You have 10 seconds to prove this wrong

you have 10 seconds to prove this wrong .
*pro tip: you cant

And the source cited is the author's ass.

Suck a dick you fat skag.

any nudes of her?

Her ass is so big she could safely use it as a second source as well.

thing is

you can't just postulate something and say "until this is disproven it shall be looked at as an absolute truth"

that's just not how it works

It's always the fat useless niggers looking for 'muh reparations'. I know that covers most of them but still..

LOGIC IS RACIS! We wuz kangs.

kek'd, checked, and /thread

Black people are racist, prove me wrong.

The poor thing has lost her pod

To prove something right you have to reason out the rules that make it true. In doing so, you may find it's not true, but if it is true you'll find out why by looking at the sets of rules around it.
Forgetting to think about a thing or two makes proof's invalid often. Lots of stuff can go wrong, because you're looking for 1 possibility to be right out of all of the different ones that /could/ be right.

To prove something wrong you need only 1 example of it being false.

I am not racist.
If you don't believe me, I have friends and family who are also not racist.
They have friends and family who are indeed, also, not racist.
Each of the people I'm refering to abide by the rule "Never unfairly discriminate against those of a certain race" (Fair discrimination would be to notice that they are a race that they are. That is allowed.)

I have given you examples. If you want to keep your hypothesis, you have to prove my examples invalid or false. Not just conjecture.
>checkmate feminists

After 8 years of a black supremacist in the white house. After said black supremacist openly invited a black supremacist group into the white house (BLM).

You're god damn right I'm a "racist".

A white believing that his race has a right to exist or have a right to speech in this country is considered "racist".

Fuck the mindless Africans, they've done nothing but destroy this country and do the Jews bidding.

We are not all racists. For your information, I despise ugly people regardless of their race. Ugly is genetic proof of inferiority. There are beautiful black, Hispanic, white, and Asian girls.

Her statement is racist

And winner for underrated post is...!

What happens if i go to a college with a sign that says "All black people are racist"

It isn't racist if it's true.
Checkmate, OP.

you get ass raped by a group of niggers

So is every race,

Check Mate.

id like to see the shoe horn that got her in that onepiece, must of been forged in the same place as the spear of destiny.

so you are saying that you would stroll down the street in the blackest part of detroit covered head to toe in bling ?????.................i seriously fucking doubt that

>Line 1: Fuck white people
>Line 2: pay me



I'm white, and I'm not racist. She's just a nigger. Nothing racist about it!

its not racist if its true

Everyone is racist

The tricky part is figuring out how much


that the fact she say all white are racist is also a way of racism, which then resume racism as a normal thing and so the word racism shouldnt even be used in the sentence "all white people are racist"

>black people

This is just a nigger who got triggered after seeing nigger hate threads on /b.