What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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everything that didn't go right.

Who is it?

looksl ike Christian Bale

fat aids

It's called aging


Holy Moly...what the fuck is that thing growing next to his eye on the bridge of his nose?

I mean really, get that thing cut off, hes got to be a least losing 10% of his range of vision.

BTW, looks like he likes to drink.

It's for a movie just like when he looked like this

looks like pickle rick tbh

The dark night rises sucked.

Batdad is more entertaining.

He's gearing up to play Dick Cheney.
So "Hollywood" looks are obviously out the window.

This is him in 2017, nice try jews.

Doin shit like this for years

He's playing Michael Moore in his next movie.

Ben Affleck taking the role of batman has given everyone who ever was batman a case of retroactive aids and downs.

Him as a kid.

Empire of The Sun

I'm so scared of aging...

Vals looks like hes trying to get a role on the Walking Dead.

Throat cancer is becoming an epidemic. Follow the brother's lead and don't go down on a bitch.

Just have plastic surgery like Tom Cruise.


If that's not proof that Scientology is the one true religion, I don't know what is.


I think its more their generations, HPV causes throat cancer and im guessing he used to drink vagina juice daily.

Catholicism is the one true religion.

he stopped getting doubles

Gettin that double chin, tho

>vagina juice

What is plastic surgery

Bleached eyebrows are what's throwin him off.

Its surgery with plastic tools, like a plastic scalpel etc...

Assuming he has had plastic surgery, they did an awesome job. He didn't wind up with alien face like Jerry Jones. Plus, he's stayed fit as fuck, unlike his co-stars.

Girl from Saved By The Bell and her surgery gone wrong.

Me too but that's why you have to have other things of value in your life besides physical appearance. Also get married so you have someone to get old and ugly with and not judge each other.

The thing that scares me is losing my mind. Alzheimer's is my biggest fear, there's something so sinister about a disease that takes your mind before your body. Seriously, kill me before my mind goes.

You'd think rich people could afford better. Fucker looks like an alien burn victim.

If the mind goes you're already dead, in my opinion, only for the shell to live on in a demented hell. If my mind goes, kill me please, have mercy.

Why the fuck do you want to be with an old ugly woman? For her personality?

And shit that gets annoying is your eyes starting to go. Having to use reading glasses sucks. Not really scared of dementia. If that shit starts, I'll just an hero.

It's simple. We, uh, kill the Fatman.

you can't fix nigger

plastic surgery is as shitty a '''''''''''''''''''science'''''''''''''''''' as meteorology

THis makes me sad. Also, she went nuts.


It should say "remember when I was batman?"

>kill me before my mind goes
you should have gone a long time ago, nigger

Cawcker is a shitty website. The owners are SJW's

Bigger nightmare would be mind is fine but body can't move, that's pure hell and you can't even kys.

You're an idiot.

He just shaved his eyebrows

Fun fact: surgery is not a science, but a skill or practice

He isn't wrong though, i refuse to give gawker clicks.