Amiride : -DDDDDDD

amiride : -DDDDDDD


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He didn't kill everyone.

My favorite part is when the bear eats all those kids.

>I made you
>I know everything that will happen
>You have free will


Also religion threads are cancer. SHUT IT DOWN.

Most westerners disregard the Old Testament and think only the New Testament matters. So it's a moot point.

>implying that free will exists
new testament isn't a legit bible, shit is like the book of morman

Some have argued that pre-determination and free will don't rule each other out.

My favorite is the passages talking about Job and his suffering. Good introspection on why there is evil in the world although the "god works in mysterious ways" conclusion is weak sauce

Buddhism or old norse has way better conclusions about it imo

Reminder that the entire "free will" debate is autistic and distracts you from actual intellectual development

well, but you have a free will, at any time
but you don't have free possibilities at any time,
but even them you actually have, we live in such world right now

yes they do , compatibalism is not possible

but ill humor you, please explain a scenario in which determinism and free will can coexist, ill be waiting

why is it autistic? because you dont like it?

Because it can never be proven or debunked empirically so really it's a pointless discussion.

There is literally nothing wrong with this statement. He gave them free will but then was disappointed because they turned out to be shit so he wiped them. Makes perfect sense.

it can be proven the same way math can be proven

something does not need to be tangible to be proven, like gravity.

You are probably going to argue that gravity can however be quantified and measured. I'd argue determinism can be understood in a similar way.

>Because it can never be proven or debunked
Except for the neuroscientific studies that have effectively proved it doesn't exist. And the important consequences determinism has in approaching free will as a concept but not an objective phenomenon.

wow, so you really think only the Old Testament matters, and the New Testament is a fraud? People like you these days are extremely rare. Most people on Sup Forums only think the New Testament matters.

>being disappointed in something you know was going to happen
>design something knowing fully the outcome and getting upset like a bitch
>taking your bat and ball home because something you designed to not follow you, doesn't follow you.

your god is a dumb dumb

you're conveniently forgetting the part about god where he's omnipotent

i know it doesn't state that in the image but its an understood thing about god


Anyway, I'll try.

Free will = given the circumstances life throws at you, you make choices and react however you want.

pre-determination = If there were an omniscient being who knew everything, it could "calculate" all the circumstance of your life and calculate what you would do in response. So everything is set from the beginning of time.

Nothing about the 2nd definition prevents the 1st. Everything is set from the beginning, AND you react the way you want.

The fact that your reaction is predictable does not remove that the reaction was your fucking choice.

oh and if my abstract comparison to math doesn't work for you

how about the fact that we are able to know what choice someone will make before they are consciously aware of that choice

about 80 milliseconds before in case you're curious of the gap

and no, this is not the time of the action travelling to the muscle, this is the time that the persons brain is literally conscious of what they have chosen.

reminds me of this one, you might like.

False. The people just got in the way of the water. God didn't do DICK

>neuroscientific studies

literal jew science

if everyone is set from the beginning how the fuck can you change any of it through "choice"?

how does that make any sense?

Also you need to research predetermination, it has absolutely nothing to do with omniscient beings who calculate circumstances and responses. Its the idea that every single thing that happens is the result of prior causes, eventually stemming back to your genes, birth, upbringing, and where you were born, all things you have no control over. You cant be "sort of free" to choose. there's no such thing. If you had been born to a tribe in kenya, you wouldn't be on Sup Forums right now.

if you're actually interested in this topic, watch this video then come back

how does that make any sense?


Fuck off, toothpaste.

fuck this I'm going to bed

>the flood
>who are the nephilim
>who are the sons of the fallen ones

woops i accidentally copy and pasted how does that make any sense

silly me disregard the second one

>sperging out at kids for making fun of you being bald
Jews are such bitches.


it was determined from the beginning. you began browsing at a time that would not allow you to stay up late enough to educate yourself. Hopefully you have time tomorrow

Nice meme. Noah, his family, and each pair of every animal survived.

samuel Benjamin "Sam" Harris (born April 9, 1967) is an American author, philosopher, and neuroscientist.[3][

Harris was born on April 9, 1967 in Los Angeles.[13] He was raised by a single mother since the age of two.[14] He is the son of actor Berkeley Harris and TV producer Susan Harris, who created The Golden Girls.[15] His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is Jewish

>mother is Jewish

>Sam Harris, the obnoxious faggot jew atheist, is the only neuroscientist concerned with Free Will

>someone having jewish ancestry completely invalidates anything they say, even if it is logically sound and backed by evidence

i know you're just havin a laugh memeing but please tell me you don't legitimately think this

False the people where evil, dont we kill evil people with a electric chair ,lethal injection?

I dont know, a lot of shit is going on since the jews won the war, i am not rejecting the idea that there are jews pretending to be atheist

I have never understood this viewpoint. If you already accept a Christian god, why would you have any problem with him killing millions of people? The Christian god would be inconceivably far above man in moral stature, he could eliminate human life on a whim and be perfectly justified. Killing humans isn't "murder" for god. It lacks all moral content. It's house-cleaning.

your skepticism may be warranted, but dont dispel every single thing someone with jewish ancestry says. At least hear them out first and see if what they're saying is grounded and rational. If its not, feel free to call them a kike faggot or whatever.

Better fucking show than most compatabilists will give you. Most of the time you just get "Bro haven't you heard of compatabilism like wtf come on XD XD XD".

But yeah, just run when your nonsense word salad gets completely and utterly ass blasted by the first passing whiff of logic.

i dispel everything what has something to do with the brain . In my family mental illnes has been running for 100 years. and no cure for it my brother is a 40 year old schizo and he is not going to get any better. meanwhile its 2016 and sam harris has free will figured out... please nigger

You're right, you are mentally ill if you believe just because one thing isn't figured out you can't figure out another. That's fucking caveman thinking. You have a caveman brain.

"Wait does that mean there's consequences for being a degenerate?"

pre-determination = If there were an omniscient being who knew everything, it could "calculate" all the circumstance of your life and calculate what you would do in response. So everything is set from the beginning of time.

So it is not free will.

Congratulations user.