Why God is punishing America ? Is it because of gay marriage and lgbtq?

Why God is punishing America ? Is it because of gay marriage and lgbtq?

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>using a q at the end of lgbt
What are you, a faggot or a goy?

It's a sign that the rapture is coming, and it's coming soon. Get right with God before it's too late.

god doesn't exist

>Why God is punishing America ?

It's hurricane season, fuctardo.

Q means queer. Like your face

No, we are being punished for electing godless conservative hucksters and worshiping false idols.

Then what are gays or lesbians?


>Why God is punishing America?
>Is it because of gay marriage and lgbtq?

Yeah, it's that, totally not the whole "weather events will get more extreme as we continue to rape our ecosystem".

It's the whites trying to wipe out the niggers who steal their women

It's like the bible, they can interpretate things however they like to get avoid any discussion or flaws with their religion.

God just enjoys suffering, user.
Like, "drooling while watching with a raging boner" enjoys it.


>Which is Jehovah with a different name

maybe because its built on sacred indian bruial grounds

It's Karma for all their shit they have done. They get double for voting in Trump.


Shows America is going to get pounded in 2 places... Florida and Alaska.


mother nature you nasty

America's the main reason why we're having such extreme natural disasters, the sooner they get wiped off the map the sooner we can actually try and advance as a species

I don't believe in god but I feel it's worth pointing out that if he's punishing us then he's punishing the southeast which is largely conservative. Seems like if he wanted to punish gays and their liberal allies he'd send it toward the northeast, or give Seattle or San Francisco a catastrophic earthquake or make Mount Rainier erupt or something.

If the best god can do are a few hurricanes then we are fine. A handful of people died and some shit flooded. Damn, the apocalypse is worse than we thought.

climate change
you are welcome

burn more coal

That's what your mom said.

my mom is trump

There is no hurricane. Have you seen a hurricane? I haven't.

It's a Chinese hoax made to harm American jobs and American industry. Sad!

Why do people attribute natural occurrences to supernatural entities. Do they think Hurricanes would just stop happening if people went to church or something? How dumb can you be?

>How dumb can you be?
I wouldn't challenge Sup Forums like this, user.

>America's the main reason
I'd be the first to call the US out; but in fairness, countries like China & India are just as big a contributor to this clusterfuck.

>How dumb can you be?
When was the last time you had a discussion with a TRUE believer?

because we sided with the international jewry

So the religious folk can thank Jesus for teaching them the value of life or something

it's more likely a sign for voting trump

This isn't that extreme, it's hurricane season nigger. It's not like each of these hurricanes are destroying our cities like Katrina did.

Dear evil Jesus,

Thank you for giving us free will and choice. I would also like to thank you for killing and torturing us if we choose the wrong thing.

Texas got pretty battered, and right now Irma is demolishing concrete buildings.

Katrina didn't destroy a city though, it demolished a lot of housing.

And lets be honest most Housing in Florida is shit, just like Texas, it is cheaply made and not sturdy what so ever.

God is punishing liberals for their bullshit.

Thanks also for knowing all of the things we'd do that you'd punish us for before you created us, and refusing to flip those couple 1's to 0's to stop us from doing those things you'll burn us for.
We love you (or else).

You have no clue what you're talking about. Most flordia homes are built to code for just this sort of this.. unless it's a mobile home


The strongest hurricane ever recorded isn't extreme?

But the US is the one who helped spread capitalism and industrialism and brought it to this bloated unsustainable form that we see today

No because Donald Trump is President

Mr. Trump, the adults are speaking right now. Go and play with the american people till we're finished.


Does Europe even get any destructive windstorms? Obviously there's dangerous geological shit that happens sometimes (no idea how often but see Vesuvius for example).


God is Sup Forumstard who makes people rekt IRl just for his own lulz.


There is no god you fucking pleb

No that is not true, most of them are flimsy buildings, they may look sturdy but they are not, cheaply and quickly made and that is done for a reason, so when a hurricane does hit, it is quick and easy to rebuild.

Obviously God hates disbelievers look what happened to egypt in bible

How long have we been recording hurricanes with reliable scientific equipment? Little over a hundred years? come back when you have a few thousand years of data.

But it's not even as strong as Hurricane Gilbert

...Which wasn't Hurricane Wilma

...Which wasn't Hurricane Patricia.

Look at the fact that the Jews have been conquered numerous times and where part of a campaign for genocide.

That one slut is gonna get her head chopped off.
What a scandalous whore - she should be whipped until nothing more than a stain on the sand, the sleezy slut.

>with reliable scientific equipment?
About 15 years.

>China and India
In what way? The population?
If that's what you belive then you are mathematically and statistically wrong. Not to mention the absurdity.

The only way weather is affected is by non degrading or slow degrading pollution. Guess which country is the biggest contributor. It's name does not start with I.

Go look at some pictures of China & India's waterways.

it may not be as strong as the other hurricanes but it is gonna hit more

Was it for their gold?

>The only way weather is affected is by non degrading or slow degrading pollution.
Except that's wrong.
Industrial areas that produce a large amount of particulate matter have been proven to cause extra rainfall up to a hundred miles downwind.

Irma has the highest recorded sustained windspeeds of any non-Caribbean Atlantic hurricane. For the sake of theatrics and brevity, newscasters truncate this to "strongest ever recorded."

There is a vast body of high quality, multidisciplinary evidence in favor of anthropogenic global climate change, but local weather patterns and specific storms are not a part of it.

You are an idiot.
>go look at pictures
That's not a scientific way to quantify pollution retard.

The scientific way has been devised and one of its quantification us called carbon emissions. go look at the carbon emmision tables and get an idea.

India actually sells carbon points to more developed nations in return for money due the fact that they hold such large protected forests.

We don't even know that yet
Gilbert rekt Jamaica and wiped whole towns of coastal Mexico off the map.

Irma hasn't hit major population centers so far

In what way does my statement contradict yours?

Or did you forget read? Or worse, you failed comprehension in school?




god is punishing rednecks for being racist nazis

>sells carbon points
The "carbon point sales" things is bullshit, not helpful at all to the environment, just India's coffers. What would actually fucking be helpful is the companies buying the "points" actually reducing the fucking carbon emissions inherent in their manufacture processes, like they're supposed to be doing to begin with.

>That's not a scientific way to quantify pollution retard.
Really? Fucking rivers full of industrial foam, garbage, shit, & dead bodies doesn't strike you as a pollution problem?

Atmospheric particulate matter degrades fairly quickly. It readily precipitates out of the sky along with the rain. Therefore, it is not an enduring form of air pollution.

just gonna grab my tinfoil hat and hide into my nuclear bunker real quick

nature is punishing you aswipes because you have a president who "doesn't believe in global warming", but he does believe in a bearded man in the clouds, who supposedly is on his side on guides his way. lmao

you are the scum of the earth.

Things that need to die

Never learned much about set theory? Lesbians and gays are queer, but not every queer is lesbian or gay.

>that strawman

Kill yourself

Trump isn't going to let Jose into USA anyways, right?

I could go on the explain the folly in your argument. But I should and would recommend a good school. Or even Google you fucking retard. Look up climate change and types of pollutants and their effects.

Your kind are no different the stupid fucks in pic related...

It's because we've forgotten about Theoi Meteoroi.

Nah he's gonna deport that shit back into the caribbean

what's a strawman about this??

ok, nature is not punishing you. nature doesn't punish anyone, nature just changes, if you like it or not. and you fucks deny that global warming is a part in that.

you'd rather just pray to some imaginary friend that you only get to see once your eyes are rotting as does the rest of your body (dead).

Most chemicals (particulate or otherwise) that have the ability to cause changes in normal weather flow patterns are non degrading or slow degrading. They remain the waterways especially ground water even after long periods.

Though I give you that they do not remain as air pollutants. Though they still exist in the water they rain down with.

You Brown skins are about to get wiped out by your own doing. In a week you will be floating back to your shit hole of a home. Oh, wait. They all just got wiped out by the Dominatrix of storms, Irma. Get wrecked.

Hurricanes have nothing to do with fake global warming you retard. Hurricanes exist since ever

>Look up climate change and types of pollutants and their effects
Climate change is like fucking Global Warming, a misnomer that enables far too many morons to dismiss our overwhelmingly negative effects out of hand.
The balance of the ecosystem that very luckily keeps this planet comfortable habitable for us is maintained by the way all its different little puzzle pieces interact, and globally, we all fuck with just about every one of them far too much.
You can't fuck with the land in certain respects without it fucking with the waterways, which fuck with the oceans, which globally fucks with both the current systems & the evaporation & precipitation processes, which is where the fucking hurricanes start & then gain their intensity, fucktard.
I suggest YOU start looking up things on a deeper level than just buzzwords.

Bye bye Miami. The Cleansing has started

The strongest, and most detailed evidence for global climate change is not collected by NOAA, or NASA, or even the NSF. It's collected by the Dept. of Agriculture.

Crops planted and crop yield is collected from every farmer in both the United States and Canada. Usually precisely counted to the single acre, and sometimes as precise as a quarter acre. The DoA knows exactly how much of each crop is planted, where it is planted, and how much each field yields per acre. This information is collected and archived year after year for almost as long as the DoA has been around.

Comparing crop data YoY provides solid evidence of climate change. The humidity of the south is creeping north and west. The Rocky mountains are becoming dryer. The great lakes region is becoming both warmer and more humid.
All evidence shows an overall trend towards warmer climate all over. Already, the best growing climate for wheat, oats, and barley is moving into Canada. Although the most fertile soil for it remains in the United States. Areas that used to grow wheat, oats, and barley are now growing more humidity tolerant corn and beans.

This is irrefutable, the DoA has the data and nobody has ever "mucked" with it like has been claimed with all other data sets.



Yes, true, you will just get nasty ones more often.

>fake global warming
there you go! tagged the christian retard

I'm sure you believe in god, say your prayer before every meal and go to the church at least once every 2 months

and therefore of course you don't consider any scientific study on the correlation between CO2 rise and the rise in global temperatures.

your god will save you, because you are a good christian. lmao
and if you are confronted with death and destruction from natural forces, you call it "god giving you a challange"


I don't care what happens to it after it leaves the atmosphere - so long as it does not re-enter the atmosphere. Which most industrial particulates do not.
I only care to prove that industrial particulates can cause greater precipitation. And that very precipitation removes the particulates from the atmosphere - which make them non-enduring air pollution.
I have already proven the claim wrong. Further argument is irrelevant.

What it does to lakes, streams, and soil is irrelevant to my proof that the claim is wrong.

Idiot, I actually know what I am talking about. Look it up on scientific websites.

Waterways with a few dead bodies cannot change the weather. It's the hard-core chemicals and heavy atomic waste that has the most effect. Dead bodies can only spread epidemics not make hurricanes retard.

Certain Pollutants cause disease, others affect environment. Guess which is which you fucking hillbilly.

Punish, maybe not. Producing an equal and opposite reaction to reach an equilibrium of some sort, absolutely.

Maybe that involves 9000 mile per hour winds, excessive flooding, plagues, the entire American midwest turning into a desert, and forest fires, but I'm not sure nature's a person.

for being a bunch of greedy hypocrite dickheads

yes. that and the basketball americans. and the kardashians.
