Muh 9/11
Get over it faggot, it's been 15 years
Muh 9/11
Get over it faggot, it's been 15 years
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turn off the proxy unamerican swine
reminder the hijackers had an average k/d of 150
Nice try, Achmed.
so if there's a 1% chance of a refugee being a terrorist then a refugee will on average kill 1.5 people
Call the wambulance
Jews celebrated 9/11 too
Literally nothing wrong with that
The story might be true but msnbc is super-jew.
maybe they are celebrating because in their eyes the kikes are the devil... and the US bankrolls them
i don't blame them really. try using your imagination you twat
Sam looks fine when angry
Cute Sam
Who is she? : 3
Rest easy in that while they may have killed thousands of our people, we have killed millions upon millions of their men, women, and children.
That our political "tinkering" is still causing war upon war. Even if we should be bombing Israel and Saudi Arabia, we still created an ocean of blood compared to the mere stream of blood that they hatched.
They didnt want to feel left out
They saw people in Israel celebrating real hard and joined in
except that footage wasn't taken on 9/11
stay triggered tho.
there where greeks who celebrated 911
there where multiple russians who drank them selves to death celebrating
The FBI caught israelis celebrating while the towers where on fire.
now shut up and go stand in the corner for shitpostiog.
>he doesn't know about the 5 dancing israelis
>nyeeeh it was a twageddy
>an attek on ahmerikan shouil and peeepole
>mongoloid amerishits still crying over this staged garbage instead of literally demanding answers
Oh wait thats right you would get massacred the moment you tried to do anything the government deems out of line. It's k tho go pretend like trump will change anything.
its real faggot.
it's a lie
>be baltic scum
>call others mongoloid
choose one
how does it feel being NATOs and therefore Americas bitch?
Just remember if your country gets too uppity we might have to kick you baltic faggots off the plantation
Don't worry I'm sure the russians won't instantly stomp the mighty estonian "army" too pieces
MFW 3rd worlders think they can talk down to glorious MURRICA!! learn your place savage
you're like those dumb niggers and retards that keep whining about muh slavery from 100s of years ago
>There were Greeks who celebrated 9/11
Welp , other than "Explosions , fuck yea" , I dunno why we would celebrate...
Sam from Totally Spies.