White guy sees black dude stealing stuff

>white guy sees black dude stealing stuff
>offers to pay for it
>gets murdered with an axe by the black guy

when will these white cucks learn?

around blax, never relax?

>america, living the meme

>oh wow that guy is stealing shit
>look at what society has done to him
>"hey man, rough day? I can buy these for you if you want"
>"yeah, and the axe too"

>"yeah, and the axe too"

All niggers must hang

white liberals will never learn.


FUCking niggers man.

the solution for the nigger problem is an old one

this is the suspect

it is time to me to proove not all nignog are nignoging: "hey yo brather, take my money so you can say u really dindu nuffin"

west hollywood, a liberal la la land

Anybody have video footage of the attack?

gruesome video of the attack

This happened to me. I saw a black guy collecting cans bottles say to myself this is a hardworking guy collecting cans working instead of stealing hand him a dollar , black guy starts calling me racist white names and charges me with a broken bottle. Lucky for me I'm a ex boxer side step left hook checked him he goes down. I get the hell outta there because other blacks start to gather. I will never make that mistake Again. Very lucky

probably mentally ill...

This has to do with mental healthcare before anything else. I'd have a stern look at my local politician if this happened near me.

mentally ill people do not attack people.

shit was already stolen. did the guy think the now "thief" was going to walk back in the place he just robbed? fuck no.

When the fuck did we start spelling axe without an e?

>I'd have a stern look at my local politician
And then go about normal business as if nothing had happened.

when it became a body spray

I'd consider carrying a gun instead.

Ya they do actually. But the problem is they get away with it because they are crazy.

Should find him and electrocute him. He's a 40 year old bum anyway why waste tax payer money on incarceration?

what does the idiot on the phone have in his hand that he cannot part with?

did the guy survive the attack?

You're a retard. Of course SOME do.

It's actually quite rare, and nowhere as common as teh media would have you belive, but it does happen. You're much more likely to be killed by someone whose is supposedly sane.

I'm going to Brooklyn for a business trip soon, am I going to die on American soil?


Yea they do, it's just that not all of us do.

in this day and age, that's just the default pose everyone has.


The best way to get rid of bums is to give them a one way bus ticket to another city and $50 once they get on the bus. There are a bunch of small towns around me that did this and now they are bum free.

niggers gonna nig thats why .45s .45

just stay away from blacks.

Man dats raycis he dindu nuffin he wiz tryin to fee his famli. Why you punch dat harr wurkin bleck man?

>supposedly sane
You mean blacks?

Nigger hate thread? Nigger hate thread.

>niggers gonna nig

Fucking niggers. I feel bad for the guy, but then again, that should teach everyone to not be a white guilt cuck

are they seriously that bad? i come from a very diverse country and have never encountered violent situations before, most of my countrymen just want to eat, sleep, and live their lives peacefully; not even concerned about politics most of the time!


Niggers gonna nig; but there's really no evidence the victim was a "white guilt cuck".
Dude was just trying to be human & help someone out, primarily the store owner.

mind yo own business, cracka

they problably learned to earn their bread in your country, but this is what happens when the government keeps thinking someone is oppressed and gives them special privileges

chances are, he is/was (is he dead?)
because this kind of generosity is extremely rare outside of white guilt cucks and feminazis who feel like the worst thing on the planet if they don't help the oppressed

it's possible he's not, but unlikely

he looks remorseful. convict to time served and help him get his life back on track


You don't help anyone by enabling crime. You call the cops and they arrest him before he commits another crime. In this case the nigger barely waited for the guy to get out of the door before he committed another crime.

>this kind of generosity is extremely rare outside of white guilt cucks and feminazis
It really shouldn't be, though. But whatever.
An altruist getting axe murdered for his trouble, & nobody from the race responsible speaking up about it, is definitely going to make others who aren't SJW fucks think twice about trying to be generous.

do your research!

This has got to be a troll.

>helping niggers

what research? your genes so that I can pinpoint the cause of your mental retardation? that could take a while, no thanks

>enabling crime
In this particular case, I'd like to think the intended message one would hope was received was more along the lines of "perhaps there is another way, crime wasn't necessarily the only option, it just seemed like it was".
Doesn't really matter what my take on it is though, because all the guy got for it was an axe.

you owe them after nearly genociding them. you ever notice those with higher education support change and neanderthals like you with a grade 12 are total and complete losers? research those genes, wally.


>implying I'm not a college graduate

nice troll, I must admit you got me at first

>you owe them after nearly genociding them
This bullshit attitude is what got Trump elected, fuckwit.
The vast majority you're trying to make feel guilty & punish had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with historical deeds.
All that's owed anyone is treatment as though their race did not matter nor exist.

Hey systematic racism makes people irrationally angry. I wonder why? Hmm.

thank you, too bad the other douchebag never caught on. Here's some booty

ok, nice but this is not science at all. this is a collection of decontextualized fact.
Science is human being has the same DNA, like monkey has. So the context is very important. Have you ever tried to make something about guns in your country, for example?


>never harmed other animals
Look up how many kittens she's had before posting that again.

"Let me take it out, fatally, on this poor fuck going out of his way to help me out" is completely inexcusable no matter WHAT the fuck you've been through.

i knew these poor guy, totally affiliated with Bernie Sanders movement.



Let me repoint you to the comment, as I can't make it any clearer.


i hope you learn to relax once you lose your virginity, timmy.

remember that dumb bitch model saying all white people are inherently racist because of systematic systems

He dindu nuffin, he just axe him a question.

Asian fag here. Blame your conservative white friends. They brought hundreds of thousands of these fucks to the new world to pick fucking cotton, instead of hiring an Indian or poor white, because $$$.

These fucks hadn't even discovered the wheel and many African tribes , in 2017, still can't make fire. Who didn't see this coming?

Go watch videos of people getting arrested. Most of them will say something like "I'm sorry it was an accident I won't do it no mo" then surprise surprise they do it again. They only way those people can ever be helped is if they wants to stop and ask for help. You can't catch somebody in the middle of the act then make excuses for them.

Convinced this is a troll. Niggers were never part of a genocide in America. Inb4 conspiracy theories of the government trying to kill them with aids, crack, experiments, etc.

probably what went through his head.

Whether they admit it or not blacks tend to be SUPER prideful. Someone calling them out on stealing and then having a gal to say "its ok tho, Ill pay for it" was stab at his pride and he reacted, violently.

Hell if it was me and i wanted to play the righteous man I would of just paid without calling a thief out. i would just want to help the store owner. the thief can fuck right the fuck off a cliff.

Ax is a tool.
Axe is a weapon as in designed as a weapon.

>smacks lips
ayoo hol up white boy
>pulls up sagging pants
hol up you finna sayin
>sells some crack
i beez wantin to finna
>dies of aids
hol up
>steal a pack of menthols
hol up i finna uhh
>sets down cotton bale
hol up I finna axe you a queshtun


>probably what went through his head.

I think you'll find it was an axe

You can't fucking trust anything one says to the cops in the middle of being arrested, of course they're going to try to talk their way out of it, as most fuckwits would. I would think, more hope, that positive interaction from another "regular" person would have more of an effect.
But, again, dude getting an axe to the head disproves that.
I'm more saying I believe I understand where the guy was coming from, more than making any excuse for his attacker or criminals in general.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a nigger problem.

>Science is human being has the same DNA, like monkey has. So the context is very important.
So you think we're all the same? Really?

I wish all niggers hated handouts this much. Save the rest of us a lot of money.

that's bullshit.
its just different spellings.

eg. colour - color

nice joke but i was talking about what was going through the thief's/axe wielding man's head.

Was he stealing the axe, by any chance?

he was stealing an anger management book, apparently his side chick said he had issues.

Private prisons in the middle of no where. A prison town. I don't see anything changing. Right. The fake, pretend, "lets all get along" shit. Yep.
The political climate, the left making everything racist. Media. I try to be an "optimist". I unfortunately, for now, live in the "Baltimore area". There is absolute racism from black to white. Usually, between lower class. Whites being kind to blacks is taken as fake, pretending to care, then as a result, racist. Not a conservative, but I'm all for keeping separate. "We've" tried forced integration for decades. Not better or worse. We are all not the same.

It's that liberal mindset of "I just gotta show um that we aren't all racist" by excusing thier shitty behavior and giving them a pass on criminal activity. If niggers wanted to be normal members of society they would be. They want to help people who are criminals yet want to ruin their lives of people if they say something "racist" on social media.

>systematic racism
non existent
and 0.000001% of black people accidentally being shot by police is not systematic racism

people on the outside looking in would see that message. But for the guy with the axe all he saw was someone "actin all hi an mitey" and he got axed.


>dna doesn't exit, my feelings hurt when you say that science is real >:(

>dna doesn't exit, my feelings hurt when you say that science is real >:(

> systematic racism
For starters saying a system is racist just because it is run by mostly white people is itself a racist statement

Secondly, if the system is so racists why do other races seem to not be having this problem? Asians were held in concentration camps and looked at like enemies yet they worked hard and became more successful than white people. Blacks decided they would rather get on welfare and rob people for a living.

Good. White dude just did it So he could take a picture with him and post it on his Instagram #lookatwhatagoodpersoniamhelpingoutthissorrynigger

I think those leftist faggots just assume if they try to help when a black man is fucking up, trying to exploit them, or *when the black person genuinely needs help*; that they'll help repair race relations and help black and white live in harmony.

But here's the thing, blacks aren't interested in peace/friendship/civility with whites, if a white person comes to their aid, tries to help, or is extra friendly; the black will just see them as a chump to be exploited.

Case in point, in my hometown a couple of negroes were sitting by their broke down car in the middle of winter. An elderly white guy pulled over to help them. He offered them and ride and even offered to help them fix their mechanical issue. What did the niggers do? They killed the man and stole his wallet/ride.

There's an old joke, it's not a funny one but it's true, it's something like, "What do you call a liberal that's been mugged?" The answer is, "A conservative."

These honorless baboons are losing their only allies by consistently showing the friendly leftist whites that they're every bit as shitty as the conservatives say. They'll continue running amok until even the most all-pervasive leftist propaganda can no longer hide the truth that niggers will devour any civilized nations if left unchecked. And then it's open season on the chimp hunt.