That feeling when Trump loses the general election.
That feeling when Trump loses the general election
Oh its just an asian old leaf
that feeling when you can't buy a house because rich gooks own all of them
That feeling when leafs just shitpost all day because they already live in a socialist shithole.
Dat feel when America becomes great again while Canacucks burn to the ground
You're not getting in Achmed
That feeling when Justin Trudeau will die in your lifetime
well, burning to the ground will make canada great again too.
>Non-white Leaf hates Trump
Who could have seen this coming?
Hi, since you mention it, what is wrong with free medicine? I'm not even socialist, but I can't imagine people left to die only because they can't pay for treatment.
Stop sliding threads you moron.
>Shitposters and shills have always been right
itt: high quality beaner
i mean banter
that feel when everyone rags on canada
>muh feminist PM
>mercilessly elbows woman to death
Fucking Gaynada
holy fuck Sup Forums is on a roll today. here take a free 1k cuckbuck as a token for my grattitude
Poor eugenics
It is quite literally degenerate.
You forgot
>Apologizes for the government following the law 100 years ago
They don't leave you to die in the US that is a myth.
They just take your house and all you money from you afterwards.
>tfw he has such great genes, and amazing and physique he will probably outlive you
Bait thread, sage.
>I'm using this as my next b8, made by another Canadian.
>Let's see how many replies it gets.
>>You are handcuffed to your phone at all times
>>The merchant laughs as he collects the copious amounte of shekels from your bill every month
>>You cannot be in any social situation without nervously playing with your dumb phone
>>You look like the average millennial degenerate walking around like a zombie looking at your phone
>If you use a smartphone often you are part of the problem. The cellphone has caused you to become a social retard, unable to communicate with people normally, or even participate in any activity without constantly looking at your phone , like a heroine addict looks for his next score. You cannot enjoy any special moment without ruining it by taking narcissistic selfies to post on your degenerate social media accounts to show everyone how incredible you are/how much fun you're having. You also look like the humpback of Notre Dame with your bad posture.
>>Please leave the right wing if you are a smartphone zombie - the left has plenty just like you.