Remember this dude? His trial is on friday

Remember this dude? His trial is on friday

That the neighbor boy killer?

gimme a quick rundown

This nigga killed the neighbours kid, sent pics to a friend, friend asked for advice on Sup Forums

See you space cowboy


Fuck i was on that thread, shit was crazy

shit is going down then kek

He probably gets only 15 years or less

56 times?!

Can you give me the archive link? I gotta go to work soon

basically this
probably worth it for him

I'd be less upset if the neighbor was a girl

Why did he kill? What was the point?

isn't this the guy who couldn't shoot with a shotgun from a few yards?

There was no point, there were leaked voice messages and he told his friend that he failed his suicide attempt and wants to do something "jailworthy"

He deserves the chair for killing a white kid. If it was black then maybe a token 18 months probation but killing an innocent white person is unforgivable.

Is there an archive of the thread?

Who gives a fuck, honestly.

anyone have video?

Typical btard

Ofc I remember Marcel, witnessed the whole shit. Was für kranker Dude!

hurr durr racism so funny

Hurr durr killing white people and negros is the same

It is. In the fact that nobody cares when it happens.

I remember too.

Those threads went for a couple of days until they caught him.

It is, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself. No one honestly gives a shit since you're forgotten almost immediately.

If that makes you feel better about your limited, insignificant and shitty existence then more power to you.

Anyone got screenshot from op?

I wonder why his trial isn't a big thing, alright
hes just a sick loser who killed 2 people but he kinda made history on Sup Forums. I don't think there has been a killer before who posted on Sup Forums while everyone was looking for him.

He went to the police first thing the day afterwards. I saw all of the pics and voice mails, called it fake and gay, first thing I saw next morning? Marcel turned himslef in. What a legend!

He turned himself in after the 2nd murder, no? I'm talking about the guy that had a dog and pizza was involved in that pic.

The 1st murdered kid was related to a biker, no?