Remember when Sup Forums was more than porn?

Remember when Sup Forums was more than porn?

not really


You obviously haven't been on Sup Forums for more than a year
All these faggots saying "remember when Sup Forums was good?"
>it has always been a shithole

it never was.

remember when Sup Forumstards stayed in their ghetto?



Remember when the mods gave a fuck about there being /soc/ and /d/, etc so that Sup Forums WOULDN'T be porn?
Good times.


Sup Forums has always been a shit hole.

Here is proof I'm an oldfag

he didn't claim it was good, you goddamn retards.
he claimed that it had little to no porn.
which is true. soc was meant to be a containment board, as were those hentai things (whose abbreviations I can't remember)

Ok you have proven me wrong

there isn't much point in posting a meme from only a few years ago as proof you're an oldfag, because newfags won't recognise older memes and oldfags will always have something older.

>it never was.
This is just a newfag meme spread by people who don't remember what we used to be like.

Really miss the old days, everyday comming here its worse and worse. Almost pointless coming here anymore

>Remember when Sup Forums was more than porn?

no, it has never been more than or less than. nothing has changed. still full of summer 12yo clueless faggots that should take their parents gun and shoot themselves in the face with it.

stupid nigger.

they still do. every time they come here they get slapped around like the cheap whores that they really are.


Yes, it was full of "rate my dick/face/pussy/whatever" thread instead

Is this a Fate/stay night reference


remember when Sup Forums was only Sup Forums and Sup Forums ?

attn newfags
instead of shitting up everybody threads with your bitching about whatever you dont like, just gtfo. or fuck off back to beddit, or turn your computer off and go outside,

idgaf about your opinions

But you just gave us your opinion, how hypcritical! Shame! Shame!



Why people post porn here when there's /s/?

bcus slo af

well of course it's slow if you post all porn here.

Filter them....stupidfuck.

It was never empty of porn or shitposts, but I can remember when it was very different. There weren't 5+ each of rate me, zipcodes, pics you shouldn't share, tributes, hentai, r34, and fucking awful forced memes like the log spammer.

It's just bait threads from Sup Forums fags and shitstains who belong in /s/ and /h/, now.
There was a time when Sup Forums was... Truly random... When ylyl threads were actually funny... When there were green text threads a plenty...