Anyone ever fucked a family member? Stories thread? Got a long one from last year

Anyone ever fucked a family member? Stories thread? Got a long one from last year.

>Be 20, college student out of state.
>Living in shitty apartment.
>Landlord raises rent suddenly, breaks the law by giving me 15 days to leave.
>Too timid to fight, so I leave.
>Call parents in Colorado.
>Literally one day from being homeless.
>Mom calls her local sister.
>She says I can stay in her spare bedroom.
>$250/month, half my old rent. I'll take it.
>She's 28, single, has two boys 3 & 5.
>Her and my mom are like 15 years apart.
>She's about a 6/10.
>kinda chubby, mom bod, big tits, short.
>Fast forward two months.
>Comfortably living at aunts and going to school.
>Kids are in school, aunt is at work, I'm off.
>Decide to take a shower.
>Blast music.
>Get out of shower, walk naked to bedroom.
>I enjoy being naked when I'm alone.
>Round corner, aunt is opening mail.
>"WOW what the fuck dude?"
>Scurry to bedroom, dress and apologize.
>She doesn't say much, just shakes her head.

bump for interest


Love yr bob
Show vegene


Show bobs and pusi


Update faggot

gib cont.

Interested. Continue OP


>spare a lot of details
>ended up going into glory hole
>thought my aunt was on other side
>find out at last second its my uncle sucking me
>about to cum and he tazers my dick

sorry i dont have a banana jpg

>Two days later.
>Double check what time aunt gets off work
>Showering again, have towel to use after.
>Get out of shower, start brushing teeth.
>Aunt walks up the stairs.
>"Dude what did I tell you?"
>"I don't want to see my nephew's THING!"
>"How would you like it if I walked around with my tits out?"
>Shrug while toweling up.
>"Don't care really. Just a body. Sorry though."
>Walk past, go to bedroom.
>Next morning she's walking around kitchen in bra and sweats.
>Call her a hypocrite.
>"I'm not naked, difference."
>She starts walking around in a bra more often.
>Don't find her particularly attractive but can't help looking.
>I'm not great looking either. Chubby, not a very big cock.
>About a month later, come home sick from work.
>Vomited three times, feel like death.
>Aunt is home.
>Hear her on phone in her bedroom.
>Walk by to let her know i'm home.
>She's topless folding laundry.
>Say "Dude what the fuck?!" mockingly.
>She drops phone and covers up.
>"Shit, sorry thought you were at work!"
>"I really don't care. Seriously not a big deal."

more op, faster. have this shit ready b4 you post next time, Sup Forums's like crack addicts, need moar

I've told yall a few times. No one believes me. I'm from WV. So of course I've fucked family. Used to live with a girl who is my cousin. Her brother spent 8 years in prison for fucking his sister. (Not my gf. Her hot little sister)

Damn, its getting hot in here

Hope u brushed ur teeth after vomiting, young man

Go faster OP!


He's trying to think of something good to type, just lie like every other faggot

>Know she's starting to be interested because about a week later, she comes to me out of nowhere and says...
>"I don't care if you walk around naked as long as the neighbors don't see and the kids aren't home, okay?"
>"uhh....okay...I guess?"
>Build up the courage to try it a few days later.
>Walk in kitchen naked and grab a water.
>She's eating her breakfast.
>Sort of awkward.
>She tries to hold a conversation with me for a minute and then turns beat red.
>"Alright alright you gotta go to your room I can't do this anymore."
>Was starting to pop a chub anyway, time to leave.
>Try it again like a week later.
>Watching TV in the nude.
>She walks in, about to say something.
>"You said as long as the kids aren't home and nobody can see. Windows are all closed..."
>She has no response, doesn't know what to do.
>"Well...if its really awkward you can always give it a try?"
>She turns and walks away.
>"Joking, I was just joking!"
>Feel like an idiot. Get up to go to bedroom a few mins later and she walks out in bra and panties.
>Sits on the chair across from me.
>"Giving it a shot?"
>"I guess. Not fully though. It is freeing I suppose."
>Feel awkward a few mins later, go to bedroom
>Rock hard, fap and take a nap.
>This becomes kind of like a routine.
>Make a point of doing it only when aunt is home.
>Kids go to school and babysitter, my clothes come off and I make sure to walk around where she is.
>She's getting used to it.
CONT. Getting close here

idc, fun stories are fun

More faggot i'll get soft at this rate

I'm about to walk in for a 12 hour shift and have no service... I need this to go ahead and wrap up


i gave a rimjob to my grandads horse if that counts

Losing interest.
>Inb4 walk the dinosaur


Have a bump

>and nothing else lol

3 female cousins
1 male cousin right in the mouth
2 aunts (one underage and even lower age than me)

bby I am the Charlie Sheen of the South

>CONT. Getting close here
You got careless.

only charlie sheen isn't a fucking faggot


How u think he got hiv

>Finally she goes all the way.
>Walk out naked to get breakfast.
>She's naked at the counter.
>You can tell she's been basically waiting for me to come out.
>She instinctively covers up when I come around the corner.
>After a few mins of pretending I'm not there she stops covering up and acts normal.
>She's actually pretty cute.
>Big, semi saggy titties.
>They are still fairly plump though.
>You can tell she literally just shaved.
>Probably for this occasion.
>We talk for a few, I shower, dress and go to work.
>That night kids are in bed, I'm off school and work the next day.
>Aunt is drinking wine on the couch.
>She asks if I want some.
>We watch orange is the new black and drink wine.
>Mostly talking.
>Couple hours later, totally drunk.
>Ask a stupid question.
>"Want to get naked?"
>Expect her to say no.
>She shrugs and off goes the top.
>"Why do you like being naked so much?"
>"Don't know, just feels good."
>In truth been trying to fuck aunt for a while now.
>I strip and we sit next to each other and talk.
>She keeps looking down at my cock which is full on boner.
>"Getting hard looking at your aunt?"
>"Guess so."
>Were both pretty drunk.
>Start fapping slowly in front of her.
>She just watches.
>Get distracted and stop.
>"Why are you stopping?"
>Continue fapping while looking at her.
>Few minutes later and scoots in and pushes my hand away.
>Lean back on the arm of the couch while my fucking aunt gives me a handy.
>We both say absolutely nothing.
>Few minutes later I blow my load all over her hand and a bit shoots onto her belly.
>She gets up without a word and doesn't come back.

Don't sweat it guys we will get resolution

Could you type any fucking slower, OP?

>southern version ay

Motherfucker type faster


aww shit, trips cannot lie


Fake and gay. Went from barely hard to completely flaccid. Saged in all fields.

Slow typin mother fucker

Good story so far op but in the future type out the story in advance so you can keep the fags with ED interested

Why do people always write a fucking memoir for shitty fake greentext stories

If you're going to tell a long ass story type it out before posting faggot.

My dick types faster than you

Fucking lol

>Next day in bedroom changing.
>She walks in without knocking.
>Expect a bad talk.
>"Look, do you want to just get this over with?"
>"Get what over with?"
>"You're leaving in a week aren't you?"
>I found my own place.
>"Uhh yeah..."
>"Then lets get it over with. We both know it'll happen eventually."
>She strips very casually, not sexy and looks at me like "Well, cmon!"
>I strip and stand there awkwardly.
>She pushes me on the bed and just hops on.
>No foreplay.
>She reaches down, pushes my cock in and just starts riding me.
>Go to say something.
>"Don't talk. At all."
>Stay silent.
>She rides me for about 5 mins.
>Closes her eyes, seizes up and starts shaking mildly.
>Starts riding again.
>I reach up and gently grab one boob.
>She nods and pushes my hand into it.
>She rides me for like 10 mins straight while I play with her tits.
>I cum inside her.
>Feeling panicked.
>"Don't worry got fixed after kid #2."
>We lay there for a bit in silence.
>"Never tell your mom about this and maybe we can do it again."
>Feel excited.
>It never happens again.
>Move out a week later.
>Call her a few times, she always has an excuse.
>Give up after a month or so.
>Haven't spoken in person since I moved out.

dats it guys. sorry for the wait and the lackluster ending.

I pretty much have to asphyxiate myself with a belt and stick a finger in my ass every time I get out the jergens

you delivered. That's what is important.

Thanks for the cool story op

it went better than expected. thanks

pretty alright story bro. cheers

>"Don't talk. At all."
mmm, femdom aunt stories
thanks OP

Got any pics of her? Feel free to crop or something.

Post her pic
Let's see how jelly we should be

yeah man one pic without her face

No pics. I'm scared of being traced and shit. Seen it done.

This pretty much


Don't pull pics from her Facebook, any that you took? Those are untraceable

you can use pic of her facem just not the profile one, cut the picture in paint and rename it, then it´s really hard for image reverse to connect it to a facebook profile

Calling bullshit on story

Don't be a pussy
Promise I won't dox her or you
Just use pic from your phone if you have one. The exif data gets stripped out when posted on Sup Forums (didn't use to before and people got screwed)


Nah not bullshit. I've been thinking about it a lot because next month is a family reunion at aunt's house and she actually called personally to invite me. First time we've spoken in almost a year.