So when did this ''meme'' that race is a social construct start to exist...

So when did this ''meme'' that race is a social construct start to exist? Back in the days it was common sense that different races existed. Imperial Germany brought blacks to Africa to be put in zoo's because they didn't consider them full human, and that's completely right. Australoid people have completely different skulls. Congoids have smaller brain size. Pygmy people are short as fuck.

In Europe 1920's~ nobody considered blacks to be equals, it was common sense. If you would go back in time and tell people that blacks are stimulated to race-mix with whites, oh my god what reactions would you've gotten. For them it was like bestiality, and how were they wrong ?

Why are the biologists and evolutionary atheists so stupid ? The missing link is right here, right on earth, all before our eyes.

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How could you even remotely consider that we are all equals ?



We went from exhibiting them in zoo's to fucking stimulating race-mixing with them on large scale, what the fuck went wrong Europe ?

It came from Cultural Marxism / Frankfurt School

The term "Racist" was made up by a marxist Jew


they went from slaves to fucking the finest white pussy on the planet

what a reversal of fortune


when moot was told /n/ needed to go or else he wouldnt be invited to anymore facebook employee parties and never get cucked by a 6/10 again

>be nigger
>fuck a white women
>tfw the first nigger to fuck a white women in my entire bloodline ever

How could you even blame the colonialists to consider these missing links as inferior ? Any sensible European would immediately see their lower evolutionary traits and culture (if they even have a culture.) Now i'm not advocating genocide, far from it. It would've been best if we just gave them large secluded parts of lands where they could roam freely, away from our society. There we could observe these subspecies and study their behaviour for scientific purposes, and they could live the lives nature intended them to.

Now instead we've taken them into our societies, created the idea that they are ideal (absolutely mindblowing) and they are causing high criminality and polluting our gene pool, bringing down intelligence and influencing our youth with bad manners.

Good bread toothpastebro, how times have changed, I'm so glad I own hundreds of acres of land many miles away from the next shitskin.

>Imperial Germany brought blacks to Africa to be put in zoo's because they didn't consider them full human, and that's completely right.
What is a "full human"?

Franz Boas, a jewish anthropologist took over anthropology and said that thinking race exists is "das raciss"

kill yourself please before you give them all aids or fill the world with your disgusting mulatto spawn

not a nigger that's for sure

Why did the nigger chop the arm off the other nigger?

that's a question for the philosophers

Leftism wanted a reason to bring people from other nations, communities and ethnic origins to nations that where fundamentally different. The left, already bolstering the idea that it was a 'scientific' ideology as it has always sold itself with Marxism, sold itself as the defender of rationalism against fundamentalist Christianity and later co opting the environmentalist movement with 'climate change' the defender of scientific progress in the new society against the homogeneous industrialized societies of the advanced nations of the planet.

With race as a social construct the left can sell the idea that;
>we can take in different people of all sorts, we're all the same no damage to our advanced society because they will naturally assimilate and be productive in it
>I'm tolerant and must advertise I am in order to gain social credibility in a society that without a mono culture has disenfranchised me and forced me to grip onto a new culture of multi culturalism
>I must stroke my ego by insulting others in a subject I refuse to educate myself in as a means of making myself feel superior in the way the culture around me approves

How do you get a mate if you're looked down upon by them? Friends if you're afraid they may speak bad of you or disown you if you say the wrong thing? A job if they have grounds of firing you if you anger somebody by saying something they dislike? How can you speak on race in a scientific manner while stroking your ego of the infalibility of science nad biology and so on?

Just say science found it's totally false, race is not real, and let everyone repeat it to themselves as they make themselves believe it as it's the truth they WANT to have not the one they TRULY believe in. The social, scientific, state and inner authority of the 'social' concept theory works this way and does well, making anyone wanting to be an authority in any aspect of the society have to accept or parrot the concept to either a small or full extent.

He's just lending his brother a hand. Further proof that without the white devil we would all be living in paradise.

at least they can talk



Its evident that genius CAN come from anywhere, Im not sure about averages (have my doubts with abos). Regardless, do any of you actually believe human zoos are justifiable on any level or am I caught up in the memes?

Do you not understand? Europe was an alien advanced civilization compared to africa. Europe saw itself as the ultimate, so they can justify whatever they want. P.S they are the ultimate.

He's a lazy nigger and he'd rather live without hands and get welfare than work for even just a day of his life.

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.

Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification."

"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.

Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.

Race can be determined via brain scans.

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.


Greatest quote ever uttered by a human ever

Are Asian IQs really that much higher?

Is Italy actually smarter than the United States? Come on now

Actually, race IS a social construct..
But don't forget; Taxonomy, the science of biological classification, is also a social construct as well. Lions and tigers are social constructs. Some people just think of them as cats, and some people get them mixed up anyway. Names of species are social constructs. See what I'm saying?

That's the Marxist criticism. They criticize foundational views, like the family, the country, etc; it's an effort to subvert society.

all those different dog breeds and they're STILL canus domesticus? holy shit brah...

>a fucking turk

seems accurate.

We're basically being lied to by the propaganda machine to mix with a different subspecies. It's borderline beastiality.

IQ tests are affected by educational system and how many times u did that test or how u prepared for it. i have no doubt that chinks are preparing much harder. Also white americans have average IQ 106 so same asi chinks despite not being such "tryhards"

Fuck, that quote. Everything in it is wrong, it's like blatantly incorrect. Whats worse is how he is supposed to be purely about science. Science doesn't have an agenda or a like/dislike of something, it cares about the truth.

Theirs a difference between Species and Race. We are the same species as a black, oriental, middle east, Mediterranean, etc, we are a different race. Our skin colour is determined by genetics, not UV light.

no, its full bestiality

>be mechanical engineer
>pose as a scientist for 30 years

Greatest troll ever.


>Cлaвянoфильcтвo, мeccиaнизм oтcтaлocти, cтpoилo cвoю филocoфию нa тoм, чтo pyccкий нapoд и eгo цepкoвь нacквoзь дeмoкpaтичны, a oфициaльнaя Poccия -- этo нeмeцкaя бюpoкpaтия, нacaждeннaя Пeтpoм. Mapкc зaмeтил пo этoмy пoвoдy: "Beдь тoчнo тaк жe и тeвтoнcкиe ocлы cвaливaют дecпoтизм Фpидpихa II и т. д. нa фpaнцyзoв, кaк бyдтo oтcтaлыe paбы нe нyждaютcя вceгдa в цивилизoвaнных paбaх, чтoбы пpoйти нyжнyю выyчкy". Этo кpaткoe зaмeчaниe иcчepпывaeт дo днa нe тoлькo cтapyю филocoфию cлaвянoфилoв, нo и нoвeйшиe oткpoвeния "pacиcтoв".

The History of the Russian Revolution, 1930

Bright future we have

When it comes to races there is one thing everyone should know



I'd love to hear the punch line to this.

These posts always have a German flag. Is it one guy? If it is I'm impressed, you're in every thread.

Do you have a job though? How do you balance work with warning the rest of an inuit scrimshaw board about the menace of ANGLO BLOOD?

fighting this fight is my work, my Canadian subhuman enemy



The illusion of equality is why mixing is occurring.

If high intelligence was as easily noticeable as strong physicality, people would not trade down with blacks.

Those who mix however are not smart enough to realize this and deserve what they get

lol thats not a jewish cap, catholic priests wear them too i.e the Pope


lol. i think its one only, who is seriously challenged.


If I had to go off a limb and guess, I think this was one of those situations where he was part of a gang of thieves.
Everyone was stumped as they looked for what punishment you get for stealing under Sharia law.
The drivers didn't get dismembered, that was only because they were discovered to be completely unarmed after the search.

This goy gets it.
Thing is, from a empirical point of view, one can not say that this is wrong.

The taxonomic concept is a rather substantial rationalization of reality, in nature it doesn't actually exist.

What's funny, though, is that people who arguing this seemingly have no problem with the use of other cunstructs, like, for instance species. Concepts that are no way less socially constructed.

I wasn't 100% on board with the niggers are dumb meme till yesterday when an user posted a thread about these people and it redpilled me.

>tfw you will never be a calorie-efficient pygmie living with your pygmiebros on an island where everything is bigger to you

Do not confuse science with reason, they're two quite fundamentally different concepts.