I know I've looked at maps before. I've never noticed this little faggot thing sticking out before? Is this a Berenstein thing? Also, why does Mexico own it?
Trump should take it back.
I know I've looked at maps before. I've never noticed this little faggot thing sticking out before? Is this a Berenstein thing? Also, why does Mexico own it?
Trump should take it back.
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wow. Are you literally retarded? It's the Baja Peninsula. Nice try DeAndre, now go back to your fifteenth try at second grade.
You took the bait.
The only Berenstein thing is that south America is way farther to the right on maps than I remember
you remember slightly rotated maps
what the fuck that was never there before
Damn you're right. Shit is fucked. That whole area is doing like a "Lost" type deal.
6/10 pretty good bait
Baja is great lads, I'm going next Wednesday
It's rightfully California's clay.
Lol classic example of a trump supporter being fucking retarded
I fucking hate when you fags point this out.
That is called baja california
I swear to god when i was a kid i had the idea that we should take it from them and make it part of the United States because it had california in the name
also the great lakes are now canadian
it was always there you just dont look at maps alot
its not worth having as it would increase the land needed to be defended from the illegals thats near mexico
its our fucking baja california. it has Tijuana, Ensenada, Rosarito, and Cortes sea, ITS FROM OURS NOT YOURS.
I look at maps daily and it only just showed up recently. It was never on maps a few years ago, except for faked old maps to make it look like they were old but they were faked recently to add 'baja' which is literally the name of a Mexican restauarnt (Baja Fresh) which should tell you how fake and made up this whole thing is.
you sure this is mexico? it doesn't look ugly or polluted enough
Better build that wall then Paco or we'll come take it.
Mexico is beautiful.
white people invest a lot of money there.
dont worry, it literally only exists for one purpose
Entonces por que publicaste Quintana Roo?
Nobody cares because you're still gonna pay for the wall Paco.
...to...make Toyotas...?
I dunno I tried my best :/
It's a different projection. It's probably more accurate than the map you are thinking of, which was probably a mercater projection.
Related is a homosiline projection which is much less distorted.
haha yeah right. you guys built a piece of shit over one of the most historically significant landmarks that ever existed, and lost the fucking calendar stone for over two hundred years in your shitty construction.
Everyone is always shitting on mercater these days
Spanish and modern Mexicans built more cool things.
well I'm not shitting on mercator, at least not trying to. perfectly good projection for its intended purpose. just not the best general-purpose projection.
and of course a 3d globe is always better than any projection, assuming it's feasible to use one.
Fuck yall. BLACK people comin down from California to take that tattered fuckin dick. Gonna fuck brown women and browns land right when we get done with whitey.
Wait a second, I swear that the northern part of that peninsula used to be USA territory and only the southern part was Mexico, with no Mexican land connecting it to the rest of Mexico. I distinctly remember being kinda weirded out by the disconnect while reading wikipedia on the California Republic a couple months ago.
Trump doesn't want to start a war with Mexico you fucking memelord.
This, my grandpa owns a huge house down in Cabo. Pretty sure Canadians are most common white people there. The area isn't that nice but it's getting there.
It is Baja (lower) California. Your part of California was called Alta (upper) California.
That's just America 2. They're a colder version of America that speaks French sometimes.
Settle down, Paco. Baja is only pleasant anyways because it's 90% European, close to California, and has shit-tons of American retirees spending their monies. If we were ever to annex another part of Mexico, the two Baja states would pretty much be the only non-basketcases. Be glad our proximity gave you even two non-shit states.
fun fact: explorers thought that was California and it was an island
it's because the earth is flat
Flo Rida confirmed for amazing cartographer
It is an island. It's surrounded by this body of water called "reality."
I don't get it. How can you map out all of the crevices and contours of the shoreline but somehow failed to notice the giant landbridge?
lots of chinks
its baja
if only
They were mapping along the coast from the South. They basically saw coast in the East everywhere they had managed to explore.
it that white devil magic. the same magic we used to make niggers retarded and steal the pyramids.
We really oughtta take it from Mexico, its not like they're really using it for anything. Just imagine it: Baja, the new US state.
Just imagine; all of the Mid West and South pronouncing it with a hard J.
The US should conquor everything down to the isthmus. Lebensraum.
They make this shit up as they go along, It's flat as fuck and so is the moon.
wtf? the earth is like a curve in this universe? how do i know if i hopped or they came over here? i was always taught it was a globe
Is it a livable place?
>these are the people voting for Trump to keep the evil Mexicans out
By whose standards?
baja california has always existed
This. Manifest Destiny: Part Two
fuck you faggot
*wink wink*
Sure thing famalam
Aus really is just a big shitty desert
Living in shitjuana for almost 2 years now (hopefully not longer than 3), I strongly advise you to take it. Baja people and "american-latinos" are to mexicans what mudbloods are to harry potter fags.
what happens when you g through the white part
Tj is full of people from other states tho
chilangos, oaxacos and more shit like that
its disgusting tbqh
you guys are worst than shit to us tbqh
>The only Berenstein thing is that south America is way farther to the right on maps than I remember
> farther to the right
> the right
looking at a literal map.
uses "left" and "right" instead of NSEW.
Shitlango prieto detected.
Baja 1000 and Ensenada 500 are races for the SCORE International Off Road Race Series. The pic he posted is of Ivan "Iron Man" Stewart, who was known for solo-racing the whole 1000 (which is extremely difficult given it takes 16-36 hrs depending on race class)
what the fuck that was never there before
Well you see after the last big fucking Quake California got a MASSIVE boner as they're all masochists and shit. Since the Mexicans really love dick, America decided to let them have it.
you'd be surprised by how different we are
It actually wasn't too bad there in the 80s when I would go as a kid (from San Diego). By mid 90s it started to turn into the absolute hellhole it is today - mostly due to shitskins from other states moving there like you said. Ensenada has pretty much the same trend, but happened later.
We should really just annex it, but would probably have to scorch earth it due to all the garbage and disease.
it came from the volcano in 1988
it's what the Madonna song "La Isla Bonita" is about
seriously, since when is fucking venezuela and colombia parallel to southern mexico??
I wonder how much one of those would cost, driving one flat out in so godforsaken patch of desert is pretty high on the bucket list.
> Lol classic example of a trump supporter being fucking retarded
Typical example of a shillbot trying to make Trump supporters look stupid.
Yeah recently mexico just stole land from the US and no one mentioned it. Wow you just made breaking news!
Why didn't Americucks took it when they fought the Spaniards??
The only map things which fucked with me are south america and the Koreas. I lived in South Korea from 93-97 and I'm 100% certain that it was further south down china's coast
But then where was Taiwan?
We dont want that cancerious mass sticking out of cali. Its too hard to hold and we knew it. The mexicans can swim over in droves. We would need to have a 5 mile net run through the coast line every couple of hours and dump the hoards out deep into the pacific. We would also need a coastline wall.
Taiwan was a peninsula west of North Korea connected to China which is why they claimed it was part of their country
Aww man had a great time there on my honeymoon
>inb4 vaginal jew
Went diving about 300ft from that small beach, then dive at akumal. Love Mexico and Mexicans when they're in Mexico.
Go to a doctor, you're retarded
depends on which class. Class 10 cars can be built (by yourself) for 25K if you have the knowledge and have the greatest scale for speed/suspension travel. Retarded "rich" fags like McMillan family buy their trucks from anywhere between 250,000 and 1,000,000 (includes support vehicles/parts/etc). Herbst and Baldwins used to build their own stuff, now it is all turnkey.
You can race a class 7 or 8 for under $25,000 and have a good time.
It all just depends on what you want to do.
You arrive at Argentina.
Straya the Clown
Its a big tourist location so they keep it in pretty pristine condition, it's too bad there are still so many Mexicans chasing after your car to wash its windows for quarters but its better than chasing your car to steal it like in black places.
Colimas beaches are also very nice and its much further down but it is still very much a tourist destination. Definitely a gorgeous location.
Don't look up Point Roberts or you may be upset
This is the most retarded thread I've seen all week. Congratulations, America.
It's not hard.
>that short off shore drop off.
We'll take it like we did cali. Prepare for Mexican-American war 2.0.
Weird, I always thought it was part of California
Not different enough.
You tards just never saw it because if you were looking at a US map, Alaska and Hawaii were usually placed over that spot.
God I'm embarrassed to be American sometimes.
Where in Colima is that beach?