Thoughts on Elliot Smith?

Thoughts on Elliot Smith?

St. Ides Heaven is my favorite song

Don't listen to him. If you do, you're going to be stuck listening to nothing but his music for a solid year and half. You'll also be depressed as shit. Fuck, it's just so amazing though.



I'm no longer a drug addicted teenager with a meme mental illness so no

no about what?

you didn't answer the question, idiot

okay so everybody thinks this guy is ugly
what the fuck is up with that.

Alex G ripoff


Wrote 10-15 really good songs

The rest is passable I guess.

If he hadn't killed himself would anyone really care? Probably not.

He was no model but he wasn't ugly by any means. For a guy who was addicted to every drug in the book, he looked alright.

I do not enjoy his music, it wasn't that hard to figure out user


>If he hadn't killed himself would anyone really care? Probably not.
Sadly, this is true. If he were still alive today, he'd probably just be a Conor Oberst (just a whiny middle aged dude with an acoustic guitar)

>killed himself

Yeah, he killed himself. Chiba was a cunt but she didn't kill him. She lived off of him and they weren't married. She had absolutely no motive and there's no way she'd screw herself over like that.

nah, he was cute as fuck. too bad his girlfriend couldn't appreciate that.
his first 3 records are impeccable. maybe one or two duds per record. after that, yeah, he was straining his songwriting abilities quite a lot. still what you said seems really insensitive. being able to write 15 really good songs is a win in my book. for all the rough shit, i think he deserved the attention.
as a guitar player, it's even worse when every fucking song you write for months sounds like elliott smith and you forcibly have to pry yourself away from his material.

Thoughts on Elliott Smith:

He was a poet, and he was murdered. He was always really cute but I'm not gay, he's adorable in a childish way. Also unique.

p sure not gay too
but i would make out with him and also let him fuck me in the butt.

>addicted to every drug in the book, he looked alright.

buddy wrote some masterpieces for sure (Speed Trials, Ballad of Big Nothing...), the unceasing boo-hoo morose shit gets old when listening to a whole lp. underrated guitarist tho, great chord work and just got a really good sound out of the instrument

I don't think his girlfriend did it, I feel like he was set up.

She was medically trained and it's common knowledge to never pull the knife out that's gone in too deep, which she did. He was stabbed twice, and had no hesitation marks, and didn't remove his shirt like most people would. People attribute that to his famous impulsivity, but he wasn't impulsively violent.

What's with so many Elliott Smith threads now?