Pahaha how do you like crazy women and their feigned victim hood now Trudeau? CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE WHITE MALE KEK!




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You used to be an Empire once.
Now, you shitpost on the internet about your former colonies.

fuck off

this could mean that cuckboy gets impeached

Don't think he used to be anything lad, I certainly wasn't ever an empire.

Leave him alone.
Have you seen London? Let him be happy once in a while.

To be fair he was trying to dig a hole in her chest using his elbow.

Is this really the most interesting news my country has right now?

Kill me

>NDP blocks conservative whip from getting to his seat - Trudeau gets up helps him get past the NDP blockade to get to his seat. In the process bumps into an NDP member. NDP member cries foul - OOH I WAS ELBOWED - leaves the house to compose herself/receive medical attention for her World Cup Soccer ''injury''. Mulcair gets into a yelling match to defend his mp. End of story.


go home Sup Forums, you're drunk.

i fucking hate when some asshole posts a 9 minute video. Does trudeau get called to his stupid face he's pathetic?

>accidentially bumps into someone while trying to get through people

the real cuck is the person who said that, fuck the cunts standing in the way


Justin din du nuffin


The NDP was a mistake. Literally the most useless party in politics and have done nothing but fuck up the country or be a complete non factor like the Green Party.


nah this is assault he looks to see who the woman is then jerks his arm back to cause injury.

Lmao his liberal fringe groups are turning on him


Fuck Canada

This happens every time you support SJWs or become one. Eventually they'll eat you alive.

Also, checked.

This, just post the fucking time it happens

Lol this faggot voted for Trejew

the NDP are the SJWs of a parliament with Justin "I apologize for being white" Trudeau.

It was no more assault than Ted Cruz elbowing his wife in the face.

So it's happening, they're finally eating theirselves alive. Also what kind of retard manlet is that? Can he circle around? There was plenty of space there.

Nvm just saw it.

Wow, Canuckolds are even more pathetic than I thought.

Why are you linking to a shitty 9 minute video of some random redpill fat neckbeard talking about the incident instead of just linking to the 10 second video of the incident?

Since le weed man, I've come to despise Canadians in a way I never thought I could despise other Whites.

In a war I could easily kill them with no remorse, but probably won't get chance in my life.

>Have you seen London?

Yea, every time I look outside my window, only they're shorter, beardless, and fuck goblins instead of goats.

Fuck him.


>that beta cuck that can't even walk past 3 fucking people

jesus christ. He is hoverhand personified.

Man Islam looks better everyday.

Aren't you just an Overwatch level? Your country shouldn't even exist.

Canadians are still LARPing as a country with their ridiculous "government" I see.

Why couldn't the one guy just walk around the crowd "blocking" him? The entire thing makes no sense to me.

Canadians are such massive faggots.

>Mulcair calling anybody pathetic

His own party's majority voted to have him resign, eh

I hate it when oblivious idiots gather at a natural choke point and stop there to have a conversation, blocking every one else. In this case idiots deserves to be elbowed and since Trudeau is a feminist it makes sense that he elbows female idiots and male idiots equally.

Its really common to. A female exist a store with her bags and meets another female friend coming in and they just drop everything to have a several minute long conversation in the middle of the doorway, taking up 40-60% of the available space. Not only is it rude and disrespectful, its a fire hazard to.

Fuck em.


Dude Candians would get eradicated in the event of an invasion. Childish grown adults.

Also, why couldn't that pathetic betamax just fucking walk around the group of people on the other side


He didn't even do anything, he was squeezing through some people and his elbow brushed against her and she sold it like The Rock sells a Stunner. This is what happens to SJW faggots, it always comes back to bite them.

You guys invaded a country with no money, a vastly superior military and even had a draft to increase troop numbers. You guys really lost your way since WW2. Vietnam was a mistake.

And you still lost.
Top kek

>be male
>be le feminist ally, pro-diversity anti-racist cuck
>get blown the fuck out by the ugrateful twats sooner or later

lmao, everytime

Please revive Manifest Destiny and save us from our own populace.

Yes, from the inbreeding to dinamite vests islam is the bees knees.

Such a non-event

>bitch blocks path of man who has job
>man barges through
>woman whinges about how unfair she was treated

it's like life really

the standing ovation for dropping a elbo on that bitch makes me think she isnt popular. watch the vid again .


The horrible CIS gendered male just man-handled that poor defenseless woman

>You used to be an Empire once.
>Now, you shitpost on the internet about your former colonies.

Meanwhile, in his other tab, the yank furiously argues with a viet how they really won the war

what does trou mean?

SJW's turn on each other. How great.

So much drama over some lame accidental hit. Pfff...

lol at Canada insulting its daddy. All your people live within 100miles of the US border, I wonder why that is. Shut up and do what you're told. Lick my shoes bitch. lmao

Hole in french. Lol

"Just a Hole of Water."

fucking bigot. It's 2016 and we still have violence on women from white cis male politicians. Disgusting

Bring it, I know people who own ranches bigger then you.


Talk shit, get hit. Cunt

this basically
a non story, he should have raped her

I live innawoods you fucking nerd. also a literal muslim is your president, top kek

>yfw this sends justin on a downward(or upward) spiral of redpilling

>yfw 5 months from now he's glassing ethnics

>Aren't you just an Overwatch level?

rare funny leafposter


probably some yellow toothed, tobacco-chewing, flannel-wearing retard

We won the Vietnam war in the same way TDKR was a great movie, the memes made it all worthwhile

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Then he what?

Who else could we have votes for may I ask. Since you know so much about Canadian parties in the house of commons


At least we have teeth up here, half of your population can't even walk let alone get up to brush their teeth.

They were obviously blocking the man Trudeau was trying to get to, and it's evident on the tape. These people have no shame.

I'm confused. Trudeau clearly did nothing wrong. If anything she was causing assault by using her body to block them. Do we want this sort of behaviour from females to be rewarded? Do we really want Justin taken down so something even worse can take over?

>implying you would even have looked up from your feet if this happened to you

Sorry mate, but confrontation is never easy IRL and I can only imagine how hard this situation must have been in person giving the political climate for these things. The fact that it ended like this is just mind boggling though.

That's what I'm saying. It's evident on the tape that 3-4 people were blocking that man as a joke, which is unfit conduct, why didn't they persecute them?

I dont know who the fuck this is and I dont fucking care. However....That group of people is blocking the conservative whip. Watch them switch their footwork together to physically block him. If thats how you handle business in state house you deserve a lot worse than an elbow.

Guess appeasement came back to bite him in the ass. It doesn't matter how many concessions you give SJW's. They WILL find a way to fuck you over. The best thing you can do is to take a stand early on and not taking their shit lying down.

>le based harper and his chinese oil magic xDDDD
the sooner our conservative party isn't run by a puppet, the better.

> I didn't get any (you)s
> Let's pretend this comment was replying to me

Is this even an Earth country?

>This is what happens to SJW faggots, it always comes back to bite them.

Nailed it Britbro. I can only imagine that if Trudeau isn't already selling out and he has any wit to speak of, he will be a staunch conservative by the end of his term. NEVER align yourself with leftists, you have to be morally bankrupt as a prerequisite to subscribe to any of their ideologies and paradigms like honesty and integrity don't exist in their subjectivist minds. If you happen to get on one's bad side don't apologize or back down either.

>A female exist a store with her bags and meets another female friend coming in and they just drop everything to have a several minute long conversation in the middle of the doorway, taking up 40-60% of the available space.

God I hate this so much. Especially because these uppity cunts always get snappy when you tell them to move.

It's inevitable, their whole movement is based on hate and trying to ruin other people's life for no other reason that they can.

That's not exactly the best basis for forming a strong bond between the members of the movement.

First Ted Cruz and now Trudeau? Jeez, what is it with Canadians and elbowing women in the face

lel. What the fuck?

Also what do we call that cuck-dance the boy was doing just before this brutal assault?

reading Canadian shitposting is like listening to a 14 year old on xbox live

Okay as much as I'll enjoy the backlash for this, it really seems he was tired of that old dudes shit and decides to tell him to gtfo and help that other guy through. Then elbowed a lady. Woopty doo.

>he still plays xbox
[this kek requires an Xbox Live Gold account to see]

>>yfw this sends justin on a downward(or upward) spiral of redpilling
>>yfw 5 months from now he's glassing ethnics

Yeah, that is exactly what happened. You can clearly tell that they were blocking the guy's path on purpose.

What makes this so funny is that Trudeau belongs to the people enabling these cunts and now he is getting a taste of it.

NDP is literally our Cultural Marxism party.

You know he'll just apologize and commemorate muh stronk womyns with a national holiday.

show me the god emperor and I'll show you a man who can't even scratch his own nose.

>mfw Mulclair and Trudeau got into a debate over who will take in more refugees

weedman dindu nothing
he's getting eaten by his own kind of people though
can't feel too bad for him

>Red Pill Philosophy

fuck this arab faggot, hes bluepilled as fuck

Did he elbow her on purpose??!

I don't get it
why didn't he get put in the "sin bin" for 2 minutes?
isn't that what they do in Canada?

The man shouting is Thomas Mulcair. He's an even bigger leftist cuck than weedman. NDP are fucking scum.

One can dream

>weedman gets redpilled

pray to kek to make it happen