I don't get it. Does the wall extend into the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean?
What's stopping a Mexican from taking a canoe around the edges. Or even a solid swimmer.
A Mexican intellectual will surely have a counter.
I don't get it. Does the wall extend into the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean?
What's stopping a Mexican from taking a canoe around the edges. Or even a solid swimmer.
A Mexican intellectual will surely have a counter.
It just works
You should ask in the cuck general, I mean Trump general.
>Does the wall extend into the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean?
>What's stopping a Mexican from taking a canoe around the edges. Or even a solid swimmer.
Coast guard
Now, fuck off
Trying to hard for Sup Forums to like you bruh. Go back to watching el chavo del ocho pinche wey
Nothing worse than a self hating Mexican
And nothing worse than newfags not lurking enough to get their answers
Shills need to GTFO
How about you target severely the people giving the beaners jobs before you spend billions of dollars building a wall?
Tell a farmer that if we catch you using illegal fruit pickers, it's a million dollar fine, 5 years in prison, and we take your farm from you.
Maid service that has illegally ? We take away any business licence, million dollars fine, 5 years in prison.
I guarantee you nobody would hire them again, and if they aren't going to get work they will leave(All assuming you don't give them welfare)
>What's stopping a Mexican from taking a canoe around the edges.
110 tons of steel and torpedoes or whatever the weight of a destroyer is nowadays
wall just got 10 feet higher paco
The coast guard only has capabilities to intercept to intercept about 10 to 20% of KNOWN drug shipments, let alone deal with a new devil like immigration through boats.
a mexican that lives in usa is much worst
and a mexican that loves mexico is retarded
Probably will extend for a while out to sea at each end. Turn it into a Trump Fishing Pier.
You do realize that border patrol and police have boats, right? Texas already plucks wetbacks out the river and gulf.
This is a start, but it's already illegal and people still hire them, so more laws aren't going to do anything and you know your proposal sounds more bureaucratic and costly than simply building a wall, then deport the ones here
>but it's already illegal and people still hire them
I know because punishments for the managers are basically a slap on the wrist.
>so more laws aren't going to do anything
We can't say that because we have never had punitive laws that targeted them.
> costly
Housing a prisoner is probably cheaper.
Border guards wont have to patrol the border as much so they can have nice cushy guard posts on either end of the wall. Are you fucking retarded though, I mean its not hard to think about the solution to your question using common sense and logic.
Honestly it s kind of funny that Americans fall for this wall thing.
I mean, you guys build submarines out of old pipes from home depot and shuttle folks over here.
You dig enormous tunnels to circumvent walls for fun.
This entire idea is asenine and I guarantee you're loving every laugh.
I can only imagine what it's like to watch this unfold, its like a episode of Pinky and the Brain except there is no brain.
Fucking hell6497
It will circumnavigate the earth leaving the shitty Southern Hemisphere behind
>have beaners fill out 1099 tax forms as independent contractors
>totally immune thanks to this loophole that purposefully exists because the Republican Party's business-wing wants illegals for cheap labor and to undermine all American's wages
checkm8 faggot
>Mexican intellectuals
the navy
the coast guard
>A Mexican intellectual will surely have a counter.
Maybe they can use an incredible tool called the legal immigration process
Es necesario volver
t. rape capital of Europe
Mexicans are not intelligent enough to get behind this
Delete this post NOW
The wall will be insurmountable.
Tunnels are for drug trafficking not human trafficking.
Submarines are for drug trafficking not human trafficking.
Where we do have fences in place, traffic is diverted to shitty parts of the fence or inhospitable terrain where we didn't bother to build a fence because there's a desert.
checkm8 faggot
The IRS doesn't report illegals to homeland security anyway.
How many times will you make this thread in one night?
How many times are you going to post this thread?
Piss off shill
>refugee numbers dropped to negligible levels in European countries that erected a fucking fence at their border
1 post by this ID
shillbot confirmed
30 million Mexicans aren't going to swim around the wall, fag.
Even if it were a realistic proposition (which its not) that would mean they would have to swim back each time they return to visit family or something.
Its something the employer does to protect himself in case ICE does roll up on him.
It will pretty much be the same thing, except most of the humans being trafficked will not have swallowed condoms full of cocaine
A military actually focused on national security. Simple answer is probably MSF or CSF (name constantly changes) to supplement coast guard. As for building and maintaining wall, Seabees.
Not just Europe.
*Costal Riverine Force
No its not. When they build a tunnel they want to keep it secret. When they use a submarine its cargo is all drugs and a couple crewmembers, and its made for a 1 way trip and barely makes it. It's not a true submarine, it just rides just above the surface of the water so it has less of a radar signal. Even if they wanted to use one of these semi-submersables for human trafficking, it would be cost-prohibitive for 99% of mexicans.
Swallowing condoms full of cocaine is for when you are smuggling via commercial flight.
Sometimes in lieu of payment the coyotes will have the illegals carry in a bales of marijuana. The wall would stop this as well.
Damn you're stupid.
The wall was "just another suggestion", you twerps.
Trump's now into this to pay himself back and let the donors do whatever they want.
GJ letting the elites to manipulate you with Ronald McDonald
You tell me retarded fish frog.
He will say: it was a prank, bro!! Just a prank lmao.
What's sliding?
You better pray that wall doesn't go up or you'll be laying bricks in 100° heat and getting paid with a tamale lunch
>Trump just started the wall bullshit to become a Piñata Mogul
truly a genius
"How can white men even compete?" threads
Better pray you white cucks start to fuck instead of being NEETs.
You are being too nice to them
>trumpcucks can't come to terms with the reality that they are too stupid to even vote
>resort to memes when their cuckery is exposed
Toppest kek
>drug market struggles because of the wall
>black dealers all over the country can't get merchandise to sell
>they riot as this is another white man's attempt at keeping the black man down
>implying your navy isn't busy nosing around in other people's affairs and playing Dick size measuring around the globe
Those sand niggers would fuck it up
why just a wall on the us mex border? why not force them to build and pay for a wall around all of mexico?
The US coast guard.
We'll be okay once we send all your cousins back
the wall just got 10 feet higher
Mexico already built a wall on their border with Guatemala
Why have a lock on your door when someone can just break your window?
>>drug market struggles because of the wall
How is a wall going to stop drugs if the vast majority of then go through places where no wall will impede it?
>What's stopping a Mexican from taking a canoe around the edges. Or even a solid swimmer.
Yeah if only we had some branch of our military solely dedicated to Guarding our Coasts.
I wonder what we'd name this entity.
>Implying we don't have multiple squadrons
>Implying two aren't just standing by right now
no real comeback for this I see.
I'm on the phone so it would be a bit difficult to look up the source, though.
Show me that wall please. Really.
Did you climb over it or something?
Fucking campesino
>being this obsessed with a foreign country's politics
Kill yourself Paco, enjoy your third world smelly shithole. I'll be sure to play golf on my side of the wall while you drive your 1970's rusted out car through your unpaved streets looking for a job that pays you more than 1 tamale per day
I'm waiting, lad.
Remember that fence from '06?
Finishing it is Trump's real agenda.
Go outside and look at it
Come on, m8, I want to see the meme picture with the desert and shit again.
That's only Riverines at the moment, maritime security force is another set of assets literally waiting for another posting
>Piñata Mogul
Das it mane
>I don't get it. Does the wall extend into the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean?
>What's stopping a Mexican from taking a canoe around the edges. Or even a solid swimmer.
The very discouraging fact that months after the wall is completed, the US will offer no cooperation in investigating all the corpses of illegals that will be catapulted back onto Mexican soil.
Why are you making the same thread multiple times?
Nah we'd just let the sharks handle it, or use a 20mm
I've seen it in a documentary. They just cross the river to get in, but the bridges and land have barbed wire fences and security protecting it.
Because he keeps getting proven wrong, I'll admit proving him wrong is making my rove go by faster
You mean this border?
And what about the one with Belize?
What's wrong with her elbow?
yep, exactly as I said. They cross the river to avoid the border police. If Mexicans can disallow Guatemalans from coming in why can't americans?
This wall sure is impressive. Too bad it only covers a tiny part of a tiny border. It's definitelly the same thing.
The philosophy is the same despite the mexican government being incompetent in the execution.
I only want to see a wall, lad, like that other memester claimed.
Just like the meme wall of the north.
people post this every fucking time and every fucking time I look no where on the image is there anything, any small thing that clues you in on what the colors even correlate with theres no key at all for reading the map
>that nigger
The nigger was given binos not a gun for a reason
But hes 100% correct so fuck off