. Not to be undermined by his own cronies, Zolo vows to take up the hobby as well, eventually defeating all of them with his amazingly massive length. However, Zolo grows arrogant and surfs into American waters. So tired out from the voyage, Zolo will either drown or rest on American soil. Once he does so, he is immediately apprehended by nine gorillion Coast Guard baras, who inform President Trump, amazed at the news from the White House, which has since been moved to the top of Trump Tower. After getting on his personal jet, Air4s, Big Don arrives on scene in about 12.3 minutes. He then is given the personal honor of cutting off Zolo's genitals and tongue and giving them the old switcheroo. With the fall of Zolo, Mexico as a nation is now freed of drug problems, and immigration to the United States is no longer necessary. But the wall stays up either way, because fuck Mexico.
>this triggers the conservatard
Allocating financial assets into something more pragmatic and effective than a concrete monolith you inbred mongoloid. Maybe if you didn't have your shit opinion regurgitated to you daily on this circlejerk, echo chamber hugbox you folks call a "board" you could brain storm more effectively solutions for stopping Spics from invading the country instead of just succumbing to the the rhetoric of a child and shouting BUILD WALL over and over.
It's interesting how if enough retards keeping spouting the same shit opinion over and over in jest you'll get underage children who actually believe it.
Brainstorming is fun.
Why are you pretenting to be retarded? I know that it's fun once in a while.
Now can you just stop this madness?
and btw if you want smth to eat, i'll trow you what's left, "wall isnt to block 100%, in the long run it'll do more good than bad, because let's be honest... you woudnt want your kids near them either..."
Legal spics will pay taxes and will be registered as offenders if they do criminal shit.
There's absolutely 0 issue with legal immigration.
they aren't smart enough to do this
Trump already explained that the wall would not have to be built through out the whole border due to natural barriers
Maybe Italy should use its fucking navy and you wouldn't have the sea problem.
>If sailing is so easy why don't they do it now?
They do, retard.
The kike wall costs $260 million for yearly maintenence it's 5 times shorter than border with mexico. Do the math Justin
When did you stop believing in yourself Amerikeks? You used to always have great national projects going on. Now you're always broke and your society is disintegrating. You can't even stop Mexican drug lords from poisoning your youth.
Keep them at bay, America! We can't build a 9000km wall if the US fall.
Then perhaps you should summarizing an infinitely complex issue by the way of 2nd grade metaphors so children like you can understand and just fucking get to the point and present your opinion at face value instead of beating around the intricacies of the problem like Trump does.
But hey, if you get your Trump's campaign adivso- I mean your friends here at Sup Forums to just describe what YOU should think then I'm sure you'll go really far on building a constructive and effective decision making process. Or you can just go back to calling everyone that disagrees with you a shill or a retard. Your choice.
The kike wall isn't behind 20 miles of red tape and paperwork like here in America. If you lived here and were actually invested in the issues on a personal level because they affected you directly you might have some more foresight regarding this issue, but I suppose sucking America's dick is the next best thing.
The Wall is the human solution. If the spics continue to violate our sovereignty to the point of attacking our wall or building a sailing industry, then they will be handled with lethal force. Mexico should want the wall, it will save their lives because we are done with them
But it's free for them as they suck our money out to pay for their defenses. A parasite nation really.
NO! don't build the wall I'm warni- . Just listen goy. Don't build it, save the money. I insist. My people are all geniuses. We knows what's best.
Most illegals come in from legal entries, but overstay visas rather than cross the desert. Why does nobody talk about visa reform?
You are the retard who can't understand metaphors. And its not an infinitely complex problem, that means there is no solution which is what liberals would love to say because it justifies inaction but there is a solution
Because nobody cares about white illegal immigrants from yurop.
>visa reform?
Trump has.
It's 100% established as happening with him.
Not talked about much because liberals can't come out and openly support it. Easier to attack the wall. So we end up talking about that.
thats what the coast guard is for. as you pick indicates they probably have little experience sailing and would need to stay by the coast
Jesus christ pedro, it's almost painful how new you are. You realise there's ids here...you have to go back.
Use something like a rope on a grappling hook to climb down.
And the hungarian fence has cut illegal immigration to basically zero. You can give people $500 per illegal reported. That's 15 billion at most. One spic household is a $10k burden
>first man to teleport
>is a rapist
it's not even about a concrete fix. it's about the collective will to attempt to fix the problem and determine where blame lies.
we put up the wall to stop them and san francisco responds by releasing a convicted murderer mexican from prison?
oh hey, look who is to blame. rescind san francisco's municipal government and punish the officials involved.
liberals create these problems on purpose. as soon as we determine who is guilty, solutions can proceed
Isn't the hot new Liberal meme that globalism is the new normal; We're all citizens of the world and that borders and nation-states are are an archaic thing of the past, that is on its way out? Thanks to the internet? And outsourcing?
They need increasing the poo % in the water first. Then it stops sinking.
I understood the metaphor fine, Billy Bob. I never said there was no solution, I said that just BUILD A WALL is a very ineffective way of getting shit done. I have a feeling Trump said this at the beginning of the campaign on a whim (like he usually does) found it to become a defining part of his platform and now he has to continue stringing everyone along while he sweats down the back of his neck because he knows he'll never pass such an obstinately and ridiculous construction progress through a congress that already hates him.
But yeah, like I said, just keep summarizing this issue as DURR HURR IT'S NOT COMPLEX and calling me a retard. Maybe if you do it long enough you'll have some supernatural introspective epiphany and realize how utterly monotonous you sound when you turn 20 years old or something, which will probably be 7 or 8 years from now.
I know the shitposting Australian is a very undesirable stereotype here, so please don't try to reinforce it.
Save the money? Give it one year, and that wall's gonna be a touristic attraction cashing in YUUUUUUGE amounts of money.
[spoiler]When it comes to making money, the peruvian is the most ingenious.[/spoiler]
btfo and no response
proof that trump faggots are just memeing and some drones get swept up and think its serious