what the fuck is wrong with Canda?

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it doesn't impair me
accidents while high- 0
accidents while sober - 1

Women like that are everywhere in this damn city. It's been like that for years.

This is nothing new, Norway. Fucking idiots on Sup Forums acting as if Canada only got fucked up when Trudeau got elected. We have always been a nation of rude degenerates.

It's not impairing, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with random ass people driving high.


We have anti high driving ads fucking everywhere. I think it's just women drivers desu.

One of the girls I knew also insisted that being drunk made her a better driver.

You're allowed to drive while smoking cigarettes, aren't you? Weed doesn't impair driving ability either.

Oh well definitely other people shouldn't do it. I need to go to taco bell right now though I'm starving.

>using drugs is not impairing my ability to drive a vehicle
t. druggie


I drive high each and every single fucking day faggot, and guess what, it does not impair my ability to operate a motor vehicle in the slightest.

Ive been pulled over stoned before, but because my vehicle doesn't smell like weed and visine exists I have never had an issue regarding weed and the law.

You mad, pussy? I bet you are.

Better yet soon weed will actually be legal here and it will be even easier to go about my day stoned, can't wait to see the assblast on this site.

That looks like Vancouver and not Canada.

So cigarettes should be banned too, right? People get a buzz from those, too.

Tobacco enhances ability, not impairs.

Well obviously its impairing and slows down your reaction time but its a lot less impairing the alcohol and unlike alcohol i doesn't make you an aggressive driver that speeds and takes excessive risks. Some people actually drive safer when they are high because it makes them more calm. But obviously it makes them slower and less capable of reacting to other drivers mistakes so that kind of evens it out.

Actually yes. Some parts of canada filed cigs as "distracted driving" already like with cellphones

You are fucking retarded

>smoke weed to get high, not because I'm addicted
>getting high doesn't affect me in any way
You stoners should get your story straight.

The people who condemn driving while high are ignorant about the effects of marijuana.

Being stoned is not comparable to being drunk. Hell, I would argue that I'm a safer driver while high.

Obviously, if you're a new smoker and have not built a tolerance, you probably won't be a safe driver. This is the issue, new smokers or non-smokers blowing the thing out of proportion.

I tried it once, and it was pretty scary
I was 2 miles from my house and it felt like a 3 hour drive
Would not recommend
But that's just me

Weed makes your react slower and have a warped perception of time. This is not even debatable. Even pro drug propaganda admits this.

Smoking causes cancer and shit but aside from the physical cigarette detracting attention from the wheel, there is no negative impact on driving.

Weed enhances ability, not impairs.

Croatian education right here, folks.

that's about a third of our country, man. doesn't those frenchies like to do hard drugs and shit

Should I drive on heroin then?

My buddy as well as my gf regularly drive after we smoke. I ride motorcycles only and I'd rather meet them in traffic than impatient business men in audi stations on their phone trying to kill you, or women in their husband's big car that they can't even control. The road has lots of evils but weed is barely one of them.

Nice bait, bet it tastes like maple syrup flavored cock you half eaten leaf.

Prove it.


I've smoked weed hundreds of times, about to smoke right now maybe.
Never driven under the influence.
I hope I never will.

>smoke cigarettes!
>you're COOL and HEALTHY
>oh no wait you aren't
>you're COOL and HEALTHY
>oh no wait you aren't
>smoke marijuana!
>you're COOL and HEALTHY

oh gee I wonder how the next mankind's shit trend cycle is going to end.

he boredom we live in is unsufferable.
we worship idols, we trash them and we switch to other idols. it's neverending, since the dawn of mankind.

"Driving under the influence of cannabis doubles the risk of causing a fatal road accident. "

>Women like that are everywhere in this damn city.

drug whores, easy to get to bed, but you don't want stick your cock there. Spread their legs for whoever holds the stash....

I swear it's like here, everyone of those women have been with just about all pushers. Women shouldn't do drugs

I don't want to have my health and safety compromised by niggers like you.

Enjoy your ugly habit schoolboy, have fun paying back that loan with your shitty degree and ruined work ethic and motivation from your "its not a drug" fantasy.

"Due to the high prevalence of cannabis use, the impact of cannabis on public health may be significant. A range of acute and chronic health problems associated with cannabis use has been identified. Cannabis can frequently have negative effects in its users, which may be amplified by certain demographic and/or psychosocial factors. Acute adverse effects include hyperemesis syndrome, impaired coordination and performance, anxiety, suicidal ideations/tendencies, and psychotic symptoms. Acute cannabis consumption is also associated with an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, especially fatal collisions. Evidence indicates that frequent and prolonged use of cannabis can be detrimental to both mental and physical health. Chronic effects of cannabis use include mood disorders, exacerbation of psychotic disorders in vulnerable people, cannabis use disorders, withdrawal syndrome, neurocognitive impairments, cardiovascular and respiratory and other diseases. "


Literally google "pubmed _____" for whatever topic and there's science papers on it

prove what nigger? the burden of proof is on you as you made the initial claim that weed doesn't affect driving ability.

I want 5 sources in APA forma that show that weed has no negative affect on driving.

sweden pls


>Hell, I would argue that I'm a safer driver while high.
You fucking pot heads need to get your shit straight, this argument pisses me off so fucking much.
Ive driven while high/drunk/on coke/on mdma/tripping on mushrooms.
These were all fun to do, but I was impaired the whole damn time.
And yes, being stoned is comparable to being drunk you silly fuck
Godamnit I hate fucking pot heads "It's not addictive, I just like to smoke it non stop!"

Just because I partake in a drug that has been scientifically proven to be less harmful physically and mentally than tobacco and alcohol doesn't mean I am a degenerate.

I understand your sentiment though. There are alot of degenerate weed smokers. I personally know and buy from some of them. This is why I want it legalized and regulated, so I can walk into a store and buy it instead of dealing with "SA BRUH YOU FINNA TAKE A DAB MAN? HAHA BERNIE IS LITERALLY GOD"

>However, the results are difficult to interpret due to methodological problems, particularly the unknown reliability of self-reported data. It has not been possible to establish a causal relationship in either direction, because of these methodological limitations.

>Having fun makes you react slower and have a warped perception of time. This is not even debatble. Even pro fun propaganda admits this.

I could literally name other 10000 things that also cause cancer faster than benzopirene that are 100% legal.

anyone else really excited for when usa and russia annihilate eachother with nuclear weapons over the north pole

i stacked my car from smoking a cigar

One must be pretty stupid to trust a junkie, and one must be plain retarded to expect everyone to trust a junkie.

You dont know how to read articles do you.
If they make a clear statement like "X causes Y" than there IS beyond doubt that fact proven in the paper. The justification later accounts for variables and possibilities that are not accounted for in the study.

IF they were inconclusive with their data they would write "X would," or "X normally causes Y" in their statement implying their study showed the correlation is weaker.

Scientists always have to cover their ass with "oh, but we didn't look at this part here so that may have done shit" otherwise they get BTFO when somebody actually looks there.

>Should I drive on heroin then?
I don't think you should drive on any kind of drugs but cannabis obviously have less of an effect then alcohol and lots of prescription drugs that people are allowed to take while they are driving. I would say it should be ok to use if you are you need to use it medicinally (people still need to get to work) but if its recreational you should be fined. When on private property i think people should be allowed to take what ever kind of drugs then want and drive how ever the fuck they want as long as its their property and they are only putting them selves in danger.

>Smoking causes cancer and shit but aside from the physical cigarette detracting attention from the wheel
>there is no negative impact on driving.
Well it gives you a slight buzz and your ability to see in the dark is a little bit impaired. But i think being of nicotine for an addicted person would have a worse effect on their driving.


Fucking stoners are degenerate man. Just look at their weed '''culture'''

>I don't want to have my health and safety compromised by niggers like you.

Well you don't have to worry, since I've been driving next to people like you for years while high, and I've yet to compromise anyone's safety.

>And yes, being stoned is comparable to being drunk you silly fuck

Not at all. Maybe if you smoked more weed instead of doping up and snorting coke you would be a safer driver.



It is no use, he likes the idea its great and without consequence, just like all the retards "experimenting" with drugs.

if half of canadians are high then why is it still so expensive

It does though.
I did it once and it was scary.
Had to force myself to stay focused on the road.

I drive while high sometimes.

It really doesn't impair your driving unless you're insanely high and studies have even shown this.



I used to smoke about 3g/day with a huge tolerance. I would say that it didn't affect me in any way that would impair my driving beyond a point where I shouldn't drive. I certainly was much much more impaired after having a beer or two (below the legal limit) than after smoking up. This is tolerance in action.

Also, just fyi, I haven't smoked in over a year and if I smoked up now I sure as hell wouldn't drive because I would be much much more fucked up than I was when I was a big time smoker.

I'm not a junkie. I work and attend a university. I consider myself a productive member of society, moreso than alot of other people.

the whole point is that Weed impairs driving and smoking does not. I don't give a fuck about either of them but this thread is about stupid women thinking its okay to drive when baked.


Seriously he is killing canada.

People are prescribed Xanax and opiates and told to drive on them every single day you faggot ass German cuck.

Sick of you limp wristed Europeans saying we need the government to protect people from themselves because you can't help projecting how fucking dumb and weak you are

I hope your insurance company catches onto your stupidity.

So does that mean coffee is degenerate? How about advil?

Just because something is associated with degenerate behavior does not mean that something is degenerate. You're making an unreasonable blanket statement.

When I smoked I never had a problem. Rip a popper every half hour and stay high for years straight. Excelled at work, never missed a shift and felt fine.
Once you start smoking everyday it becomes like cigarettes

I'm just saying that it did affect my ability to drive the one time I did it while high.
Although I was pretty new to smoking back then.


I'm actually a better driver while I'm high. I think it's just a little bit of paranoia that you could get pulled, so you're constantly making sure you're driving well.

>literally the average canadian

I'm sure many employees who work at my insurance agency smoke weed and drive all the time. I'm sure it's the same for your insurance agency as well.

People have been driving high for many years, yet you never see "high driving" epidemics. It's more common than you would think.

Right, nevermind all the millions of people killing themselves with alcohol or tobacco who could just smoke weed instead, all that matters is no one has more fun than your autistic sheltered ass

>muh tolerance
That's not an argument.
Alcoholics don't get to drunk drive just because alcohol doesn't affect them anymore

You make no logic whatsoever. Are you high son ?

Actually I've ingested marijuana on many occasions. I use a vaporizer as my main method, and I save the vaped weed to make brownies with.

We have pro legalization ads constantly that still tell people not to drive when baked.

It's not that driving while high is safe, it's just that stoners are usually smarter than someone who's stupid enough to drive drunk.

If your problem with cannabis is with smoking it you can ingest it in cookies, bread, chocolate milk, home made pills or what ever you like.

Pretty much yea. Weed worked fine for me but turned most of my friends into apathetic braindead morons, I hate it for that. It just works for some people

i have a friend that fucking does this, i wont drive with him anymore because of it. guess who he voted for

Women are born impaired they shouldn't even be allowed to get anywhere near a car in the first place lmao

And legal drugs are worse, and it's perfectly legal and fine to drive on, they just advise you to become used to the effects.

So how is weed relevant. it's literally already prescribed and it just says become used to effects before operating machinery or driving, like harder drugs

>I've yet to compromise anyone's safety.

The brain of a pothead. Every time you've driven while high you've compromised everyone's safety around you, weed slows reaction time, reduces coordination and impairs judgement.

Have you niggers literally smoked yourselves retarded? Who the fuck is advocating alcohol and tobacco? Certainly not me.

Literally the best adjective for shut-in stoners who are "functional" at their menial lives.

im sure it does

Do they get drunk and eat chicken fingers as well?

The point is that weed is a waste of life, no matter how you ingest it. Just like alcohol, tobacco, and other useless drugs that treat nothing in particular and encourage dependency.

Gross misuse of logic their Jurgen.

liberals and feminism.


I smoke a lot, but I never toke and drive right after. Sometimes I will drive 3 to 4 hours after smoking when my head clears up.

Only addicts that can barely feel high anymore can drive safely, the rest can risk accidents because of impaired senses and a tendency to zone out

They're telling people not to get high and drive because they want to project a "responsible" image. It's all about the looks. Could you imagine the backlash if those pro legalization guys advocated for driving while stoned?

I will agree that if you are a new user, your driving will be somewhat impaired. The issue though is that there isn't enough compelling evidence to support the idea that being stoned while driving = statistical unsafe driving. People who are new to marijuana are NOT going to get behind the wheel as soon as they toke up. This is why you don't see high driving epidemic.

I dont know all that shit depends on the user.
Been smoking since i was 21 now. Am now 28. Had a few on and off pauses but i kept smoking most of my 20s. Got my career running well, got a nice flat, 2 cats and a gf and i do pretty well socialy. Really not some shut in sheltered dude/gal.

Smoke like a retard in your teens and you will notice changes. But once everything is properly developed, weed aint gonna do shit to you.
Theres legal meds and therapy that shit on your life and world view much much harder.

>And legal drugs are worse
AIDS is worse than Hepatitis, but that's not a good reason to seek out Hep.

maybe the law should be changed then.

maybe it should be an ability to drive rather than arbitrary point, it would make more sense that way for safety too.

>he stopped smoking and got his life together
Good. Now imagine how much better your life would be like if you didn't waste money and time getting high.

only addicts can drive safely

>The point is that weed is a waste of life, no matter how you ingest it

That is an opinion and not worth enacting legislation for. I don't believe that marijuana is a waste of my life. I think marijuana can lead to degeneracy and the wasting of lives, but its the culture, not the substance. You could make that argument about anything. Take a look at videogames, popular culture, and anime.

Holy fuck you deserve to have your head bashed in you fucking intellectually dishonest statist cuck moron piece of worthless shit

I literally drive 500k tractors on my farm every day high as fucking kite, while at the same time controlling at least 2 other drone tractors in the same vicinity. If anything my focus is greater while I puff on a fatty of Chernobyl.


>Durr alcohol is bad but it's a part of our culture so it won't go away but pot can nevermind that literally half of all teenagers smoke it because I haven't left my moms basement in 15 years

You all need to kill yourselves