Do you believe in global warming yet? 2 more hurricanes now, along with Irma

Do you believe in global warming yet? 2 more hurricanes now, along with Irma.

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Hurricanes existed before global warming, faggot

You know who to thank..

>protip: it isn't Hillary

I don't think you understand this. You should probably wait to finish High School before you post here kid.

fucking weather weapons are declasified existing tech. There are treaties to ban them, but do you really think that is going to stop (((them))). These storms are contrived and intended as a threat to President Trump. Do not be surprised if he leans left after this.

nigger, this year wasn't even as hot as last year yet we have stronger hurricanes. this is obviously engineered weather because it's obviously going to cause a political shit storm. this is the perfect year to do it. can no one understand why all this chaos is happening?

You haven't gotten the memo I see. It's called climate change now so that anything that happens is covered.

I checked the weather for today. The record low for my town was set in 1997. The record high was 1925.


>you only find these people on Sup Forums

typical Sup Forumstards that don't understand what global warming is

Odin is making progress in his neverending war to protect earth from the Frost Giants.
You should be grateful, mortal.

This should help you understand better.

better be b8

>tfw this is what someone believes

There is no such thigh as "Global Warming" Its all just Hokus Pokus. Its just like you saying that the world is round, Ha! What a joke, we all no its flat. So it is written in Koran so it must be.

May Allah guide you my brother... the next delivery truck.


tinfoil brigade is here

>The record low for my town was hurr durr derp
>the weather in my town is the global climate
>god damn im so american I shit burgers

>HAARP instillation is Alaska acts as an antenna
>Weather warfare was use militarily in vietnam and treaties were signed as a result.
That was in the 60s and 70s. Our military really doesnt consider treaties any reason to halt weapons development, so you can only imagine what we have today. Especially after we've been "seeding the stratosphere" for decades now.
If you hinestly cannot connect these dots, I dont know how to help you.

If it was global warming it would be Obamas fault lol

Did you just assume that user's nationality? Fucking check your god damn privilege!

Yes. I recommend we do nothing about it in hopes that the planet just fucking dies.

We spare the galaxy a terrible fate of human infestation

Based on old info.
Back in the 90's, when all this shit became fashionable, we thought the jurassic temperatures (ten degrees higher than current) were caused by CO2 levels of 600-800ppm. We found out in 2014 that it was actually around 4,000ppm. That "98% of all studies" you always see is 98% of papers written between 1990 and 2012, and they all agree because they're all based off the same flawed measurements. While CO2 does actually affect the temperature, the amount of increase per ppm is drastically lower than people thought when those 98% papers were written.
But at this point you have people with outstanding student loans because they majored in this shit, you have people who've made a career out of this shit, and you have people who've based significant chunks of their personal identity on championing this holy crusade and to get those people to accept the fact that the impact of CO2 isn't remotely what they thought is tantamount to getting them to admit they've wasted their life on a math error.

That's why anyone who questions it at all is treated like a complete retard, because they abjectly refuse to hear any evidence that doesn't support the conclusion they want to believe in.

Shitty b8. If you honestly believe our actions have that significant of and effect, then you are way overestimating our meaning on this planet. Yes global warming exists as a natural earth cycle. No there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.

what is narrative?
what is science?
like most
you can't tell the difference



>using wikis for conspiracy theory

Furthermore if you assume that the ability exist on a technological level to intentionally alter the climate and the weather, you then have to assume that the people pushing climate change at the top are aware of their ability to manipulate said climate. This would make the whole climate change scare ((especially the carbon tax)) a huge scam, or an attempt to globally redistribute wealth.


easy on the acid there bro.

I live with my parents in Florida and they told me we aren't going anywhere. Obviously I'm really scared and today I came out to my father as being gay while he was boarding up the windows. He only cussed at me said I should die and told me to leave. I don't know where to go and I'm terrified.

Kill yourself obviously

sad attempt to derail
is sad

So an unnatural rise in CO2 production rising exponentially after WWII and the industrial revolution doesn't do anything to the atmosphere, you say?

Great! :)

That way, poisonous smog in Shanghai isn't real. Ozone building up on hot days in pretty much every city worldwide isn't real. Air quality in cities shouldn't be measured, because, thank god, it's all part of the "natural earth cycle" (what the fuck were you even trying to say, you moron? are you making up words?)

it's fatalistic assholes like you that we should burn on the stake. would keep you from polluting society with your mindless denial.

>shitty b8. hurr durr!

Embrace the flooding. Its gods way of purging the gays and sinners


id be more inclined to care if you people weren't such smug fart huffers.

>teh jooz
>oh and ze gommies too
sure kid

Lol people who disagree with 97% of scientists just because Dear Leader Trump told them it was made up by democrats (and literally every other major political party in the world)

leave Florida, nothing left there for you except flooding and ass-backwards retards anyway.

I don't really agree with him about that but I don't think the idea of them is that farfetched

You fucking republicans are disgusting. I've been crying for hours trying to figure out what I'm going to do and I'm met with a response like that. If your fucking republicans would believe in global warming I and many others wouldn't be in this predicament.

>id be more inclined to care if..
how about if you had your ass blown off by a hurricane and then drowned in the following flood? would you care then?

kys and i feel sorry for you dad. what a letdown.
keep your sexuality to yourself, you twat.

usually, people have a good assessment of how family members will react to something you say. you've obviously thought it was important to upset your dead with something very private and intimate. you are a textbook example of todays society that just SCREAMS their sexuality into everyones face!

I don't give a fuck if you care. You admit openly to be a science-hating idiot of the worst kind.

Citation needed on that 2014 study you mentioned.

Sorry guys I made this hurricane with my half ton. Shit, feels bad man.

Basic statistics says that the longer we go without a high-activity Atlantic season, the more probable one becomes.

You choose to focus on 2 storms in one year. I choose to look at the past several years of low-activity that greatly outnumber the high-activity years. It's almost like we have verified historical records...

You can come to my place in Orlando. Where you at?

I'm in a little south Jacksonville I know I could go to Savannah GA would I be safe there?

>don't think the idea of them is that far fetched

whatever you say Cobra Commander

>Man I hate trump
>I have access to weapons that make hurricanes
>Better take out the US' favorite state, Florida..

All I know that the virgin island about to get a blowjob

"2 storms in one year" Are you retarded? There have been 4 in two weeks. Reread OP's post retard.

Um then explain the 12 years of nothing over a cat 2 hitting the USA iirc a record or near record long dry spell

Fucking nigger that just accepts commonly accepted narratives without question. The earth has its own cycles regardless of men's intervention.

And it's actually 3 storms, there's one forming behind Irma

Okay so why do the cyclical changes occur? Weather is caused by a change in heat gradient, as well as gravity. So what do you think causes the changes we're seeing? As it stands, 'global warming' cannot be denied at this point. We can clearly see an increase in yearly temperature. The argument is whether or not humans are actively contributing.

>one forming behind Irma

Hurricane Jose, just upgraded from storm.

I'd head further north-west if I were you, might as well get going while you have the momentum. Head for California, or even futher, but stay clear of the Pacific North East -those fuckers are nazis.

its called hurricane season. educate yourselves. but global warming does exist! make a thread about trash island in the pacific. Be alot more interesting.

>Do you believe in global warming yet?

No but i believe in Geoengeneering

Weather Manipualtion

Those Hurricanes were created, guess by who.

>Pacific North East
pacific north west, I mean.

yeah, and in tropical parts of the world they have raining seasons.. monsun, you know, where it rains a lot. But if it suddenly started raining three times the normal amount in said season, people would also be a tad alarmed and not just shrug it off with "lol it's just the rain season kek whadda you expect durr?"

Actually it's libtard cuck faggots like yourself that are the real cancer on human kind. You should be rounded up into boxcars and sent to the gas chambers.

oh nice, gas chamber! there you have it.
nice way of refuting my arguments btw. let's hear you explain that it's "god's will", like the rightwing, retarded, gullible shit you are.

God is obviously mad that Hillary STiLL isn't in jail

>three hurricanes together for the first time in years
>must be caused by man

can't argue with that. op please tell me the fastest way possible i can give up all my money and change my lifestyle so it never happens again

>gas chambers
.. hi newfag, happy with your new Sup Forumsfart vocabulary? It sure shows. Now, take it to Sup Forums please, they'll be real proud of you.

God is actually mad that Trump hasn't nuked Pyongyang yet. Well, not exactly mad, but He has a need, sort of a quota, for mass death in any given period.


>retards says global warming is real
>fucking retards
>retards says global warming will cause more hurricanes
>holy shit we have record numbers of hurricanes now
>fucking shit I hate these retards

Let me know when it starts warming because without fudged numbers it hasn't in almost 20 years.

Lol. Were you a cheese maker?

but i'm serious. i want to give up all my personal belongings and give myself to mother gaia and worship her and beg forgiveness!

it's your typical rightwing tourette's syndrome. that's all they can ever offer.

You know, I understand that you conservitards don't believe in global warming, truly I understand that as a collective you guys are idiots.

What I don't understand is how you guys think pollution has no consequences. If you don't care about climate, then take a look at health.

All of this air pollution is correlated with an increase in respiratory illnesses. You don't care now, just wait until your little 'tard kid is suffering from asthma and bronchitis because we didn't have the introvision of providing a clean environment.

Also, just imagine you are in your home and your dad decides to park the car inside the living room and keep it on all the time for shits and giggles with no ventilation. At the same time he's decided to dump all his trash all over the house, even your room. He's literally polluting your house and its affecting your health. I bet you wouldn't tolerate this. If so, then what makes you think dumping CO2, and all of our other wastes into the environment will not affect the health of the population?

If you don't care about the environment, and our health, and deny climate change, at least have the decency of not being in favor of fucking it up.

You can be ignorant enough to deny climate change, but you cannot deny that we are contributing to a toxic environment for mankind and all other animals. As a species capable of thought and analysis, we should at least recognize that we have to keep this planet clean because it is our only home.

>it's your typical
L-wing praise-seeking kneejerkery

What exactly is that supposed to mean?

Are you upset snowflake?

>believe in global warming
have faith in your science?
>global warming
>climate change
you do not know what those phrases mean, who coined them or why
(you're not helping anything dipshit)

you probably really don't believe that people changing their lifestyle will make a difference. you're way too fatalistic and stupid to get the bigger picture.

>"oh, we all do it! let's go on until that fucking trainwreck breaks apart!"
The source of the river Po in italy just fucking died off. dry spells cause crop failure. just carrying with business as usual with cause a shitload of problems to cascade. but, oh! it's all just fearmongering!

See what happens when you don't recycle and pay your CO2 taxes?

>L-wing praise-seeking kneejerkery
back to prove exactly that

are you a gullible, religious shitstain, cumrag?
>Trumpf says climate change isn't real, I trust mah daddy!

Climate change is definitely real. They are really changing the climate.

okay, godspeed and shit, user.

I have jerked no knee!

you're trying too hard, user.

Please listen to
It's the best thing you can do to keep florida voting republican

if we set aside our differences, join hands, come together as one and give ourselves to mother earth...all suffering and problems will be solved as we march forward toward a new dawn of utopia

For sure global warming might not be real, but the changing climate is definitely real and if any of these fat fuck deniers would even spend a few minutes outside everyday they would be able to tell the climate is fucking changing.

it's just the japs trying to bring our economy down HUEHUEHUE

>being this stupid
by that logic when it snows that is proof we are in an ice age

what's your solution? go on like nothing happened, deny it all?

Yes dumbass the Earth will have it's cycles, we're only speeding it up a hundred fold. No big deal right??

well, i know i walk outside every morning and think "wow, it feels 0.2 celsius warmer on average about this time of day than it has in the past thousand years i've been alive..."

Stop talking with your hot breath, and maybe you can help stave it off.....

Who wants to walk outside into the cold?

we must tear down all civilized structures, buildings and homes...and cull at least 4/5 of the population to reduce our carbon footprint....we're choking the planet!

Last big one that hit USA was 12 years ago ... according to Inconvenient Lie we were supposed to have 20 each year by now ... just shut up

It's 3 hurricanes. It's jose and 2 more