Has there ever been an atheist civilization?

Has there ever been an atheist civilization?

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Albania is the only country I know of that's been officially atheist.

Every single communist country was atheist
The communist countries left still are

Well the Soviet Union was similar, but the albos, being the morons they are, pushed it further.

That sentiment still lives on with them I guess, for instance, the Kosovo Albanians banned both bell ringing in churches and that yelling imams do in mosques.

My mom told me how my great grandma would pray in secret because her husband was communist and didn't allow it

Ancient Ionians were empiricists.


Chengis-khan era mongolia

we are pretty athiest but we still follow christian values

Half of your women take it up the ass on camera. I wouldn't exactly call that "Christian Values"

Go back to your alchemy

I need to move to a country where women take it up the ass on the regular... Any other suggestions besides Czech?

China. Buddhism and Confucianism are atheistic.

We're living in it.

Having fun?

Atheism is the path to communism


>communist countries left

which ones? china and russia are not communist


The first Qing Chinese Empire was Legalistic in its ruling form.

Just because the philosopher class of this or that Greek city-state was atheist or empiricist doesn't mean the bulk of the people living there were. Most ancient Greek commoners believed the gods were literal beings who literally lived on Mt. Olympus and literally heard their prayers. The same can be said for East Asian societies where the upper class was atheistic or agnostic about God and the afterlife, such as Neo-Confucian Korea or Japan. The simple folk still believed in and prayed to all kinds of literal supernatural beings.

I'd say there has never been a society that was any other way.

Not so sure about that... one can be atheist and hardcore capitalist.

Europe before introduction of Abrahamic religions

Cuba, Venezuela and possibly Vietnam


The Ruskies are the closest we've been.

Um, no? The vast majority of Syria is Sunni Muslim. The rest are either Alawait or Christian.

Best Korea
I reckon Vietnam and Cuba as well

Fine. So what's your argument?


I was hoping that was Kinsey from the thumbnail...

North Korea.

Then again it is kind of theocratic that they worship Dear Glorious Leader.

I lived in atheist Albania. It was great. I walked in a building one time that was essentially a gym, and I could still see the Orthodox crosses imprinted on the wall. After Hoxha died things got a little bit looser with regards to religion. I missed when the sigurimi arrested people just for doing that little cross gesture the catholics love, you know north south west east or w/e. I saw a man get detained for wearing a beard and Islamic garb. Truly great times. I wish every country was like that. Religion is cancer.

Which one are you, the dirty Allah worshipping monkey Bosnian or the Orthodox genocide denial one?

Yes, the USSR..Vietnam and every other commie country you can think of.

Didn't this guy already say that...

USA - current

>tfw atheists will say america is 80% christian and they are a persecuted minority when in reality 80% of americans think the bible is bullshit

Yes, there is a tribe in South America that have no conception of gods or anything.


Japan is mostly non-religious shinto folks.
That is to say, they basically have a shinto moral code with none of the worshiping, chanting and all that stuff.
I'd say that's as close as it gets aside from those commie countries that say they're atheist because they suppress all religion.

Have a tit for your tit.

Not sure they count. The "Glorious Leader" is a literal god to them.
Or you at least have to pretend hes god or its
to the work camp with you.

Basically they live in the Inquisition era

You're living in one.

that no, there has never been a purely or even mostly atheistic civilization.

Define 'atheist civilization'

Chinese civilization is atheistic, but still so somewhat spiritual.

every civilization ever since the people who actually built it only pretend they believe in that shit

please, just use google, for like the 5 seconds it takes, to find out how many atheists there are in the United States...

I'll look towards Issac Newton if I ever need relationship advice, thanks



It's in the same as "grapeless civilization". There's no civilization founded upon the principle of not having a specific belief.

In the same vein*

but only communists are officially atheist

I had no idea atheism was that strict in Albania. I thought it was like most commie states where the govt is officially atheist but religion is still practiced by the population

According to your subjective standards, maybe. But with that conceded, what's the point following the claim?

Somebody's been reading Cosmos.

And what do we have because of it?
Cancerous country, half of the population takes mdma, pings, acid, ket and now coke is in fashion.
Fag marriages legalised.
Left is feeling unstoppable, thinking they can do whatever they wish.
No one here knows their national anthem but they know latest aviici tune lyrics.
Immigrants spit and disregard the Irish, they have no respect and no wonder... How can you expect someone to respect you after you abandoned your culture.

God, I wish we could be normal again.
Ancestors fought for our freedom and now what, fags, super skinny jeans...

Good that there is still normal people left here.

Yes, mandatory reading

Theism is the path to Islam.

Sounds like you're going through some...

Atheism is not the point. Sexual freedom is.


I thought it was the path to Rand-style capitalism.

Every single one of them.

Atheist states have no morals and give way to sex cults while calling themselves "Atheist".
Atheists have low birth rates because they're cursed by the Gods for their lack of faith.

Human beings are naturally predisposed towards religion, to disavow one religion gives way to another. Religious fervor is unavoidable. The reason Islam is moving into Christian lands is because the atheist movement cucked the Christians.

Guess you Atheists will be Muslims soon.

>Atheists have low birth rates because they're cursed by the Gods for their lack of faith.

Were you dropped on your head as a child?
Perhaps atheist states have lower birth rates because they use birth control.


Atheism doesn't lend itself to civility.

To all you faggots here reciting all the countries that "became" Atheist nations. Countries are **not** civilizations.

Civilization is...

"the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization."

No country reached civilization or maintained it via Atheism.

Wether right or wrong, Atheism and Atheist are the harbingers of the collapse of civilization.

fuckin lold

you have a point, in reality its a pretty small section of society but i guess thats the end result of athiesm isnt it, without the base of the christian morals, christianity, they will just be replaced with liberalism and degeneracy

North Korea, Sweden, Germany, Soviet Union.
This should give you a basis on what atheist countries look like

This is in America.

They tried everything once and it killed them

So you've shown us a table the displays that Atheists (1.6) have less children on average than literally everyone except Agnostic?

Who was the smartest person to ever have walked the earth and why Sup Forums?

Was it Newton?

Was it Einstein?

Da Vinci?

Also does anyone on here have genius level intellect?

How does it feel? How does your view of the world differ from 'normal people'?I've always wondered about the day to day of incredibly intelligent people.

Look at the thread title. It's asking a question. I'm answering it.

Fridtjof Nansen.
Probably not the smartest ever but a good example of a very high functioning human.



I think the smartest person who ever lived is unknown. Most high IQ people notice after the first time they attract attention to try not to do it again.

I score in the 150-170 range depending on the test.

I have a few "friends", 2-3, who are in the same range.

Interacting with "normal people" is like watching retarded children scurry around a room slamming into walls repeatedly.

Keep in mind neither me or nor my friends are sociopathic or in anyway emotionless.

However, we all agree the key separating factor is sequential ( cause & effect ) thinking vs emotional thinking.

For instance I was telling two students of mine that white guilt for American slavery proves how stupid and completely hopeless America is as a nation.

>They had a semi-eruption of "how can you say that".

I simply explained to them that in early America negros cost money, often as much as a modern luxury automobile. Negros were considered valuable assets.

However the Chinese, Irish, Scottish or any other lower class early immigrant to America could easily be worked to death, thrown in a ditch and no one would care.

>They could not help but agree.

I went on to tell them that only 1% of white "Americans" in the southern states actually "owned" a slave.

>They began to realize further how un-sequential, anti-causal and purely emotional their thinking was.

Then I finished them off by asking them when their families immigrated to the US.

All three of us had ancestors who immigrated in the early 1900's.

I concluded with.

"So yes, people from families who immigrated to America from Europe 60-80 years after the abolishment of slavery feeling guilt for 1% of southern American plantation owners having an elite class of comparatively well cared for servants is completely insane, and shows us how there is no hope for America"

>They all left feeling hopelessly stupid

This is why dealing with normal people is like trying to dodge the retarded kids as they slam into walls.

The problem is the retards are noisy and good at screaming for what they want, so they get their way.

Meanwhile, Sup Forums is too busy alternately working hard like a fascist's ideal man/being lazy at home/being scared of the SJW publically denouncing them (my category, since I work with a bunch of them) to actually do anything about the retards slamming into walls and bringing the house down.

And then shit like this happens.


>Greeting customers as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” — or even not using the pronoun “ze” or “zir” — could prove costly for New York City businesses under rules drafted by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s bureaucrats.

>The Gotham mayor’s Commission on Human Rights says entities that fail to address customers by their preferred gender pronouns and titles are in violation of the law and could be subject to penalties of up to $250,000.

Nobody on Sup Forums wants to contact the mayor (www.nyc.gov/html/static/pages/officeofthemayor/contact.shtml) and tell him not to shit on freedom of speech. But the left are good at screaming for whatever new cause they deem progressive, so they get what they want.

>Implying religion had anything to do with the South korean sucess of the north.
>Implying North Korea isn't pretty much a theocracy

my penis is at full attention

Buddhism is technically atheist, as is Taoism.

You're not a 150-170.


Literally every Buddhist civilization ever

No, that's Hinduism
No, it still counts

you seems like a hater

>How does it feel?
Horrible. Imagine talking to a bird and trying to convince him that 2+2=4.

That's how I feel even among "intelligent" people.

Left's problem isn't that they can do whatever they wish, it's they "feel" like they can do no wrong.

Buddhism is something that takes the concept of rebirth from Hinduism and strives to gain Nirvana from the constant cycle of death and rebirth to finally gain Nirvana(In Buddhism)/ Moksha (Hinduism) that is to finally escape from the cycle and ascend
More than a religion or a lack of it, Buddhism is a way of life in order to strive to reach enlightenment
Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods, hence there are several buddhists that are, well atheists and there are several others that are theists that adhere to a certain religion (usually something similar to buddhism that deals with the concept of enlightenment)

Buddha believed in a higher power but he didn't believe in the abrahamic/brahmin gods. He believed they existed but not that they were true.

It kind of looks like Jessa Duggar

All these atheist faggots did was replacement of Christianity with PC religion. Just as before there are areas that forbidden for science to study and 'wrong'/'racist' facts. So because whites no longer have religion but don't fully accept science it is a matter of time before they will be cleansed from the Earth.

You are addressing a symptom. You see something that you find emotionally disruptive and you are responding to it.

Is it upsetting to hear about this further erosion of freedom of speech? Yes.

Should we pretend you even have freedom of speech? No.

Holocaust denial is illegal in Australia, which I think is worse than the whole ze / zir thing.

At least the ze / zir thing is nothing be a good old fashion emotional reflex.

The of illegalization questioning things is much much more frightening to me.

Never forget :D

He was talking about atheism for the society.

You are talking about atheism for the individual.

It makes a world of difference.