Should we be allowed to smoke up wherever we please? Smoked a joint in a WalMart parking lot...

Should we be allowed to smoke up wherever we please? Smoked a joint in a WalMart parking lot, and had some woman bitch me out for smoking in front of her kids. Not my problem, lady. Legalization is coming, and it's your responsibility to educate your kids about this relatively-harmless herb imo. You wouldn't tell a diabetic where to inject his insulin, so why is okay to tell me where I can medicate?

Listen dude I smoke too but that doesn't mean everyone does as well. It's the times we live in, get over yourself. I smoke in public too and have gotten tickets for it(in Colorado) I agree with you to an extent but you have consider that not everyone lives like you do. A walk mart parking place isn't even a good place TO smoke so seriously, if you don't have to place to toke safely, by yourself, then maybe you shouldn't toke at all

definition of loser addict

>muh heroin in kids park

>maybe you shouldn't toke at all

Wow, would you tell a diabetic not to take his insulin? How fucking DARE you tell me what I should do with my body

You know this is why people don't want weed legalized. Because of chimps like you with half a brain. Nobody is telling you what you can and can't do, just consider that YOU are not the only one in the world. YOU'RE thoughts and opinions are just that. Opinions. Get over yourself. And I doubt you really need it as a medicine for your 'shoulder' or 'insomnia' people who really actually need this medicine are being undermined by 'stoners' like you. STOP being a stereotype and start acting like a responsible adult for once in your life


not Op but i also live in colorado, where are some good smoke spots?

Actually, she's right. Walmart's parking lot isn't public property. It's private property with access to the public.

Secondly, the state can regulate where you toke, just like they regulate where you can smoke tobacco, drink or carry a gun. That's because it is an individual right to do those thing that comes with a public responsibility.

Finally, let's be honest. I get that you just want to get high but every stoner I know is a dick about defending every perceived slight about smoking weed. All of you fucks are so chill until someone criticizes your use. So calm the fuck down, Cheech, and try to be less of an asshat about use and you won't have to deal with that shit to begin with.

Props to this man of reason... dayum

Stop being a faggot.

I smoke all the time in public. People usually pretend to not notice or sometimes friendly people make a quip like "smells nice" when they walk past and I just offer them some or laugh. Sometimes someone gets but hurt, I just laugh at them or ignore them.

Who cares bro? Who cares about the opinion of the type of person who would make a scene about it because "muh destruction of society" or "muh kiiiids", that person is hardly knowledgable or educated enough to matter.

Honestly idk anywhere away from the general public. I've heard Denver and surrounding areas are pretty lax but other than that it's just like alcohol, you gotta be on private property

I just think it's unfortunate that a majority of people aren't able to enjoy herb responsibly because shit heads like this. It's a travesty is what it is.

I Love you, keep doing what you do

Not everyone smokes or wants to be around it.
Also, people have kids, you would have to be a special kind of retard to think that parents want you smoking around kids!
I grow, i use to smoke, even i would tell you to kill yourself from your absurd oppinion OP.

Is that your beauty?

>compairing cannabis to heroin

Wow your retarded aren't you?

Ya, outdoor sinmint cookies (bluepower × GSC "forum cut") the seeds from sin city seeds.

Looks really good man, good job!

winners don´t use drugs

You sound like that type of annoying ass soccer mom who asks for the manager for something ridiculous. Please do the world a favor and neck yourself you annoying cunt.

learn courtesy, asshat
you're fucking it up for everyone else
and your analogy: for your sake let's call it

You're right
Gold medalists do

Thanks, some indoor bluepower right here.
I don't smoke anymore because of a medical condition known as hypoglycemia.
Im currently getting better but i guess its not bad being sober. Been sober since 4/20 after taking a dab and immidiately regretting my decision...
Anyways i agree with some of the anons that smoking out in public should be a fine! If you're on your private property, then go for it.


jesus christ im high as a kite right now and enjoy smoking all the time but dumb retard shits like you is whats holding legalization back
are you the kid from highschool that thought it was cool to smoke and had to show everyone and you just never learnt that nobody cares?

What are you, retarded?

Shoulda just got your license plate and called the cops on your faggot ass.

Kek, false analogy. Diabetics need their insulin to survive, you're some faggot smoking weed where people don't appreciate it.

Dat strawman lmao. You heard it here first. user is kill without his sensimilia.

Damn well I hope you're fine and in good health. The herb will always be around haha. And yeah I agree. I still smoke in public, but it's just about time and place you know? I stay away from school, parks, and anywhere that has large influx of people, just out of common courtesy

As usual, OP is undeniably, a faggot.

Allow me to check those buds, I mean dubs

>be me, smoked weed since 14
>now 37
>have a child, good job, new car
>I do not smoke anywhere near my child, before work, during work, outside, in public.
>I keep that shit on the down low.
>"Medicate" in private faggot. In comfort. Without worry.

You're a fag chasing a high, a diabetic needs shots to live. You don't need weed, and being a dick on private property is why some people wanna ban it.