Name my band, Sup Forums

Name my band, Sup Forums.

I can't even find a name for such faggots. Especialy the moron with the mountain dew.

Fartmouth and the stinky queefs

We Would Pay For Sex if We Weren't Poor

The Bear Traps

Bros that fuck

The armed schoolvisitors and the American spy

Three Satanists and a Lesbian

Is this a blue travelers cover/lookalike band?
Like really.

Columbining for Dew


That Lying Cunt & the Restraining Orders

Coats make us cool

The Edgelords


The Fatdoras

Friendzoned R' Us

Losers for a Serenade

The keepers of virginity

The White Knights

the fukin weebs

the queens of fagtown

Bullies chained us to this bike rack

Wish We Were Columbine

Trash in Trenchcoats

The Faggot Cockholes

The Mounting Dewsters.

I think it's different enough to be considered original.

Cuck Fuchs and the Three Fisting Queers

Dylan and the Roofies

The Trenchcoat Mafia.

Manny Festo and the School Shooters

Inbred autistic dewboizz

Three Faggots and a queer

Dew'd Ranch. Everyone else sucks at this game.

The Respectful Goth Rodeo

Big Head Bobby and the Trenchcoat Mafia

Cuck Fuchs and the Trenchcoat Mafia

"Apple Asians"

The Columbine Gentlemen

Cowdiddlers and the dewster

Cuck Fuchs and the Cow Folk

Failed Abortions

El Dewrado

Edge, Edge, and Edgy

3 Cuck Fucks and The Dewster

Nickelback 2

But I Poop FromThere

the fabulous "born to be rided"

Dewminem and the school shooters

The Faggots