>google "Gavin Mcinnes vs Coppercab 2"
>go to the Vimeo link
>go to to the 5:00 mark
This is your hero, Sup Forums? This guy and Milo? What the fuck is the matter with you people?
>google "Gavin Mcinnes vs Coppercab 2"
>go to the Vimeo link
>go to to the 5:00 mark
This is your hero, Sup Forums? This guy and Milo? What the fuck is the matter with you people?
Other urls found in this thread:
He has a nice ass for a guy, js.
But why do that? Why is he always doing it? Why all the gay stuff?
Why are he and Milo Sup Forums heroes?
God damn it get that image outta my fucking head dude.
hes doing it for attention
nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster
He's probably in the closet or he is one of those " SHOCKING I'm doing something gay humor."
And holy shit that is a literal needle dick.
Gavin is pure.
how many times do we have to have this thread?
no one likes these alt-right faggots here
lmao that Sup Forumsacks are watching a gay porn/talk show hybrid
Yeah its why I can't watch his videos these days, that fucking asshole is burned into my memory forever. I look at his face and all I see is that memory plastered on his stupid fucking face god damn.
Gavin was the creator of a punk magazine. what do you expect?
You are now aware that those two men shaved their arseholes so they could spread them on camera for each other.
>not wanting to MAGA
One thing that gets me about Sup Forums It has more faggots on it than any of the other boards combined. I have no fucking idea why.
So why did he shove a dildo up jis ass
>So why did he shove a dildo up jis ass
he did it ironically
Who the fuck makes these guys the face of the alt right any way? Him and milo are just attentionnwhore writers that are looking for a buck. Do they get paid for the speeches they do?
He used to be a comedian and makes decent videos while espousing a viewpoint I agree with. I watch him more than I have ever seen any of the other e-celebs whose names I have picked up from frequenting this board.
I did watch his "The [insert number] groups of the Right" and I think it outlines the rights problem. There are like 14 groups there and it ranges from fascists to libertarians to neo nazis to religious fanatics. Its troubling that what we categorize as an entire political wing carries within it ideologies so conflicting that it is nessecary to abandon the right left categories all together. I think a sort of four directional compass would better categorize individual political leanings.
I also think his view on women is ace. He openly states he is a misogynist and his message is so spot on that I cant help but consider taking on the moniker myself. If anything his arguments make it quite easy to take any real heft out of the word.
Another thing I liked was watching a video of him where he and a few other people had drinks and talked politics. One question about Trumps ability to buy politicians was asked and his response made me think. Everyone agreed that taking "bribes" was wrong but that it is also ingrained in our political system. McInnes was the only one who said, rather than not taking a bribe and staying an honest politician, he would never get into career politics in the first place because he wouldnt want to be in the situation where he would have to accept bribery. I thought this was both a good and bad. It was good in that it makes on think of the foresight one should have to avoid unsavory situations. It was bad in that it says that our system is so corrupt that people who truly do not want to take bribes and test that moral bound are often discouraged from joining altogether even though they are the exact people we need in power.
Gavin may be an Alt right shill. But he is less of a shitshow than any of the other attention whores.
Well, I've just lost all respect for the guy.
god that guy is such a insufferable faggot
>I didn't have a father because of people like you
>You didn't have a father cause you're a fucking fag
>Gavin McInnes vs. Coppercab
When I watched this, I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
I still don't.
Is this normal for Gavin's show?
>Is this normal for Gavin's show?
The arse stuff?
Gay as fuck.
I was about to ask if Gavin fists himself then I saw
Is he stepping on his own foreskin?
>Every single Milo/Gavin/whatever thread is LMAO DEGENERATE THIS IS YOUR HERO?!!!
I'm noticing a self-fulfilling prophecy here.
wtf was happening there? I stopped following gavin when he started wearing problem glasses but what is this?
Why do all you white guys shave your asseholes?
I enjoy how pol rushes to find heroes who will march them into the thousand year reich, only to be disappointed again and again
Because it's cleaner. Less potential for shit particles to get stuck in hairs.
We don't. But these fags do because they know they're going to be spreading their arses on camera.