Time for a space adventure, the usual number or even 36 if we get more anons

Time for a space adventure, the usual number or even 36 if we get more anons.

Lil pump

Angry Goku


Fighty shaq


Space Pirate Moonman


H H Holmes

A Black Hole

Gordon Freeman


Hey megumi. Long time no talk. Is wendy here?

bill murray

Space skeleton


Giga nigga

Fat Bastard


Adrian Shephard

Prof. Zoom

Barney Calhoun
since we're talking HL characters
rip ep3





Hey, that's me!

No, it's me, not you


It's neither of you two that's me

Happy fellow

Looks like everything is ready.

District 8 got this

Start it

It was a few minutes
Good luck

who did that?

Let's roll again.


Megumi already getting the right item to survive a few slides.

That was probably a very sad dead considering the situation.

Oh hey look! OP is a faggot! Like always.

Fitting tribute pic.



Zoom has a metal ass? That's new.
You dad is powerful, I wish my dad was cool.


If I'm dead, who is hosting?

Giganigga is the best.

Gotta keep dat metal ass.

Based Barney and his sabotage skills.

Now that Pump lost his body guard, he is looking for a new one.
Father and son both...

Giga Nigga+Freeman=OTP

Lil pump is a god, but rip shaq

user is savage, Lain is a damn sadist and I'm dead.

Sure Adrian sucks at driving around the space.
Constanze with some help using her skills to sabotage a whole station.

Poor Holmes
Can't a Looney ever catch a break?

Though op failed me user so far is doing well

F Red


I guess Costanze really belongs to Lain now.

Freeman is going to have revenge on Adrian now

I don't even gonna ask how some of them fucked up their chances so soon.

So I got a fancy lightsaber now?
I hope my wire fighting team is ready!

Good job!



Of course, Megumi claims the Saiyan husbando, always loved DBZ too much to lose that chance.

I guess the space slug event makes sense on Skeleton.

Canon battle right here, and everybody gonna love it.
Megu was serious about the ass.


you can be sure!

Adrian is dangerous.

F Adrian.

The rivalry is over, and Constanze made a terrible mistake.

good job Gordon

But I enjoy Opposing Force over normal Half Life though.

Holding back again?

Looks like Goku has to deal with machines again.
Pump, what the fuck?

thanks for the rifle sucker

Bill please.

Pump is into some questionable things

you cant threaten me im a god

The revenge starts now!

But i'm a god too...

For such a small anime he seems to love big things.

That's why you died.
%%I actually like Opposing Force, but original HL is more enjoyable for me%%

Don't trust him!
With Goku experience, I'm impressed he can't.
Is Bill Murray our only hope?



Not even half life now.

Fucking game has been canon as fuck.
Pump is a mad Man.
Megu is angry because of cheating.
Murray is trying to search menaces.
Lain trying to cope with life.


Don't let this Thot give you order, Goku.

Pump is a mad man because they killed his main man!

Someone saves him from his misery (?)

Waifu is laifu.

F Goku

The husbando is dead, what will happen now?
Find that out in the next Hunger GameZ in Space.


Nice trips, best friends say those things to each other right? RIGHT?

Pump will replace him as waifu now of course