Where can I meet Traps, Crossdressers, Trannys etc in real life? Locations? Pic Related

Where can I meet Traps, Crossdressers, Trannys etc in real life? Locations? Pic Related

feck off faggot

Plenty of fish

Pick one

A gay bar duh...

The real life traps usually just look like dudes in skirts.

Craigslist. Where do you think?

yea theyre pretty prevalent on most of those sites/apps, but fair warning pictures are deceiving. Be prepared to encounter one in close irl their male features are 10x more apparent. I hooked up with one from tinder and it wasn't awful, but little things kept catching my eye and I kept losing my boner. "She" was actually pretty nice and blew me until I came, but she could tell I wasn't into the whole thing. Glad I did it but not really looking for traps anymore

Pro tip: That's why you setup a meeting place and go across the street. Wait for the person to show up, if they do, then run up and apologize for being late. It will be obvious if it's not them, then just head home.

It was definitely them in the pictures, just saying when they're in the flesh there is no hiding behind angles, filters, etc. The thing that bugged me the most was the voice. God the voice.

In brazil they are everywhere on the streets at night all up in a row. Pick your poison

Man even a fatty would do better they at least kinda feminine. Why did you have to hate yourself so much user?

That can't be helped too much,they need to work on it. Just put your hand over their mouth when your slamming that ass and tell them to shut their whore mouth until it's time to suck.

Because some of us like both, gay or not my dick was made for filling holes and I am always the one being serviced.

Mental hospital
Psych office

"She" looked 9/10 in her pictures. I mean I'll say this, she was still semi attractive in person but idk man. Shit ton of makeup, terrible voice, the hands/feet, adams apple, etc. Naked body was terrible, been on hormones for a while but still it was so awkward and could easily tell it was a man ass. I would have taken a fatty for sure

Looking for your mom?

Shit man that sucks, sorry to hear that user. You need to find a good one to make up for that shit.

9/10? Did the guy not mention to have a dick before? Or were u just curious what a male that looks like a woman could do to you?
I know children cursed to be future traps and I have seen traps man I would never fuck nor keep in contact with them. I rather have a friend in prison

nah I was 100% ready and willing to fuck a trap. In pics she looked great but just saying when you get up close and personal with a trap the male features stick out like a sore thumb

Damn I'm sorry user. I got 2 that actually looked like their pics on CL. (I posted the ad, there ain't shit on the T4M). Easily hotter than 70% of the girls i see on the streets of Boston.
They are out there and very fucking worth it. Unless you like dick though. These ones would never let someone pay attention to their dick. Good for me though

I see your point. I could barely keep my boner up fucking that fatty last time (female). I lost some dignity for a girl that couldn't even compete with my right Hand. Am only fucking girls I find pretty now.

Why did you want the trap? Curiosity? I rly wanna know man cause when I lived in Sao Paulo for 1 year I could watch all those traps putting up a good show at night, fun stuff to watch those crossdressing psychos

craigslist, grindr, gay bars, gay gyms

Sup Forums is one place
t. tranny

the local Gay Bar.